Siwale for Vice Delegate
Hello! My name is [me] and I am running for re-election as Vice Delegate of The North Pacific. It has been an honor to serve TNP in this capacity over the past four months and I look forward to a second term, if elected. My reflections on this past term as well as my plan for the upcoming term can be found in the spoilers below.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I welcome any and all questions you have!
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific
Hello! My name is [me] and I am running for re-election as Vice Delegate of The North Pacific. It has been an honor to serve TNP in this capacity over the past four months and I look forward to a second term, if elected. My reflections on this past term as well as my plan for the upcoming term can be found in the spoilers below.
The Security Council has grown over these past few months, with 11 current members. While I would like to see some members become more active in SC business and the rest of the TNP community, I am confident that the Security Council is collectively capable of responding quickly and effectively to any regional security concerns.
Seeing the Security Council in action has only boosted my confidence. The event that really sticks out this term was the Delegate unendorsement campaign about a month ago. The Council and I responded to the threat within minutes of the harmful TG going out and were able to control the narrowing endorsement gap between the Delegate and myself. This was done through mass TGs and frequent postings on the RMB, Forum, and Discord to help spread awareness that the original TG was a fraud. This event not only allowed the region to see the Security Council hard at work, but also taught me the value of having a decent sized endorsement gap between the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. I have since increased the endorsement buffer between myself and the Delegate to discourage an event like this from happening again.
It has been a pleasure working with this experienced group of individuals and I look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts in the upcoming term, if elected. I try to include the Security Council in all pertinent decisions and encourage all members of the Council to voice their opinions before any decisions are made. All members of the team have something they can bring to the table and I welcome any and all feedback.
tl;dr: You can count on the Security Council and me to keep TNP safe. We work well together.
Seeing the Security Council in action has only boosted my confidence. The event that really sticks out this term was the Delegate unendorsement campaign about a month ago. The Council and I responded to the threat within minutes of the harmful TG going out and were able to control the narrowing endorsement gap between the Delegate and myself. This was done through mass TGs and frequent postings on the RMB, Forum, and Discord to help spread awareness that the original TG was a fraud. This event not only allowed the region to see the Security Council hard at work, but also taught me the value of having a decent sized endorsement gap between the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. I have since increased the endorsement buffer between myself and the Delegate to discourage an event like this from happening again.
It has been a pleasure working with this experienced group of individuals and I look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts in the upcoming term, if elected. I try to include the Security Council in all pertinent decisions and encourage all members of the Council to voice their opinions before any decisions are made. All members of the team have something they can bring to the table and I welcome any and all feedback.
tl;dr: You can count on the Security Council and me to keep TNP safe. We work well together.
The North Pacific has seen a tremendous rise in endorsement counts since September. This can be attributed to the increasing WA population as well as a number of initiatives taken throughout this past term. Through the implementation of a number of different strategies, I was able to see what methods worked better than others for raising endorsement levels.
The biggest event to bolster our endorsement counts collectively as a region was the TNP for #1 event. This event was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Security Council and was a tremendous success. During this event, TNP exchanged over 70,000 more endorsements and became the #1 ranked region in the world for endorsements (even if only for a short period of time). After seeing the success of this event, I would like to organize another endorsement campaign for this upcoming term. This event would mainly focus on raising endorsement counts of the Security Council as opposed to the entire region. The higher the endorsement counts of our Security Councillors, the more secure TNP is from external threats.
Besides TNP for #1, the Security Council and I have been working to increase endorsement counts of all members of the Security Council. This has been through monthly publications of the WADP Awards, endotarting, and manual telegraming. The combination of all three has proven to be quite effective. All members of the SC are back to being over 800 endorsements and the Delegate is up to 1150 endorsements which is a dramatic difference when compared to endo counts from September.
I plan to continue these methods in the next term. I will continue to publish WADP on the last day of every month (as long as there are no technical issues with the spreadsheet) and continue to encourage all members of the Security Council to endotart whenever possible. The only alteration I plan to make involves increasing the frequency of manual TGs I send out. I have found that reaching out to nations individually opens up a valuable line of communication between them and the Vice Delegate. It allows me to address any questions and concerns they may have and encourage them to become a Keeper of the North. A lot of times, nations are unaware of the value of endorsing the Security Council or are unsure of how to endorse. This is an excellent place for the Vice Delegate to step in and help educate these nations.
tl;dr: I plan to keep doing what I have been doing to boost endorsement counts (timely WADP award releases, endotarting, and manual TGs), but with a little more emphasis on individualized TGs and a Security Council endorsement event.
