Siwale for Delegate
Hello all!
As promised, I am running for Delegate of The North Pacific! Throughout my time in TNP, I have had the opportunity to serve in a number of different capacities, including Vice Delegate, Minister and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Election Commissioner, and Deputy Speaker. Each of these positions has taught me valuable lessons and provided me with the experience needed to become a capable and effective leader of this region. I am active, reliable, and committed, and my prior record proves that I can deliver on the promises I make. I understand the challenges the region will be facing in the next term, and I believe I am the candidate for Delegate best equipped to take on these challenges. I invite you to click on the spoilers below to gain a better understanding of my vision for each area of the Delegate's Government.
TL;DR: This upcoming term, Foreign Affairs will work on strengthening and expanding our foreign relations, and reestablishing its position as an interregional leader with an active and vocal presence on global issues.
TL;DR: This upcoming term, Home Affairs will focus on maintaining regular forum mentor assignments, and on greatly increasing gameside presence through the revival of the Press Releases program, the revamp of scripted outreach mechanisms, and the expansion of the role of Gameside Advocates.
TL;DR: This upcoming term, Defense will focus on continuing the NPA's excellent training and activity record, consistently carrying out large-scale operations jointly with allies, and boosting deployment numbers to new records through systematic recruitment.
TL;DR: This upcoming term, World Assembly Affairs will enhance our position of power in the WA through consistent timely IFV publications, increased collaboration within the WALL, a new WADP-style program promoting WA voting activity, and record endorsement counts.
TL;DR: This upcoming term, Culture will work on planning celebrations for regional holidays, including both forumside and gameside events, will organize interregional cultural events in the form of theme weeks, and will continue collaborative efforts with the roleplay community.
TL;DR: This upcoming term, Communications will aim to produce four TNL issues and four NBS broadcasts, bring about a return to editorial and guest articles for TNL, and greatly improve promotion of ministry productions to our gameside community.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my campaign platform! I invite you to post any questions you have for me below and I will respond to them in a timely manner. Additionally, please feel free to reach out to me individually through TG, forum PM, or Discord DM, if you would like to discuss any aspects of my campaign and candidacy.
Candidate for Delegate
Hello all!
As promised, I am running for Delegate of The North Pacific! Throughout my time in TNP, I have had the opportunity to serve in a number of different capacities, including Vice Delegate, Minister and Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Election Commissioner, and Deputy Speaker. Each of these positions has taught me valuable lessons and provided me with the experience needed to become a capable and effective leader of this region. I am active, reliable, and committed, and my prior record proves that I can deliver on the promises I make. I understand the challenges the region will be facing in the next term, and I believe I am the candidate for Delegate best equipped to take on these challenges. I invite you to click on the spoilers below to gain a better understanding of my vision for each area of the Delegate's Government.
Lately, TNP has been moving towards isolationism. We have failed to take a stance on current events abroad, failed to strengthen relations with some of our partners, including other GCRs, and failed to maintain our reputation as a leader in foreign matters. The largest problem I currently see is TNP's lack of a visible presence abroad. By remaining silent during important talks and not regularly engaging in conversations and collaborations with other regions, we are starting to get left behind.
For this upcoming term, the ministry and I will make it a priority to restore our leadership position abroad. We will be focusing on regularly engaging with leaders of foreign regions, initiating, hosting and promoting interregional events and other collaborative projects of global impact, and releasing public statements communicating TNP's positions on important events---even if our stance is one of neutrality. In particular, we will be spearheading an effort to create and maintain a system of scripted telegrams and dispatches that warn nations against moving to Nazi and fascist regions. This is an initiative that has recently received attention in the Gameplay forum, and we will be organizing a consortium of regions with the sole objective of bringing this system to fruition as an effective measure for the containment of Nazi and fascist ideals within the NS community.
