World Cleanup (NPA/SPSF/RRA/ERN): 29 September 2019


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

The Ministry of Defense
29 September 2019

On the twenty-ninth (29th) of September's minor update, troops from four different military organizations gathered in the Ministry of Defense's Discord server. In a highly anticipated event, thirty-four (34) regions were detagged cumulatively. Three teams were lead by General Malphe, High Commander Frattastan of RRA, and myself. Overall, a grand total of twenty-seven updaters were amassed this update and the North Pacific Army was proudly represented by thirteen soldiers all in attendance. The South Pacific Special Forces was represented by five soldiers, the Rejected Realms Army was represented by five soldiers, and the Europeian Republican Navy was represented by four soldiers. The names of each organization's personnel may be found below:

The North Pacific Army (NPA):

General Robespierre (Team Leader, Trigger)
General Malphe (Team Leader, Trigger, Point)
General QuietDad
General Zazumo (Point)
Colonel Koopa
Colonel Trondstorm (Point)
Major Bobberino
Captain Dinoium (Point)
Lieutenant Agadir (Point)
Corporal Rom
Corporal Deerfen
Private First Class Gorundu
Private Ocelot

The South Pacific Special Forces (SPSF):

General Heliseum
General Roavin (Point)
General Nakari (Point)
Soldier Eritis
Trainee 0tt0 (Point)

The Rejected Realms Army (RRA):

High Commander Frattastan (Team Leader, Trigger, Point)
Sergeant Neop
Soldier Bormiar/twerty
Soldier Sarah Bread
Soldier Pharcyde

The Europeian Republican Navy (ERN):

Grand Admiral HEM
Commodore Darcness
Ensign Pichtonia
Mate Istillian

Regions (Detags):

Community of Nations
Warzone AOAN
The Concord of Nations
Imperium of Arskodia
International Space Station
The Coalition of Haven
Union of Slavic Socialist States
The Unity
The Jungles of Ooga Booga
The Global Democracy Union
The Geopolitics RolePlay Region
Oppression is the Best
Non Conformists Unite
Look at that Tree
United Democratic States
Old Northern Utopia
Southern Africa
NationStates Bar and Pool
The Undead States
Frese States
New Coego
Your Mother
Sacro Imperio de Meistersinger
Der Berliner Pakt
Alliance of Northern Somewhere
Irish Free State


Major @Bobberino is hereby promoted to Colonel
Private @Ocelot is hereby promoted to Private First Class

... Congratulations to our newest Colonel of the North Pacific Army and our newest Private First Class of the North Pacific Army! Additionally, special thanks goes out to High Commander Frattastan of RRA, General Heliseum of SPSF, and Grand Admiral HEM of ERN for expertly coordinating this mass joint operation with me! Cooperation is vital to the success of these types of operations and today our allies from abroad demonstrated that in excellent fashion. All who talk part should be proud - hail the North Pacific Army! :D
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Was a very fun and efficiently done op. Glad to work with so many other orgs ^-^
Thank you very much! It's been a great term so far and let's make it even better.