Appointments of Court Examiner

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Legal Nerd? Yeah, that's me
She/Her They/Them
TNP Nation
The Legal Code states the following:
Section 3.6: The Court Examiner
33. Whenever the position is vacant, the Bar Commission shall select from among the members of the regional bar by a majority vote, and the Chief Justice shall appoint, a Court Examiner. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as Court Examiner.
34. The Court Examiner will have standing in all cases of judicial review brought before the Court.

This thread will serve for the selection of those members of the regional bar to the position of Court Examiner.
As it stands, months after the open of the Regional Bar, we've recieved one member.
The position of Court Examiner is currently vacant, and such, I propose we select Dreadton as Court Examiner.
I've talked with them. They'd be fine, but they preffer not to, since they want to run for Justice again and holding the Court Examiner title would not be the best look.
So, I was proposed with another option by Dreadton themselves, for I to submit myself to the bar as member and as Court Examiner, as per my experience as A.G.
We are in a bit of a tough spot without any other members of the bar. I am somewhat surprised that only Dreadton has applied. Obviously, it is a matter for you if you want to apply for membership Viv. I would say that if Dreadton does want to be Justice again then it would probably be best for them not to be Examiner, as it would limit their ability to serve in office or the other, given they would need to recuse in a request they brought as Examiner.
Due to the fact that we're practically at half-term, I would like to motion this to a vote. Again, I will abstain due to conflict of interests.
It's fitting as well due to the fact of the new Court Election having just happened.

I vote "Abstain" to Vivanco's appointment as Court Examiner

Given that makes it an absolute majority for Aye and we have all voted or abstained, I end this vote early.

Clearly we will need to inform the Chief Justice of the selection, I would also be minded to say that we should publish this thread if you both are agreed?
I have moved this thread to the public eye, and locked it so only the Bar Commissioners can write in it.
Judicial Elections are upon us, and the term of the Court Examiner is about to expire.

I've created this new thread for the discussions regarding who will be appointed as Court Examiner and presented before the Court.

In relation to this, I would be minded to say that we should ask all of the current members of the bar whether they wish to be considered, given we now have more than just two in the whole membership.

I think that I would prefer a candidate who doesn’t themselves hold high office, given that could create some amount of conflict with the role of Examiner, but I would be open to Pallaith or Gorundu if they are willing.

I would be against them both personally from holding office as they are both either a high office or a government member, both of which can lead to a conflict of interest and a vulnerability of independence.

I've just noticed we already had a thread for this, for public.
I will move these posts to said one tomorrow.
In conclusion, to all Bar Members;

If anyone would like to be Court Examiner for this term, do let any of the Bar Commissioners know.
There seems to be a lack of interest currently and one of the potential candidates is even running. Thus:
I propose myself again for the role of Court Examiner
Considering the election is over, I believe we've had time to discuss our thoughts. Since no other proposal has been set, or negative comment about the candidate, I do believe they will serve well within the spot of Court Examiner.

I shall vote "Aye" for the Appointment of TlomzKrano as Court Examiner this court's term.
Having all voted in favor, I end this vote early by unanimity.
I shall inform the Chief Justice of our decision once they have been chosen.
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