You have the exact same campaign as the other Vice Delegate contenders (except me of course). Holy hell that is boring. What makes you not boring?
Well most Vice Delegate candidates tend to have a similar campaign well to be honest, some of my plans are similar to my opponents in this election but if you think they are all boring, then that's fine..
Sil Dorsett:
The Vice Delegate invites more people to the Security Council if they meet the requirement and apply.
1. Aside from that not being constitutionally defined... What would be your criteria for inviting someone to apply for the Security Council? Do you base this on endorsement and influence level alone or are there other factors you haven't mentioned?
Well I would mainly invite people who meet the requirements that are stated in the SC dispatch which our 500+ Endorsements and has a influence score of (Soft Power Disbursement Rating) within The North Pacific greater than or equal to 182,500, or an influence rank within The North Pacific greater than or equal to Apprentice, whichever is lower. But due to how much power the Council has (such as to remove a rogue delegate in a majority vote), I would also invite people who had some government or military position but if the Vice Delegate and/or the Delegate is threatened by a non SC member that has an endorsement count of 50 per cent of the serving Delegate's endorsement count, I would also invite but wile the government/military position isn't required, it's a good idea for them to at least had a position in The North Pacific before applying, I don't mind if they no longer have a position but I at least want SC candidate that have had some position in TNP..
Sil Dorrest:
2. As the VD is the Chair of the Security Council, do you have any plans to support the council in raising their endorsement levels? What would you do, if anything, or do you feel it is solely the councilor's responsibility?
Well the endorsement count is both high and low, but we have many people with about 500 or more, I think it should be raised to 550 or 600. And about your councilor question, I got a bit confused on that, would you please, if you mind, to clarify on the question a little more..
Sil Dorrest:
3. You mentioned expanding the WADP. How?
Well it isn't easy but my idea is to work with the Home Affairs ministry in order to try to send more telegrams to our non WA nations to join, then with our endorsement page, I will check and make a list with the HA Ministry of people not endorsing Siwale or a member of the Security Council, after the list is made, I will telegram them about the great things about endorsing the Delegate and Security Council, this of course will only go out to WA members that haven't endorse a member of the SC or Delegate and while we can't force them to endorse them, I would work with the SC in order to make the program better with more awards like click to endorse champions and try to make more and more of them before the term is over.. Again, with the help of the HA Ministry, we will send out telegrams about the WADP and what the benefits are!!
Sil Dorrest:
"The Vice Delegate help with the Citizenship checks."
4. After incorrectly describing the Vice Delegate check in your last campaign thread, do you understand what your mistake was? Can you describe what the Vice Delegate check actually is?
I have learned from my mistakes from that after Darc (Zeph) explained that it was the Admin and Speaker's job to do that, but after reading some more, the Vice Delegate will only not accept if the Vice Delegate finds the user who are applying citizenship pose a security risk, if so, the Vice Delegate will discuss this with the Security Council and by a majority vote, should the security council decide the nation proposes a security threat, the Vice Delegate will not accept the citizenship application, as stated in the Security Council Procedure..
Article 4: Citizenship Applications:
1. Members of the Council and the Vice Delegate will discuss citizenship applicants who may constitute a security risk. Such discussions may be initiated by the Vice Delegate or any concerned member of the Council.
2. By majority vote, the Council may formally deem a nation to be a security risk, and recommend appropriate action to be taken in the case that such a nation applies for citizenship. Such recommendations are not binding on the Vice Delegate.
Sil Dorrest:
5. In your last campaign, after quoting the requirements for entry into the Security Council, you stated...
"As such, if you meet these requirements, you must apply for the Security Council and the Regional Assembly will vote on you being accepted or now, the Vice Delegate must warn the rising nation to prevent it from being Ejected or banned."
Can you point out the fallacy in that statement and explain why your previous statement is wrong?
Well first of all, I forgot that the nation must meet the requirements of course even tho it says "If you meet these requirements", it doesn't clarify too much but if you do, you don't just go to the security council thread and say "I apply for the security council.." The Vice Delegate must send the telegram first, then you are to apply, after some discussion with the security council, the Vice Delegate will bring it up to the Regional Assembly, it doesn't go right for a vote, it first needs to be discussed and debated about, and it could fail before its voted on with 3 objections.. But if it's motioned and seconded, it will have its formal debate and finally if it survives formal debate, will be voted on by the Regional Assembly..
I would imminently alert the delegate that someone has more than 500 endorsements from the Vice Delegate and warn them, if they don't leave the WA and remove their WA endorsements, they will be banjected for breaking the law..
Technically we would alert them to apply to become a councillor, otherwise we would need to take action as it poses a security threat..
Sil Dorrest:
6. Pop Quiz: McMasterdonia, the Acting Vice Delegate, has the Border Control in-game power. Under what authority does McMasterdonia have that power?
Legal Code:
7. The Serving Delegate may assign Border Control powers to any of the three members of the Security Council earliest in the Order of Succession.
Mcmasterdonia has been a security councilor for some years if my correct (not including the mod WA ban during Mcm's delegacy), and Mcmasterdonia is the second most endorsed person in TNP and the world.. And before you say "We can give officers Border Control if we want!!"
Legal Code:
6. The Serving Delegate may assign any Regional Power, with the exception of Border Control, to any government official or nation created for the purpose of performing government functions.
While Deropia was Vice Delegate and first in the line of succession (due to him being VD), he wasn't an official Security Council member and wasn't even one of the most endorsed like Mcm and Ghost..
Sil Dorrest:
7. Why do you feel that it is necessary for a nation under a reckless endorsement warning to immediately leave the WA to fix the issue? Is asking them to discontinue endotarting or ask others to remove their endorsement not enough? Before I was a member of the Security Council, I was under a watch myself when I was up to about 750 endorsements. When I was told about it I did those very two things, discontinue endotarting and request unendorsement, and eventually attrition did the job. Do you believe that is no longer sufficient?
Well as stated above, I wouldn't imminently go up to them and say "Leave the WA right now!!", I would rather give them a chance to apply first in the SC thread, however, if they don't, action may be required.. I don't think we should just stop their endotarting dreams, I actually would encourage but if they do meet the requirements listed above, I would warn them and tell them to apply or otherwise if they refuse to, we will take action and will alarm the SC..
Sil Dorrest:
8. What are your plans for September?
If my term goes well, I may run but I will only accept a nomination from someone else to show if I did a good job as VD (if I were to win), however, if I don't win this special election first, I would mainly go for another office..
Some would say that you lack the SC experience of Ghost, how would you respond?
I wouldn't say they are wrong, I haven't been part of the SC yet while Ghost has.. But I still have plans and I have read up about the job of the SC and VD..