To reinforce this proposed position of renewed extroversion and internationalism, the ministry and I will be seeking to create new partnerships that will serve TNP in many years to come. In particular, at a time when we are seeing the unfortunate resurgence of Francoist rhetoric in our fellow GCRs, we have a unique opportunity to re-assert our role as the preeminent GCR that stands against the artificial divides advocated by this rhetoric, and welcomes UCRs as equal and valuable partners. We will be reaching out to UCRs with whom we share community values that go beyond the dry affairs of NS gameplay: Europe and Forest, who share our passion for egalitarian development and growth on all matters relating to the World Assembly; Greater Dienstad, who share our focus on fostering an expansive and vibrant roleplay community that is the crown jewel of our regional community; and Gay, who share our commitment to an open and welcoming community that does not tolerate discrimination against LGBTQ+ players or of any other kind. I strongly believe that TNP stands to gain greatly by having these UCRs among its treatied partners, same as we gained and continue to gain from our partners in Equilism, Europeia, the International Democratic Union, Stargate, and Taijitu.
For these efforts to be successful, we will rely critically on the contributions of not only our foreign affairs leadership team, but also the Diplomatic Corps. The Diplomatic Corps is a vital component of the image we cast abroad. Our diplomats are the ones on the front lines, engaging with their assigned regions on a daily basis and facilitating communication. The Diplomatic Corps is currently a well-oiled machine, thanks to the efforts of Ghost and his team. While there is not a lot that needs to be changed in this area, it is important that we make sure that its effective administration and operation continues. This continued effectiveness will be one of the ministry's priority in this upcoming term.
For this upcoming term, the ministry and I will make it a priority to restore our leadership position abroad. We will be focusing on regularly engaging with leaders of foreign regions, initiating, hosting and promoting interregional events and other collaborative projects of global impact, and releasing public statements communicating TNP's positions on important events---even if our stance is one of neutrality. In particular, we will be spearheading an effort to create and maintain a system of scripted telegrams and dispatches that warn nations against moving to Nazi and fascist regions. This is an initiative that has recently received attention in the Gameplay forum, and we will be organizing a consortium of regions with the sole objective of bringing this system to fruition as an effective measure for the containment of Nazi and fascist ideals within the NS community.
To reinforce this proposed position of renewed extroversion and internationalism, the ministry and I will be seeking to create new partnerships that will serve TNP in many years to come. In particular, at a time when we are seeing the unfortunate resurgence of Francoist rhetoric in our fellow GCRs, we have a unique opportunity to re-assert our role as the preeminent GCR that stands against the artificial divides advocated by this rhetoric, and welcomes UCRs as equal and valuable partners. We will be reaching out to UCRs with whom we share community values that go beyond the dry affairs of NS gameplay: Europe and Forest, who share our passion for egalitarian development and growth on all matters relating to the World Assembly; Greater Dienstad, who share our focus on fostering an expansive and vibrant roleplay community that is the crown jewel of our regional community; and Gay, who share our commitment to an open and welcoming community that does not tolerate discrimination against LGBTQ+ players or of any other kind. I strongly believe that TNP stands to gain greatly by having these UCRs among its treatied partners, same as we gained and continue to gain from our partners in Equilism, Europeia, the International Democratic Union, Stargate, and Taijitu.
For these efforts to be successful, we will rely critically on the contributions of not only our foreign affairs leadership team, but also the Diplomatic Corps. The Diplomatic Corps is a vital component of the image we cast abroad. Our diplomats are the ones on the front lines, engaging with their assigned regions on a daily basis and facilitating communication. The Diplomatic Corps is currently a well-oiled machine, thanks to the efforts of Ghost and his team. While there is not a lot that needs to be changed in this area, it is important that we make sure that its effective administration and operation continues. This continued effectiveness will be one of the ministry's priority in this upcoming term.
Home Affairs is a vital, and often overlooked, ministry in charge of a plethora of responsibilities necessary for the continued welfare of our regional community. It is also a ministry which I hold near and dear to my heart. Having served in its leadership for two terms, I have had the opportunity to see firsthand what works and what does not when it comes to forum recruitment and integration.
One of the biggest challenges with Home Affairs is managing all of its many moving pieces. It takes a dedicated and knowledgeable team to stay on top of all of the demands of the ministry, but it can be done. This past term, the ministry has been doing a good job sending out forum recruitment TGs on a frequent basis. Weekly recruitment TGs are incredibly important, and the ministry and I will be ensuring that this program continues to operate at full force in the upcoming term. But there are other key components to the ministry that have been neglected and will be revisited.
