Freedom of Information Request: TNPU (again)


TNP Nation
Pursuant to clause 24 of Chapter 7 of the Legal Code of The North Pacific, I request the release of private government records as detailed below.

I request the release of such logs, transcripts, minutes, or other similar records as exist in relation to the meeting of the Council of The North Pacific University held on or about 14 July 2020 at which amendments to the Charter of the University or the adoption of a new Charter was discussed. I limit my request only to those records which are of the meeting itself; I do not request any records that may exist showing discussions preparatory to or concerning the meeting or implementing decisions made at the meeting.
Here we are, some confusion on the date as I was reviewing due to the desired logs being held on the 11th of July as opposed to the 14th.


July 11th, 2020
[4:32 PM] Wonderess: @University Council I would like to call a voice vote on the above revision noting there are currently 5 members eligible to vote which means a vote of 4 is enough to pass it.
[4:33 PM] Wonderess: I vote Aye
[4:35 PM] Marcus Antonius: I vote Nay
[4:38 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): 4/5 instead of 3/5? It requires that much?
[4:39 PM] Wonderess: It requires 2/3
[4:39 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): Ah
[4:39 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): Dangerous game we’re playing then isn’t it
[4:39 PM] Wonderess: I can be frank about it
[4:40 PM] Wonderess: If need be a new person can be appointed to the council by a simple majority and then I can hold the vote to reach my desired threshold
[4:40 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): Ha
[4:40 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): That could be fun. And if you don’t have the votes now why would your lemming be confirmed?
[4:41 PM] Wonderess: Because I have already guaranteed that a majority of this council will vote in favor
[4:41 PM] Wonderess: so that same majority can confirm a new member
[4:41 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): Have you guaranteed that though? Lots of things have happened after all
[4:42 PM] Wonderess: Well, last time I checked the University had nothing to do with the World Assembly
[4:43 PM] Wonderess: and seeing I seem to be the only one willing to put time and effort into restoring the University, being uncooperative would seem to be an unreasonable choice
[4:43 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): Uncooperative and unreasonable are excellent words linking the two unrelated topics that we’ve discussed here
[4:44 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): What happens if someone abstains?
[4:44 PM] Wonderess: It requires the approval of 2/3rds so it would be damning
[4:48 PM] Wonderess: The bottom line is that I need a council that is active and willing to help me make an active and vibrant Uni into a reality which is why the council appointment procedure is not as permanent as it is now. Ministers can dismiss deputies at a snap, but I at least allow anyone to finish their term or seek the approval of the council to be removed. I dont think my proposal is unfair at all.
[4:48 PM] Wonderess: It balances a need for fairness with my need to have active people
[5:46 PM] Marcus Antonius: With all due respect Wondo - it's not you that chooses the Council, nor you to dismiss Council Members. You fully agreed with our Charter and how TNPU was set up last year.
The TNPU Charter overrides the Delegates Directive - something that you had to remind me about in the past :wink: .

(our current charter reads - I have made amendments in bold that will need to be agreed upon by Council)
The Council and the Chancellor

(2) The University shall, excluding provisions of this Charter, be led by a principal executive and policy-making body known as “The Council”. The Council shall hold the power to define overall policy, appoint and dismiss members of the Executive Staff, review complaints and resolve disputes regarding the interpretation of this Charter. It shall be composed of Five members:

(a) Three members permanently appointed by the Council, and who may be removed by said body,
(b) Two members appointed by the Council when an opening arises.
(c) The University Council (excluding the Chancellor) is responsible for the nomination of a Chancellor. This nomination shall be submitted to the Delegate who then may confirm or reject the nomination after discussion with The Council. The term of the Chancellor shall not be vacated until a confirmation from the delegate has been reached.

[5:46 PM] Marcus Antonius: (5) The Chancellor may make suggestions to the Council about the appointment and dismissal of members of the Executive Staff. They may also provisionally suspend and appoint staff in between meetings of the Council, which must be affirmed by the Council to become permanent. The Chancellor may also deal with complaints levied against the University provisionally, to be discussed at the next meeting of the Council.
(i) In the event that a member of staff is a member of the Council, they shall have their voting rights suspended on any votes regarding their status.

(6) Dismissal of the Chancellor shall require a seventy-percent affirmative vote by the Council, and may only be initiated at the behest of at least Three Council Members.

(7) A Council Member may have their membership suspended at the behest of three other council members, with the agreement of the Chancellor.

(8) Council Members appointed at the behest of the Chancellor may be suspended with the support of the Council and shall lose their seat if approved by the Council. No approval by the other Council Members is required.