The biggest event to bolster our endorsement counts collectively as a region was the TNP for #1 event. This event was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Security Council and was a tremendous success. During this event, TNP exchanged over 70,000 more endorsements and became the #1 ranked region in the world for endorsements (even if only for a short period of time). After seeing the success of this event, I would like to organize another endorsement campaign for this upcoming term. This event would mainly focus on raising endorsement counts of the Security Council as opposed to the entire region. The higher the endorsement counts of our Security Councillors, the more secure TNP is from external threats.
Besides TNP for #1, the Security Council and I have been working to increase endorsement counts of all members of the Security Council. This has been through monthly publications of the WADP Awards, endotarting, and manual telegraming. The combination of all three has proven to be quite effective. All members of the SC are back to being over 800 endorsements and the Delegate is up to 1150 endorsements which is a dramatic difference when compared to endo counts from September.
I plan to continue these methods in the next term. I will continue to publish WADP on the last day of every month (as long as there are no technical issues with the spreadsheet) and continue to encourage all members of the Security Council to endotart whenever possible. The only alteration I plan to make involves increasing the frequency of manual TGs I send out. I have found that reaching out to nations individually opens up a valuable line of communication between them and the Vice Delegate. It allows me to address any questions and concerns they may have and encourage them to become a Keeper of the North. A lot of times, nations are unaware of the value of endorsing the Security Council or are unsure of how to endorse. This is an excellent place for the Vice Delegate to step in and help educate these nations.
tl;dr: I plan to keep doing what I have been doing to boost endorsement counts (timely WADP award releases, endotarting, and manual TGs), but with a little more emphasis on individualized TGs and a Security Council endorsement event.
It has always been a priority of mine to process citizenship applications as quickly as possible without jeopardizing accuracy. As a previous Minister of Home Affairs, I know just how vital a quick turnaround time with applications is to member retention on the forums. A quick processing time also gives the Vice Delegate ample amount of time to consult with the Security Council regarding any questionable applications.
This term, I managed to remain on top of citizenship applications by frequently checking the application thread throughout each day. All applications were processed within 24 hours and most a lot sooner than that (some in five minutes or less). For this upcoming term, I do not plan to change my method of approach to these applications and promise to remain on top of them at all times.
tl;dr: I may be a sloth, but I'm actually quite fast when it comes to citizenship checks.
This term, I managed to remain on top of citizenship applications by frequently checking the application thread throughout each day. All applications were processed within 24 hours and most a lot sooner than that (some in five minutes or less). For this upcoming term, I do not plan to change my method of approach to these applications and promise to remain on top of them at all times.
tl;dr: I may be a sloth, but I'm actually quite fast when it comes to citizenship checks.
The private section of the Security Council forum is set up this way for a reason. It houses a crucial workroom for the Security Council where sensitive information can be safely exchanged and ideas thoroughly expressed. This forum is filled with not only classified information, but also opinions and statements from Councillors which were never intended to reach the public eye. Security Councillors post in the private areas of the forum with the expectation that these posts will remain private. I respect this privacy and feel the Council operates better when its members are free to post without the potential pressure to censor their thoughts. Therefore, the release of any private threads should only be done with explicit consent from the Security Council.
While the large majority of Security Council threads are not suitable to be publicly release, there are some threads which do not necessarily need to remain hidden. I am currently in the process of sorting through War Room threads to find matters which the Council and I feel are safe to disclose. This term, I have released seven private threads with the Security Council's permission. Upon completion of this project, any additional threads that the Security Council agrees to the release will be moved to the public Security Council Archive.
tl;dr: I will do my best to release private Security Council threads when possible. However, the majority of these threads are not suited for public release.
While the large majority of Security Council threads are not suitable to be publicly release, there are some threads which do not necessarily need to remain hidden. I am currently in the process of sorting through War Room threads to find matters which the Council and I feel are safe to disclose. This term, I have released seven private threads with the Security Council's permission. Upon completion of this project, any additional threads that the Security Council agrees to the release will be moved to the public Security Council Archive.
tl;dr: I will do my best to release private Security Council threads when possible. However, the majority of these threads are not suited for public release.
I am always looking for ways to clarify the laws that encompass regional security. This term, I focused on two changes to the Legal Code: the Citizenship Security Evaluations Amendment and the Security Council Suspensions Amendment (currently in formal debate). I also proposed a new Line of Succession to better reflect activity and experience among Security Council members. While I have no specific plans for legal changes in this upcoming term, I am prepared to propose any changes that I or the Security Council deem necessary.
tl;dr: I'm always on the lookout for new ways to clarify our laws regarding regional security.
tl;dr: I'm always on the lookout for new ways to clarify our laws regarding regional security.
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Vice Delegate of The North Pacific