The People's Commissariat for Rayvostokan Worldbuilding

Greater Ale Permars

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Народная Республика Райвосток
The People's Republic of Rayvostoka

Flag of Rayvostoka:


National Anthem: "Интернационал" (The Internationale)

Capital and Largest City: Lebedevgrad

Official Language: Obshchiy-Yazk

Ethnic Groups:
Rayvostokan Szlav (90.2%) • Suadivici Kylian (8.7%) • Other (2.1%)

Religious Groups:
Orthodox Messianist/Other Messianists (75.3%) • Zaldrists (10.1)% • Non-religious (8.6%) • Shaddaist (1%) • Sanguine (5%)

National Religion: None

Government: Unitary, Multiparty Council Democracy, Socialist Republic
President of the People's Republic: Daniil Sorokin
Premier of the People's Republic: Sasha Denvikov
Chairman of the United Council of Rayvostoka: Yuri Sernivich

Area: 361,578
Population: 35,353,634
GDP: 901.248 Billion IBU
HDI: 0.684
Currency: Госнота/Gosnota (₲)

National Police: Силы общественной безопасности Райвостокана
Armed Forces: Райвостоканские народные вооруженные силы

Armed Forces Branches:
*Райвостоканская Народная Армия • *Райвостоканский народный флот • *Райвостоканские Народные ВВС

*Госнота/Gosnota- State Note
*Силы общественной безопасности Райвостокана- Rayvostokan Public Security Forces
*Райвостоканские народные вооруженные силы- Rayvostokan People's Armed Forces
*Райвостоканская Народная Армия- Rayvostokan People's Army
*Райвостоканский народный флот- Rayvostokan People's Navy
*Райвостоканские Народные ВВС- Rayvostokan People's Air Force
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"Due to the tragic loss of life during and after the days of the New Year's Coup. And as acting Chairman of the Council of Ministers, I have seen it necessary to name an all-new council to fill in the holes left by the coup and put into place new and fresh individuals who will serve their country well in the months and years to come."

Ministry of Agriculture and Food- Lara Vinogradova
Ministry of Tractors and Agricultural Machines- Gerasim Egorov
Ministry of Assembly and Special Construction works- Rodion Egorov
Ministry of the Automobile Industry- Filipp Kiselev
Ministry of the Aviation Industry- Yermolai Novikov
Ministry of the Chemical Industry- Inna Kulikov
Ministry of the Construction Materials Industry- Semyon Frolov
Ministry of Ministry of Timber, Paper and Wood Processing Industry- Feliks Vinogradov
Ministry of Civil Aviation- Ermolai Aleksandrov
Ministry of the Coal Industry- Pyotr Nikitin
Ministry of Communication- Raisa Dmitrieva
Ministry of the Communication Equipment Industry- Florentiy Korolev
Ministry of Construction- Avgustin Kovalev
Ministry of Construction and Road-Machine Building- Yevgeniy Dmitriev
Ministry of Construction of Heavy Industry- Savva Romanov
Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry- Rurik Vorobev
Ministry of Culture- Myagkov Stepanovich
Ministry of Defense- General Roman Parkilov
Ministry of the Defense Industry- Slavik Morozov
Ministry of Education- Zadornov Artemovich
Ministry of the Electrical Equipment Industry- Ilya Sokolo
Ministry of the Electrical Industry- Isaak Kulikov
Ministry of Energy and Electrification- Luka Ivanov
Ministry of Finance- Ludmil Kuzmin
Ministry of Fish Industry- Karp Petrov
Ministry of Food Industry- Gleb Fedoro
Ministry of Foreign affairs- Vera Federova
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations- Arina Nikitina
Ministry of Forestry- Koloda Grigorev
Ministry of General Machine-Building Industry- Adrik Kozlov
Ministry of Geology- Timur Egorov
Ministry of Health- Ilariy Aleksandrov
Ministry of Heavy Machine Building- Faddei Kozlov
Ministry of High Education- Esfir Nikolaeva
Ministry of Instrument-Making, Automation Devices and Control Systems- Vadim Ilin
Ministry of Internal Affairs- Daniil Sorokin
Ministry of Justice- Stanislav Orlov
Ministry of Machine tool building- Kliment Smirnov
Ministry of the Medium Machine-Building Industry- Onisim Semenov
Ministry of the Medical Industry- Iolanta Guseva
Ministry of the Radio Industry- Toma Dmitriev
Ministry of Railways- Kolmogorov Kozlov
Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry- Agripin Volkov
Ministry of Trade- Georgiy Pavlov
Ministry of Human Resources- Anisim Mikhailov
Ministry of Religious Affairs- Elizaveta Sokoloa
Ministry of Water Resources Construction- Gala Egorova

Note on the Ministry of State Integrity:
"The Ministry of State Integrity, by my order, is to be reorganized immediately. As of last month, all current high-ranking individuals of the Ministry have been arrested and, pending investigation, will be allowed to join the MSI's successor organization, so long as they are not discovered to have been complicit in or involved in the New Year's coup. The Ministry is to be reorganized into a State Committee, the Committee for State Integrity, which will be chaired by Comrade Gervasii Aleksandrov, for the foreseeable future."

Note on State Committees:
"For the same reason as above, these following State Committees have been rechaired."

State Committee on Science and Technology- Sonya Semenova
State Committee for Standards and Product Quality Management- Evgeniya Alexeeva
State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries- Kuzma Nikitin
State Planning Committee- Antoniya Vlasova
State Committee for Construction- Anisim Kuzmin
State Committee for Defense Technology- Leontiy Pushkin
State Committee for Metallurgy- Petya Popo
State Committee for Transport Construction- Loginov Nikitovich
State Committee for Fuel Industry- Abram Valeryevich
State Committee for Material and Technical Supply- Pasha Nikolaev
State Committee for Labour and Social Problems- Sonin Olegovich
State Committee for Prices- Naum Sokolovich
State Committee on Statistics- Yevpraksiya Aleksandrova
State Committee on National Issues- Kodiak Volkov
State Committee for Vocational and Technical Education- Yunge Vyacheslavovich
State Committee on Television and Radio- Yefim Kulikov
State Committee for Cinematography- Zarya Kuzmina
State Committee for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade- Mefodiy Vinogradov
State Committee for Forestry- Domnin Svyatoslavovich
State Committee for Nature Protection- Mitya Zaytsev
State Committee for Physical Culture and Sport- Artem Belov
State Committee for Supervision over Safety Works in Industry and Atomic Energy- Maksim Kovalev
State Committee for Religious Supervision- Makar Makarov
State Committee for Birthing and Parenthood- Konnikova Filippovna
State Committee for Adolescence (13y-19y) and Young Adults (19y-24y)- Volodina Yurievna
State Committee for Newborns (0-2 mo), Infants (2 mo- 1y), Toddlers (1y-4y), Preschool age (4-5), School age children (5y-13y)- Eshmana Vsevolodovna
State Committee for Early Adulthood (24-34)- Lyubov Yanovich
State Committee for Middle Aged Persons (35y-65y)- Alenin Artemovich
State Committee for Elderly Persons (65y and above)- Avdonin Vadimovich
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