(9) Any Council Member may resign their seat through a written notice to the Chancellor. Council Members appointed at the behest of the Chancellor shall be replaced in the same method as they are appointed.

The current members of the Council are :-


Looking back - I faced criticism on appointing you to the Council in the first place. In this thread I answered the question posed and on how the initial Council was appointed.
[5:47 PM] Marcus Antonius: @Wonderess :arrow_up_small:
[5:53 PM] Wonderess: Well the issue is that your system isnt working and the council is dead
[5:53 PM] Wonderess: It has taken a great deal of force on my part to even get people in here to respond to me
[5:53 PM] Wonderess: The model is therefore proven to be broken, and I wish to rectify that model
[5:56 PM] Goddess of Death: My vote it nay
[5:57 PM] Ghost (Pallaith): I abstain, and I wish Wondo luck on the appointment of his puppet
[5:58 PM] Wonderess: I cant believe this
[5:59 PM] Wonderess: Im going to move on before I say something I will very much regret, but I will consider my options.
[6:13 PM] Goddess of Death: Be sure to read up on the Charter then.

July 12th, 2020
[7:47 AM] Marcus Antonius: @University Council As of 2125hrs (BST) yesterday, Wonderess officially became Chancellor of TNPU I have left the office nice and tidy, I have even left all the stationary. I have also left some beautiful mounted (later period) prints by Jacques Joseph Tissot on the walls, they gave me a lot of pleasure when I was young. I have taken with me my 1st edition of Charles Darwin's - On the Origin of Species.
It appears I have had my moderation powers removed as of 2243hrs
@Wonderess at your convenience, could you please unlock this thread for me so I can carry on with the book (the reason I kept it locked was so there were no comments between the chapters - I would unlock the books when the book was complete) Thank you. :smiley:
[12:19 PM] Wonderess: All done @Marcus Antonius. If anyone disrupts your thread, tell me and I will move their posts elsewhere
[12:26 PM] Marcus Antonius: Thank you @Wonderess :slight_smile:

July 14th, 2020
[1:18 AM] Wonderess: @University Council I resign as Chancellor effective according to the rules of the current Charter.
[3:34 AM] Prydania: @University Council please begin the process in nominating another Chancellor
[3:37 AM] Ghost (Pallaith): Marcus
[5:59 AM] Prydania: So I'm going to say this, and I want to stress this is not a threat or a warning. I'm not planning anything, nor do I wish to have to DO anything in this regard. I'm mostly just talking, and airing my thoughts.

Is Wondo a polarizing figure? Yes. Were all of his reforms perfect? No. That being said he was excited for the university. He wanted to make it something.
Him leaving because he didn't get his way is unfortunate, and it's on him, but that doesn't change that he wanted an active university.

Whoever is chosen as Chancellor, and whoever else is named to this council, should have at least some of that same eagerness. I don't want the Uni to atrophy and fall apart. We lost someone who wanted to make this work, and I would rather we overcome that loss by making it work regardless.
[9:00 AM] Marcus Antonius: @Prydania @University Council I must echo the thoughts of our esteemed Delegate and fellow Council Member. I agree on his thoughts of Wondo. I too was shocked at his apparent 'rage quitting' of his post and the region. Sadly this reveals to us some of the aspects of his character.

Personalities aside, I am in full agreement that, of us all, Wondo would have been the one to bring discussion into the TNPU forums. He really wanted the 'Chancellorship' and got it.

I voted 'nay' to Wondo's reforms on the principle that they were too sweeping, effectively removing the hours of great work that Artemis and myself had built upon last year. Wondo believed the 'model' was broken. I disagree. The foundation of TNPU is sound. Wondo's idea of The Executive Staff to take part in University sanctioned academic projects and help organise, further, and publicise the University was an excellent idea. I was, however, especially concerned about his point of being able to remove Council Members and have new people who cared about TNPU and his vision. Despite the fact that all the Council Members do care about TNPU.

My view on the Council is basically this - they are the ultimate check and control over the University and Chancellor. They were chosen for the position originally as supporters of TNPU and high standing citizens of the Region, so there is no surprise that there are ex-Delegates and members of the SC among it's body. They are not obligated to have an active role within TNPU.

So where does the activity within TNPU supposed to emanate?

The answer is..........from the Citizens themselves! With encouragement - NOT Directives from the Chancellor and Division Heads. "You cannot lead a horse to water". There already exists a TNPU Executive Staff Membership where Lecturers and prospective Division heads could be recruited from. We are still getting requests to join TNPU Exec.
