[DRAFT] NPA Bulletin for December


At the beginning of December, The North Pacific Army (NPA) together with our allies from Balder and Europeia successfully took the fascist region of The Federal Union of Africa, held It for over a week, kicked out all the fascists and successfully refounded It. 18 NPAers took part In this op. While The NPA was dealing with the fascists In The Federal Union of Africa, TNP was experiencing a un-endorsement campaign so part of the NPAers that were deployed In Africa returned to TNP and successfully assisted with dealing with that threat.

NPA Soldiers deploying to The Federal Union of Africa

Once the raid In The Federal Union of Africa was over, The NPA Invaded the fascist regions of Uber Alles and Axis Powers The Sequel, this time with our allies from The East Pacific, both missions were a success.

After dealing with the fascist regions, The NPA deployed to the region of Christmas at the request of our friends from The West Pacific and we remained there for about a week to protect the region and to prevent them from being raided this year!

At the end of the month, The NPA continued with It's regular de-tag training exercises that were organized and led by Lieutenant Lozinak and Captain Malphe.

Finally, December was a solid month for The NPA and Is the last month of this term. In January The NPA's forces will be called back to The North Pacific where they will assist with the delegacy transition.

The North Pacific Army (NPA) remains as one of the largest, most active and well organized military force In the NationStates world and you can join It by applying here!