A major area needing improvement is the forum mentoring program. This program, which aims to assign experienced members as mentors to all new forum members, is key to the successful retention and eventual integration of new members to our regional forum. It is also a program that requires a considerable amount of focus and effort to be effective, and has unfortunately struggled to keep up recently. Several new nations join our regional forum every day but, without the proper support and guidance, they often become overwhelmed and leave before they start feeling at home in our forum community. In this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to restore the forum mentoring program, and aim for the release of mentoring assignments on a weekly basis.
Another component of the ministry that has fallen through the cracks is the Press Release Program. Consistently in the past, including during my term as minister, press releases have been effective for engaging our gameside community and keeping our member nations informed of happenings in the government. By being distributed through dispatches, telegrams, and RMB posts, press releases are also an excellent means to encourage nations to get involved in our offsite community. In the upcoming term, the ministry and I will work to resurrect the press release program, in the form of both regular bi-weekly updates and off-cycle updates when the news calls for it.
In the past four years, we have been served well by our scripted telegramming program, which complements our manual recruitment as a means to reach out to active nations and inform them of the opportunities our region offers them. Even though our scripted telegrams continue to run, this is another area of outreach that needs to be revisited. In the upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to redraft all of the telegram templates we have been using since 2014 in order to modernize them and organize the information they contain more effectively. We will also be considering new categories of scripted telegrams that can be used to reach out to groups of nations that show strong potential for activity. Finally, we will be looking to expand our mechanisms for automated outreach, by creating a series of regular scripted dispatches that direct groups of nations to educational material through dispatch-based notifications. Such dispatches have already been successfully utilized in the WADP, and they have a lot of potential to be useful for Home Affairs purposes as well.
One of the biggest challenges with Home Affairs is managing all of its many moving pieces. It takes a dedicated and knowledgeable team to stay on top of all of the demands of the ministry, but it can be done. This past term, the ministry has been doing a good job sending out forum recruitment TGs on a frequent basis. Weekly recruitment TGs are incredibly important, and the ministry and I will be ensuring that this program continues to operate at full force in the upcoming term. But there are other key components to the ministry that have been neglected and will be revisited.
A major area needing improvement is the forum mentoring program. This program, which aims to assign experienced members as mentors to all new forum members, is key to the successful retention and eventual integration of new members to our regional forum. It is also a program that requires a considerable amount of focus and effort to be effective, and has unfortunately struggled to keep up recently. Several new nations join our regional forum every day but, without the proper support and guidance, they often become overwhelmed and leave before they start feeling at home in our forum community. In this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to restore the forum mentoring program, and aim for the release of mentoring assignments on a weekly basis.
Another component of the ministry that has fallen through the cracks is the Press Release Program. Consistently in the past, including during my term as minister, press releases have been effective for engaging our gameside community and keeping our member nations informed of happenings in the government. By being distributed through dispatches, telegrams, and RMB posts, press releases are also an excellent means to encourage nations to get involved in our offsite community. In the upcoming term, the ministry and I will work to resurrect the press release program, in the form of both regular bi-weekly updates and off-cycle updates when the news calls for it.
In the past four years, we have been served well by our scripted telegramming program, which complements our manual recruitment as a means to reach out to active nations and inform them of the opportunities our region offers them. Even though our scripted telegrams continue to run, this is another area of outreach that needs to be revisited. In the upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to redraft all of the telegram templates we have been using since 2014 in order to modernize them and organize the information they contain more effectively. We will also be considering new categories of scripted telegrams that can be used to reach out to groups of nations that show strong potential for activity. Finally, we will be looking to expand our mechanisms for automated outreach, by creating a series of regular scripted dispatches that direct groups of nations to educational material through dispatch-based notifications. Such dispatches have already been successfully utilized in the WADP, and they have a lot of potential to be useful for Home Affairs purposes as well.
I decided to place my plans regarding the Gameside Advocates (GAs) in a separate spoiler, even though they are part of Home Affairs. This is because I consider the lack of organized government presence on the RMB one of the most serious integration challenges we are facing right now, and because I believe that the GAs will be instrumental in overcoming it.
