OPINION: On Regional Assembly EXCLUSION and DEMOCRACY MANIFEST - How a mere deputy ABUSED his powers to hinder the North's DEMOCRATIC PROCESS...


TNP Nation

OPINION: On Regional Assembly EXCLUSION and DEMOCRACY MANIFEST - How a mere deputy ABUSED his powers to hinder the North's DEMOCRATIC PROCESS...

After a dramatic scene in the Regional Assembly, Deputy Speaker @St George kicked out two FREE and DEMOCRACY LOVING patriots. This shameless abuse of power shows how a region once viewed as a beacon of democracy has turned into an AUTHORITARIAN and BORDERLINE DICTATORIAL dystopia. Speaker @Cloud REFUSED to comment and told official Greitbart journalists to "suck it up and deal with it" (paraphrasing).


Deputy Speaker St George kicking out two upstanding members of the RA

The wonderful @plembobria was asked to comment on the situation at hand: "Ejecting two glorious patriots is nothing short of a repeat of Great Bight's authoritarian reign. Not only does this compromise every ounce of democracy in this region, but it also shows how the current Office of the Speaker is infested with French agents of Great Bight!" During this interview strange men in dark suits approached Plembob and the patriotic Greitbart journalist doing the interview and arrested Plembob on mysterious and nebulous charges. "This is democracy manifest!" Plembob shouted as he was dragged into a dark van. "Don't touch my penis!" Truly inspirational last words.


@Great Bights Mum showing her disapproval in a typical fashion

Gameplay's influence on the decision seeps through as Former (Interim) Delegates @Pallaith and @Chipoli show their unwavering support for the Speaker's Office. As expected these traitorous saboteurs represent how the fuming hellhole aka Significant GP Region #7 is really in control in The North Pacific. There are no patriots left. There is no democracy left. These far-left extremists are actively breaking down institutions as demonstrated by their recent actions. Greitbart's #1 source explains what really is going on in the inner halls of our government: "These blood-drinking vampire lizards are slowly but surely creeping into every institution the North has. You can see it very clearly. Who is a common thread in every pillar of our government? Pallaith is. As Advisor to the Delegate, Security Councillor and Justice he has his finger in every single pie. His actions show a complete disregard of Northern democratic values and show a shift to the far-right terrorist side of TNP. It's really smart how he has infiltrated this government ever since the Great Patriotic Delegate Plembobria gave him an opportunity. It wouldn't surprise me if he was the reincarnation of Great Bight himself. Just waiting for an opportunity to coup."

We thank our very trustworthy and legitimate source for this SHOCKING revelation.

To be continued...