[WIP] The Kroryian Empire - Worldbuilding


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore
OOC: This thread is still very much a work in progress and will be updated periodically as I gradually incorporate new elements into the worldbuilding of my nation. Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration.


An Overview: The Kroryian Empire, otherwise known simply as Kroryia, is a feudal, multinational state located on Sorras’ central landmass. It borders Atoligomer to the north, The Freeholds to the east, and has five uninhabited islands off its (south)western coastline. Prior to the formation of the Empire, four kingdoms ruled the incorporated lands now under the jurisdiction of His Imperial Majesty, Deseius I.

To the northeast, the Kingdom of Muvaria flourished as a marvel of stewardship and administrative efficiency. In the southeast, the Kingdom of Risahrus was infamous for its barren, inhospitable landscape and its rather unfriendly natives. Meanwhile, to the northwest, the Kingdom of Kiyohn sat proudly as a center of academics and magical prowess. In the southwest, however, not much was to be known about the Kingdom of Xusaal due to its somewhat isolationist policies.

Nowadays, the former kingdoms have all been reintegrated into the Empire as the four grand duchies. With a largely decentralized system at play, the day-to-day lives of the Kroryian people are generally unaffected by the nuances of imperial politics. Instead, local laws administered by the various townships and cities throughout the nation are at the forefront of law and order. These laws, as proclaimed by the nobles of Kroryia, vary from domain to domain.
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