The GAs, together with other government officials with suppression powers, have been effective in keeping the RMB a friendly and welcoming environment. However, there is a lot more to this job than just suppressing posts. The GAs exist to help bridge the gap between the forumside and gameside communities, and to help ensure that our nations and our regional government continue to engage each other. Key to achieving these goals is establishing a continuous and diversified presence on the RMB by government officials.
In order to achieve these objectives, for this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to greatly expand the role of the GAs. We will be creating a larger GA team consisting of between five and ten dedicated members, in addition to the minister and myself. The GA team will be responsible for actively promoting the latest government news and initiatives on the RMB, with an ultimate aim of having such a promotion post released three times a day.
Additionally, the GA team will be tasked with conducting regular surveys that gauge the opinion of the gameside community on the performance of the government and on specific government programs. Examples include the WADP, IFVs, TNL issues, recently concluded cultural events, and so on. For these surveys, we will be using the tried and tested model of questionnaires based on Google forms that are embedded on the regional forum (the 2017-18 WADP survey is the latest example of this). These surveys are an invaluable source of statistical data on how effective our various programs are and provide feedback on how to improve them. Additionally, they are a very effective means of engaging our gameside community, demonstrating to our nations that the regional government values and actively seeks their input.
Moreover, the GA team will be organizing regular gameside events, in order to help increase familiarity between our nations and government officials. These will include poll series and RMB-based trivia relating to different aspects of the government, as well as other games with a format that can be easily transferred to the RMB.
Last but not least, I want to emphasize that overcoming the challenges we are currently facing with respect to sustaining RMB government presence will only be possible through the collective effort of all our members that, in one way or another, contribute to the government. While I have described the above efforts as primarily the responsibility of the GA team, they will be a lot more effective if carried out in collaboration with other ministries and branches of government. Throughout the rest of my platform, my plans for each ministry include items relating to engagement of the gameside community; I will personally be working to make sure that the respective ministries coordinate with the GA team to jointly execute these plans to maximum effectiveness. I will additionally be encouraging all ministers and deputies to individually maintain an active presence on the RMB. Finally, I will be reaching out to the Security Council to discuss how they can work together with the GA team to improve the council's gameside visibility and activity.
The GAs, together with other government officials with suppression powers, have been effective in keeping the RMB a friendly and welcoming environment. However, there is a lot more to this job than just suppressing posts. The GAs exist to help bridge the gap between the forumside and gameside communities, and to help ensure that our nations and our regional government continue to engage each other. Key to achieving these goals is establishing a continuous and diversified presence on the RMB by government officials.
In order to achieve these objectives, for this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to greatly expand the role of the GAs. We will be creating a larger GA team consisting of between five and ten dedicated members, in addition to the minister and myself. The GA team will be responsible for actively promoting the latest government news and initiatives on the RMB, with an ultimate aim of having such a promotion post released three times a day.
Additionally, the GA team will be tasked with conducting regular surveys that gauge the opinion of the gameside community on the performance of the government and on specific government programs. Examples include the WADP, IFVs, TNL issues, recently concluded cultural events, and so on. For these surveys, we will be using the tried and tested model of questionnaires based on Google forms that are embedded on the regional forum (the 2017-18 WADP survey is the latest example of this). These surveys are an invaluable source of statistical data on how effective our various programs are and provide feedback on how to improve them. Additionally, they are a very effective means of engaging our gameside community, demonstrating to our nations that the regional government values and actively seeks their input.
Moreover, the GA team will be organizing regular gameside events, in order to help increase familiarity between our nations and government officials. These will include poll series and RMB-based trivia relating to different aspects of the government, as well as other games with a format that can be easily transferred to the RMB.
Last but not least, I want to emphasize that overcoming the challenges we are currently facing with respect to sustaining RMB government presence will only be possible through the collective effort of all our members that, in one way or another, contribute to the government. While I have described the above efforts as primarily the responsibility of the GA team, they will be a lot more effective if carried out in collaboration with other ministries and branches of government. Throughout the rest of my platform, my plans for each ministry include items relating to engagement of the gameside community; I will personally be working to make sure that the respective ministries coordinate with the GA team to jointly execute these plans to maximum effectiveness. I will additionally be encouraging all ministers and deputies to individually maintain an active presence on the RMB. Finally, I will be reaching out to the Security Council to discuss how they can work together with the GA team to improve the council's gameside visibility and activity.
