[DRAFT] Commend The North Pacific

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Category: Commendation | Nation/Region: The North Pacific​

Seeing that the North Pacific is one of the oldest regions in NationStates and that the region has vast experience with nations within the region and how the nations are managed and how the region’s administration can make any nation within knowing much about the wonderful hospitality that the region provides as well as seeing that the North Pacific will do anything to get every nation engaged which is a fundamental part of a region;

Further seeing that the North Pacific are committed to provide lots of world-class hospitality by sending occurring regional telegrams via the regional nation- The Northern Light to inform most nations about the number of endorsements given, how the nations within will get rewards such as trading cards for exchanging endorsements between other WA nations within the region and encouraging the non-WA nations within to join the World Assembly as well as seeing a friendly regional board that the nation’s posting there have always sent positive messages for the region to see and lastly that the region holds democratic elections and that they can allow many nations within their region a chance to join the region’s executive staff on the regional forum;

Realizing that the North Pacific have done so much to promote the World Assembly within the region and that they accept any nation from anywhere can join the community and where nations are actively engaged and feel welcome within the North Pacific using the region’s many awards, chances to join many committees and councils within the region and how the region’s admin consolidate the region’s government and security despite the thousands of nations in the region is remarkable and are always striving for The North Pacific;

Further Realizing that the North Pacific always try and welcome newcomers to the region with a friendly welcome telegram, as well as many opportunities are here at the region and that there is never nothing to do within the region and that every nation are actively participating in the many things you can do within The North Pacific and how the region will always try and maintain that feel of welcome and that the nation’s within are friendly and very welcoming and throw drama out the door as all nations would see in their positively-enriching regional message board and lastly how the region will even give you rewards just to promote the WA is magnificent;

Acknowledging all the region’s endeavors in promoting the World Assembly, keeping the peace via the regional government, encouraging nation’s within to embrace the international politics of the World Assembly and to make a nation truly feel a welcome any time of the day;

Further acknowledging the regional administration’s great intentions to strive for all that can be done to make every nation whether newly founded or joining The North Pacific will feel that enlightenment of their welcome and that the region will always strive for the complete utter betterment of the huge region of The North Pacific and that the region’s admin have never put a foot wrong ever since;

Confident that the region will always continue their endeavors in promoting the peace within such a big region of many nations with many intentions and The North Pacifc will always strive in the future of the region, no matter how much the region may face, for the betterment of the region;

Thus hereby commends The North Pacific.
Self-commendations are frowned upon.
They’ve been told this by both Gorundu and I, but in addition to that I also told them that authoring such a proposal as this will require going into greater detail and providing further elaboration upon the deeds of the North Pacific and how our actions are commendable. As an author, you always have to make that connection rather than simply just saying that the nominee, nation or region, did X, Y, and Z.

They have been receptive to this feedback.
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