The Speaker's Desk

Errors are part and parcel of learning about how to do the job. I'm sure that everyone is glad that you have been transparent about them.
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Regional Assembly Digests Scheme
I can announce today the beginning of the Regional Assembly Digests Scheme, a project that intends to increase gameside awareness of RA business and encourage gameside players to apply for citizenship. This is a project which I already discussed in my election campaign.

These ‘Regional Assembly Digests’ have in fact existed in the past (they can be viewed here). However, they were seemingly discontinued in August 2018. I will be taking inspiration from these digests in my new incarnation of them; they will contain the current Speaker and Deputy Speakers, business of the RA (unless it’s in the Private Halls) new citizens and residents, citizens and residents who have lost their status, statistics on citizenship numbers, and an encouragement to join the citizenry.

The Delegate has agreed to helping me distribute these publications with their Comms Officer status. I hope to release the first one today or tomorrow; eventually I wish to release them weekly. As well as this, I am intrigued in collaborating with the Ministry of Communications to include a Citizens Stats Report in TNS. However, this is a scheme I have yet to discuss with the MoC.

On a totally unrelated note, the Modern Gameplay Compact document (which can be viewed here) has been updated to include the recently passed amendments and with the updated signatories list.

Speaker of the Regional Assembly

Deputy Speaker Appointment

Hello! I am here to confirm the appointment of @Cloud as Deputy Speaker. I recognise this appointment may raise some eyebrows as I have pledged multiple times to hold back on midterm Deputy appointment, however the problem is never having ‘too many Deputies’, it is having too many Deputies who are inactive. I am sure Cloud will not fit the latter, and will grace the Speaker’s Office with their wealth of experience and knowledge, and I am sure that they will be a massive help going into the future.

Cloud, please take your oath promptly.

Speaker of the Regional Assembly

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Information Regarding NationStates Outage
As many of you are aware, the NationStates site has suffered a significant outage. This is an actual emergency under TNP law. Per Section 8.5 of the Legal Code, no citizenship removals will take place during this period. Citizenship checks will also not take place after service is restored for the amount of time the site has been down. We hope to have an update from NS Admins soon on an ETA. The TNP admin team are working on broadcasting updates to the region.

Speaker of the Regional Assembly



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