Defense is an area of the executive where I have very little experience. Due to my passion for endotarting very early on in my career, followed by two terms in a position requiring a stationary WA nation, I have never had to opportunity to participate in this aspect of gameplay. Luckily, the North Pacific Army (NPA) is currently extremely active and largely self-sufficient due to the number of officers it has leading operations multiple times a week. My envisioned role in this ministry is mainly a supportive one. I will continue to promote activity in this ministry through frequent training operations, collaboration with allied regions for larger scale operations, and joint recruitment efforts with other ministries.
In particular, I will be looking to personally assist the Minister of Defense by acting as a conduit with allied governments to facilitate arrangements for collaborative efforts. The ministry and I will be endeavoring so that the NPA carries out at least one large-scale operation every two weeks, jointly with one or more allies. Additionally, we will be aiming for the NPA to have executed at least one, and ideally multiple, joint operations with each one of our (militarily-active) allies by the end of the term.
Another area of focus will be recruitment of new NPA members. This is an area that I am uniquely qualified to contribute to, given my experience in Home Affairs and with the World Assembly Development Program (WADP). It has been noted in the past that the WADP can negatively affect NPA recruitment, given that a prerequisite for exchanging large number of endorsements is constantly maintaining a WA nation in TNP. To counter this, the ministry and I will be working with the Security Council to revise all WADP materials (dispatch and telegram templates), to make sure that service in the NPA features prominently as an alternative WA-related way to contribute to TNP. Additionally, the ministry and I will be working with Home Affairs to run telegramming campaigns, both manual and scripted, that reach out specifically to nations highly active in the WADP (e.g., regular award winners or census top performers), and encourage them to consider joining the NPA. These are some of the nations with the highest potential to make good NPA soldiers, and therefore we should make sure to advertise the NPA to them properly.
Through the combination of regular large-scale operations, which are critical for maintaining a large Auxiliary force, and systematic recruitment, the ministry and I will be looking to set a new all-time deployment record, and hopefully break the barrier of 40 deployed soldiers.
In particular, I will be looking to personally assist the Minister of Defense by acting as a conduit with allied governments to facilitate arrangements for collaborative efforts. The ministry and I will be endeavoring so that the NPA carries out at least one large-scale operation every two weeks, jointly with one or more allies. Additionally, we will be aiming for the NPA to have executed at least one, and ideally multiple, joint operations with each one of our (militarily-active) allies by the end of the term.
Another area of focus will be recruitment of new NPA members. This is an area that I am uniquely qualified to contribute to, given my experience in Home Affairs and with the World Assembly Development Program (WADP). It has been noted in the past that the WADP can negatively affect NPA recruitment, given that a prerequisite for exchanging large number of endorsements is constantly maintaining a WA nation in TNP. To counter this, the ministry and I will be working with the Security Council to revise all WADP materials (dispatch and telegram templates), to make sure that service in the NPA features prominently as an alternative WA-related way to contribute to TNP. Additionally, the ministry and I will be working with Home Affairs to run telegramming campaigns, both manual and scripted, that reach out specifically to nations highly active in the WADP (e.g., regular award winners or census top performers), and encourage them to consider joining the NPA. These are some of the nations with the highest potential to make good NPA soldiers, and therefore we should make sure to advertise the NPA to them properly.
Through the combination of regular large-scale operations, which are critical for maintaining a large Auxiliary force, and systematic recruitment, the ministry and I will be looking to set a new all-time deployment record, and hopefully break the barrier of 40 deployed soldiers.
The World Assembly has been a central portfolio to every modern-time TNP government. Through the Information for WA Voters (IFV) program, the collaborative power of the World Assembly Legislative League (WALL), and the enormous endorsement count of our delegates, largely driven by the World Assembly Development Program (WADP), TNP has managed to wield a tremendous influence on WA votes. In this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be looking to not only maintain, but further enhance this influence.
