Results: May 2024 Special Judicial Election

Results: TNP May 2024 Special Judicial Election


The Election Commission has counted the votes in this Special Judicial Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.

Summary: Vivanco has been elected as Court Justice.

TNP May 2024 Special Judicial Election ~ Official Vote Count													
This document reflects the official tally of all public and private votes cast in the Special Judicial Election by legal voters.	

Court Justice    |    Valid Ballots: 50
Candidate             Vote Count     Percentage     Elected?

Vivanco               33             80.49%         Yes
Lord Dominator         8             19.51%         No

Abstain                9		
Reopen Noms.           5             10.00%         Do Not Reopen

Tim Kasto lost citizenship during voting and was dropped from the list of candidates.
Plembobria's ballot was discarded as they were not a citizen at the time voting began.

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: @Sil Dorsett and @Kaschovia
Thank you everyone for putting your trust on me yet again. I will do my best in the bench :salute:
Congrats, Vivanco!

Just curious, do we know what the breakdown would have been if Tim Kasto did not lose citizenship?
Congrats, Vivanco!

Just curious, do we know what the breakdown would have been if Tim Kasto did not lose citizenship?

Kasto only got two valid first preference votes. It would have been Viv 32, LD 7, Kasto 2
Congratulations to Viv and commiserations to LD.

Edit: I chose to abstain as I believe the head of the executive branch should not vote in a judicial election.
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