Closing Address - May 2024


The Young Statesman
TNP Nation

Closing Address - May 2024
@Lionsmeow's sudden resignation was a great loss to all of us. Not only did Home Affairs lose an experienced and capable Minister, but TNP itself also lost one of the burning flames which have animated the region for so long with his energy and dedication. His unfortunate departure left the Ministry in shock and sadness, but it was his wish to move on with a new life outside NationStates, and I respect that decision. I wish him the best of luck and success in his new life, wherever he may be.

At the time Lionsroar left, there were several unfinished projects that required attention. The TNP Census had yet to be rolled out, the manual recruitment queue was filling up, newcomers to TNP needed to be mentored, etc. Despite my relative inexperience as a first-time Minister, Delegate Kaschovia trusted in my "commendable tenacity" - as he put it in my appointment - to complete these projects with only five days left in the term. Having little time left, I raced to carry them out with the help of my Deputy Ministers and staffers, and now I'm proud to report that the Ministry has done its best, continuing its excellent performance during Lionsroar's term.

Manual Recruitment
Sil's introduction of the Manual Recruitment bot was one of our crowning achievements this term. Our recruiters worked hard every day to bring in new nations to TNP, and some have truly excelled at it with their relentless diligence and commitment. Here, I want to commend @Robespierre, @Quero, @Orange, @Star Winter, and @Free Social Conservatives for being the top five most active recruiters! All of you have done a wonderful job, and the data provided to me by the TNP Recruitment bot can attest to that:
francois_isidore: 5610
queroquestan: 2784
united_orange_valley_states: 2100
star_winter: 1430
free_social_conservatives: 910
lionsroar: 519
kaschovia: 192
dantek: 168
sil_dorsett: 108
comfed: 66

Telegram Lists
@Caius is the Deputy in charge of recruitment lists. According to his data, in this term the Ministry has done 11 lists, with a total of 3,860 nations contacted. Of these, our telegrams successfully reached 1,723 nations, a successful delivery rate of 44.6%. In this area, @Free Social Conservatives, @Hybodus (Dantek), and @Quero were our top 3 most active recruiters. Thank you for your efforts and dedication!
1st: Free Social Conservatives - 728 nations
2nd: Hybodus - 593 nations
3rd: Quero - 304 nations
Ara - 70 nations
Orange - 28 nations

Mentorship Program
@Cloud is currently the Deputy in charge of mentorship following Nutmeg's resignation in March. The Mentorship Program experienced a major change early in the term with the merge of the Welcome Wagon into it. The data from the mentorship list was incomplete when Lionsroar left, but after doing a manual count of the missing mentees, I believe that the Ministry has mentored ~50 forum mentees so far. I was particularly impressed by the initiative of one of our new staffers, @Star Winter, who messaged the newcomers as soon as they joined the forum. I do believe that this approach of proactive mentorship is more effective, since many new accounts usually only wander for a few minutes before going inactive and never coming back. If more mentors can message them and give them a list of TNP's offerings as soon as they join the forum, perhaps more will notice how great our region is and stay with us instead of leaving.

Resource Review
This was my area of responsibility before I was elevated to Minister of Home Affairs, and we are doing good work here. So far three dispatches have been fully updated: the TNP Handbook, the Government Index, and the "Why you should join TNP" dispatch, with the WADP dispatch nearly complete. I have talked to Sil and begun the process of moving the aforementioned three dispatches to be hosted on our regional nation, The Northern Light. I thank all those who have given me their suggestions for improvements like @Comfed, @Treekidistan, Lionsroar himself, and several others.

Gameside Advocates
Truthfully, I am not a GA nor am I active on the RMB, but from what I've seen, I appreciate the good work our GAs have done to keep our RMB clean, exciting, and ripe with conversations. They have continued to do Daily Questions, promote government publications, and help make the RMB engaging with fun activities. @Marcus Antonius's (Ethnon) watchful banhammer has kept hate and bigotry away from the RMB for a long time, and I believe his appointment to Lead Gameside Advocate is well-deserved. I also want to give a shout-out to @Laforeia and @Griddyland (Gridland Empire) for being the two most active promoters of TNS dispatches. The amount of "quoted dispatches" ping spam in my Notifications can attest to their relentless drive in spreading our publications to the wider gameside community.

The Census
The TNP Census is still ongoing, with 4 days left before it closes. Out of 147 citizens to whom I sent the Census, 46 have answered, a response rate of 31.29%. The full results will be published in the next TNS edition for your perusal.

My term as your Minister may have been very short, but I truly appreciate your efforts as my Deputies, staffers, and Gameside Advocates nonetheless. All of you play a vital part in keeping our Ministry up and running to help TNP sustain itself with recruitment and integration, and without your presence, none of that could ever exist. As for me personally, I believe I have passed my Ministerial baptism by handling HA as best as I could in a short timeframe. I look forward to handling new challenges in the next term.

At your service,
Minister of Home Affairs
However short your time as Minister may have been, in that amount of time, you've done a fantastic job keeping the ministry afloat. I look forward to seeing you do more and continue rising as our region's newest rising star.

Thank you for your service!
Also I’m glad I could help out with mentoring and recruiting! Couldn’t have done it without the encouragement and support of everyone in Home Affairs.