To maximize our influence in the WA, timing is crucial. An early vote by our delegate can determine the fate of most resolutions that go to vote. Therefore, for this upcoming term, I will personally strive to cast the delegate's vote within the first few hours of a proposal reaching the voting floor. I will be continuing the long-standing policy of voting in accordance with the running tally of forum polls where everyone with a WA nation in TNP can participate. Of course, an early vote only matters if it is a large vote. In this upcoming term, I hope to put my passion for endotarting and the skills I developed as vice delegate to good use, in order to greatly improve the delegate's endorsement count. Through frequent endotarting and collaboration with both the ministry and the Security Council, my goal is to replicate the success of former Delegates HMS Unicorn, mcmasterdonia, and Plembobria, and reach an endorsement rate of 80% by the end of my time as delegate.
As with the delegate's vote, the effectiveness of an IFV largely depends on how early it is released. In this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be focusing on releasing the IFV recommendations as early on in the voting period as possible without jeopardizing the quality of this program, and ideally within 12 hours of the vote starting. Obviously, this needs to be balanced against the need for each proposal to be adequately discussed within the ministry until a consensus position can be reached. Therefore, I acknowledge that posting an IFV within 12 hours will not always be possible, but I hope it will at least become the norm rather than the exception.
Key to achieving our objective of further increasing our influence on WA votes is the proper utilization of the collaborative opportunities provided to us by the WALL. In particular, the ministry and I, together with the other signatory regions, will be focusing on creating protocols for systematic joint drafting and publication of IFVs across all of the signatory regions and other public venues. This can not only help us achieve the objective of consistently early IFV publications, but also multiply the effectiveness of these publications: Instead of reaching out to just the 1600 WA nations in TNP, we can be reaching out to the more than 3000 WA nations across all signatory regions, plus the hundreds more of nations that read dispatches or visit the NS forums, with voting recommendations that carry the full weight of the joint endorsement by five of NationStates' most influential regions on WA matters. Additionally, we will be looking to promote the more frequent use of the sponsorship and opposition mechanisms, which have so far remained underutilized. We will also be working with the other signatories to increase the WALL's presence on the NS forums, in particular, to more effectively advertise the resources the WALL can make available to WA authors who choose to seek our sponsorship.
A key project the ministry and I will be focusing on involves replicating the WADP model as a means to encourage WA voting activity among our nations. The WADP has shown that a structured system of regular publications, notifications, and rewards can be incredibly effective in steering our gameside WA population towards positive activity. By using the same model for WA voting, we will be looking to greatly increase voter turnout among our WA population: Just a modest increase from the current 40% to 50% will mean an extra 160 WA votes for TNP. Additionally, by providing even more incentives for a nation to join the WA, such a program has the potential to provide another strong boost to our WA population, and therefore indirectly boost endorsement counts as well. The ministry and I will be coordinating with the Security Council to see whether this program can be made part of the WADP itself, in a way that does not compromise the Security Council's apolitical role: Considering that both the WADP and the proposed program encourage nations to join the WA and actively use their membership, I believe that the synergy of having the two campaigns in the same program can help increase both endorsement and voting activity more than keeping the two campaigns separate. If we cannot come up with a satisfactory solution on how to include this campaign within the WADP, the ministry and I will be working to launch the WA voting campaign as a separate full-fledged program of the same kind.
To maximize our influence in the WA, timing is crucial. An early vote by our delegate can determine the fate of most resolutions that go to vote. Therefore, for this upcoming term, I will personally strive to cast the delegate's vote within the first few hours of a proposal reaching the voting floor. I will be continuing the long-standing policy of voting in accordance with the running tally of forum polls where everyone with a WA nation in TNP can participate. Of course, an early vote only matters if it is a large vote. In this upcoming term, I hope to put my passion for endotarting and the skills I developed as vice delegate to good use, in order to greatly improve the delegate's endorsement count. Through frequent endotarting and collaboration with both the ministry and the Security Council, my goal is to replicate the success of former Delegates HMS Unicorn, mcmasterdonia, and Plembobria, and reach an endorsement rate of 80% by the end of my time as delegate.
As with the delegate's vote, the effectiveness of an IFV largely depends on how early it is released. In this upcoming term, the ministry and I will be focusing on releasing the IFV recommendations as early on in the voting period as possible without jeopardizing the quality of this program, and ideally within 12 hours of the vote starting. Obviously, this needs to be balanced against the need for each proposal to be adequately discussed within the ministry until a consensus position can be reached. Therefore, I acknowledge that posting an IFV within 12 hours will not always be possible, but I hope it will at least become the norm rather than the exception.
Key to achieving our objective of further increasing our influence on WA votes is the proper utilization of the collaborative opportunities provided to us by the WALL. In particular, the ministry and I, together with the other signatory regions, will be focusing on creating protocols for systematic joint drafting and publication of IFVs across all of the signatory regions and other public venues. This can not only help us achieve the objective of consistently early IFV publications, but also multiply the effectiveness of these publications: Instead of reaching out to just the 1600 WA nations in TNP, we can be reaching out to the more than 3000 WA nations across all signatory regions, plus the hundreds more of nations that read dispatches or visit the NS forums, with voting recommendations that carry the full weight of the joint endorsement by five of NationStates' most influential regions on WA matters. Additionally, we will be looking to promote the more frequent use of the sponsorship and opposition mechanisms, which have so far remained underutilized. We will also be working with the other signatories to increase the WALL's presence on the NS forums, in particular, to more effectively advertise the resources the WALL can make available to WA authors who choose to seek our sponsorship.
A key project the ministry and I will be focusing on involves replicating the WADP model as a means to encourage WA voting activity among our nations. The WADP has shown that a structured system of regular publications, notifications, and rewards can be incredibly effective in steering our gameside WA population towards positive activity. By using the same model for WA voting, we will be looking to greatly increase voter turnout among our WA population: Just a modest increase from the current 40% to 50% will mean an extra 160 WA votes for TNP. Additionally, by providing even more incentives for a nation to join the WA, such a program has the potential to provide another strong boost to our WA population, and therefore indirectly boost endorsement counts as well. The ministry and I will be coordinating with the Security Council to see whether this program can be made part of the WADP itself, in a way that does not compromise the Security Council's apolitical role: Considering that both the WADP and the proposed program encourage nations to join the WA and actively use their membership, I believe that the synergy of having the two campaigns in the same program can help increase both endorsement and voting activity more than keeping the two campaigns separate. If we cannot come up with a satisfactory solution on how to include this campaign within the WADP, the ministry and I will be working to launch the WA voting campaign as a separate full-fledged program of the same kind.
The May-August term is a busy one for Culture, with half of our regional holidays (Manumission Day, Democracy Day, Liberation Day, and Delegates' Day) falling during this four-month span. These holidays are a great time to reflect on our regional history and have some fun while doing it. Therefore, a strong focus for the ministry and myself this upcoming term will involve successfully planning and organizing events to celebrate these holidays.
Our regional holidays provide a first-rate opportunity to engage our gameside population, and interest our nations in the regional history and the unique elements of our identity. To fully take advantage of this opportunity, the ministry and I will be working to ensure that celebratory events are always adequately promoted on the gameside, through telegrams, dispatches, frequent RMB posts, and of course WFE advertisement. Moreover, we will be making it a priority that the events themselves include gameside components, such as polls, RMB competitions, and dispatch series.
In the downtime between regional holidays, the ministry and I will be looking to organise interregional cultural events with current or potential allies. Such events are a great way to advertise the diversity of our region abroad, and to promote continued friendship between ourselves and our regional partners. For these interrregional events, we will be exploring a return to the themed week format, analogous to the Game of Thrones Week and House of Cards Week events of the past. While I was not around for these events, they are remembered fondly by those who were. Theme weeks provide an excellent template for creative and truly engaging interregional events, both on the forumside and gameside.
Naturally, the ministry and I will be looking forward to continued collaboration with the roleplay leadership and community for this upcoming term. We hope to facilitate the continuation of programs such as the Eras Magazine, as well as help realize new ideas that arise from the interaction between the roleplay community and the ministry.
Our regional holidays provide a first-rate opportunity to engage our gameside population, and interest our nations in the regional history and the unique elements of our identity. To fully take advantage of this opportunity, the ministry and I will be working to ensure that celebratory events are always adequately promoted on the gameside, through telegrams, dispatches, frequent RMB posts, and of course WFE advertisement. Moreover, we will be making it a priority that the events themselves include gameside components, such as polls, RMB competitions, and dispatch series.
In the downtime between regional holidays, the ministry and I will be looking to organise interregional cultural events with current or potential allies. Such events are a great way to advertise the diversity of our region abroad, and to promote continued friendship between ourselves and our regional partners. For these interrregional events, we will be exploring a return to the themed week format, analogous to the Game of Thrones Week and House of Cards Week events of the past. While I was not around for these events, they are remembered fondly by those who were. Theme weeks provide an excellent template for creative and truly engaging interregional events, both on the forumside and gameside.
Naturally, the ministry and I will be looking forward to continued collaboration with the roleplay leadership and community for this upcoming term. We hope to facilitate the continuation of programs such as the Eras Magazine, as well as help realize new ideas that arise from the interaction between the roleplay community and the ministry.
Communications has an important job to do every month: Publish a new issue of our regional newspaper, The Northern Lights (TNL). TNL is a reflection of our community and culture that is distributed all across NationStates. Previous administrations have proven that four issues in a term is manageable. In the upcoming term, the ministry and I will be striving to achieve the same. We will additionally be looking to increase the number of editorial pieces that are included in TNL issues, in order to bring back the newspaper's focus on commentary and analysis of ongoing regional and interregional events. Finally, we will once again be soliciting contributions from guest writers from abroad, and especially from allied regions.
The Diplomatic Corps does a great job of distributing each issue of TNL abroad, but there is room for improvement in the distribution of TNL to the gameside TNP community. When compared to other TNP programs, such as the WADP awards or the IFV program, TNL lacks in terms of gameside promotion, with TNL dispatches only receiving a handful of upvotes from forum members. The ministry and I will be seeking to rectify this, with each TNL issue being accompanied by a regional telegram, RMB promotion, and enough upvotes to bring the dispatch to the top of the best new dispatches list for several days. This increased visibility of TNL can lead to a number of benefits such as increased awareness among our gameside community regarding regional happenings, increased prestige for TNL, and of course increased participation in the ministry itself.
Besides TNL, Communications is in charge of the Northern Broadcasting Service (NBS), TNP's own radio show. I love how this program is currently set up, and I believe it provides a very unique and distinctive communication platform for our region. The ministry and I will be working to ensure that there is a broadcast at least once a month for this upcoming term. Additionally, and echoing what was said above about TNL, we will be focusing on increased promotion of these broadcasts to the gameside community, given that they are a great way to keep our nations informed and engaged with our offsite community.
The Diplomatic Corps does a great job of distributing each issue of TNL abroad, but there is room for improvement in the distribution of TNL to the gameside TNP community. When compared to other TNP programs, such as the WADP awards or the IFV program, TNL lacks in terms of gameside promotion, with TNL dispatches only receiving a handful of upvotes from forum members. The ministry and I will be seeking to rectify this, with each TNL issue being accompanied by a regional telegram, RMB promotion, and enough upvotes to bring the dispatch to the top of the best new dispatches list for several days. This increased visibility of TNL can lead to a number of benefits such as increased awareness among our gameside community regarding regional happenings, increased prestige for TNL, and of course increased participation in the ministry itself.
Besides TNL, Communications is in charge of the Northern Broadcasting Service (NBS), TNP's own radio show. I love how this program is currently set up, and I believe it provides a very unique and distinctive communication platform for our region. The ministry and I will be working to ensure that there is a broadcast at least once a month for this upcoming term. Additionally, and echoing what was said above about TNL, we will be focusing on increased promotion of these broadcasts to the gameside community, given that they are a great way to keep our nations informed and engaged with our offsite community.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my campaign platform! I invite you to post any questions you have for me below and I will respond to them in a timely manner. Additionally, please feel free to reach out to me individually through TG, forum PM, or Discord DM, if you would like to discuss any aspects of my campaign and candidacy.

Candidate for Delegate
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