[DRAFT] NPA from the Start 'til End of September


TNP Nation
yuno owl

On September 2nd,

1. Gladio
2. Zazumo
3. Agadir
4. Iraelia
5. Otto IV
6. BluieGamer

purged and exorcised populations of depraved rogues from across NationStates.

1 day later,

1. Agadir
2. BluieGamer
3. Gladio
4. QD
5. Zazumo
6. Sinabix

went on an ultimate Pass/Death mission, following BluieGamer and Agadir into battle, the two soldiers were to lead their battalions. They set timer bombs and released their warcry as they wrecked the burning invaders and freed the regions from their puppet state controls.

BluieGamer and Agadir are hereby promoted to Lieutenant

and awarded the ribbon of Officer for their heroic actions

As for private Sinabi, General Gladio was proud to elevate Sinabi to Private First Class. He was a fast learner and the top quality among privates, and with time he will undoubtly advance.

Days later, on the 9th of September, the cleansage of the pillaged and polluted villages of Dankville, Nepots, and Belaus were performed by 10 of the most eminent military leaders.
North Pacific Soldiers:
1. Gladio
2. QuietDad
3. AgadirI
4. Zazumo
5. Malphe
6. Cimmerien
7. Zeek
8. Sinabix
9. BluieGamer
10. Minesearch

Only two days later, and another 3 were cleansed: The Mountains to The East, Tristique, and Excellus.

And once again, 10 sizable nations combined militaristic forces.

1. Gladio
2. QuietDad
3. Lozinak
4. Malphe
5. Zazumo
6. Otto IV
7. Zeek
8. Agadir
9. Bluie
10. Sinabix

Unable to suppress their sheer raw power, they invaded the Warzone Australia, eliminated all dissenters, destroyed infrastructure, and confiscated all gold and resources.

Lozinak earns his place to be with Agadir and BluieGamer in the Lieutenant Corps:


Exhilarated by victory, only 24 hours later, the NPA set off to emancipate 6 more countries!:

1. The Ezraltonian Region of World Affairs
2. Kiklandian Blackhole
3. Republic of Isolation
4. Star Trek United Federation of Planets
5. The Enchanted Forest of Summertom
6. Somewhere over the Rainbow

These were the NPA military nations that performed such an action:

1. Gladio
2. Zazumo
3. QuietDad
4. Malphe
5. Darcania
6. Otto IV
7. BluieGamer
8. Agadir

(Hint: If you want to be one of us, join the NPA.)

Gladio and NPA's bloodlust still not sated, 24 hours later they straight up released TEN COUNTRIES, breaking their speed record despite their large numbers and the difficulties that are associated with transporting sheer large armies.

These are the regions the North Pacific Army exterminated malicious leeches from:

1.Regional Gaggle
2.The Southwark Keys
3.RDG Lancashire
5.Z Fighters
6.The Globalist World
7.Puppet and Abandon Nation Dumps
8.PC World
10.Menterra II

The heroes of this one are as listed:


This heartbreaking victory fascinated thousands of nations across the North Pacific, inciting hundreds more to enlist in the premier Army. Unfortunately, the General accepts only the shrewdest, most tactical and impregnable of nations.

He sent hundreds of nations to fight wars, saving countries Umbra and EAEA.

8 victors emerged:

1. Gladio
2. QuietDad
3. Zazumo
4. Malphe
5. Sinabix
6. Cotook
7. BluieGamer
8. Goyanes

Gladio proudly awarded these soldiers with NPA rations, and Goyanes with a Lieutenant promotion, and an Officer medal. He is to join the four other newly minted Lieutenants of this month, as future generational leaders.



Obviously still bloodthirsty immediately after vetting through thousands of new recruits by death, Gladio decided to transfer total control of his ARMY to his his fresh-meat Lieutenant (who was promoted mere 24 hours ago) Goyane, to have another go at it 24 hours later, ("it" being nuclear warfare.) Leading the forces himself, he and the 7 NPA Soldiers:

1. Gladio
2. Darcania
3. QD
4. Cotook
5. Malphe
6. Zazumo
7. Goyanes

decimated the criminals of Confederacy of Pan Austronesian States, and Cascendra, freeing the innocent residents from enemy slave labor.

It was an exhausting battle. Very exhausting, all the soldiers came out bloodified, some were amputated and harmed. All of them were hospitalized.

It took them 5 days to recover, but no more than that, because they were needed and demanded back on the field. And they stacked up their weapons, gunpower, tanks, armory, rations, and joined the next emergency fray of sensitive, critical territories.

The North Pacific Army combined forces with TEP, TWP, Osiris and UK, and INVADED JAPAN.

6.Otto IV

It was a powerful raid, they got what they wanted out of Japan, and allowed Japan to remain unharmed after their fresh surrender. Stocking up their supplies, the 7 of the NPA left to save more regions that needed a dictatorial revolution.

1. Warren2020
2. La Mesa Redonda
3. The Northern Pacific Ocean
4. Kosovo
5. Europia
6. Suequlla

These are the 7 perspicacious soldiers:

3.Otto IV

Almost one country per soldier.

Having done one INVASION, the NPA was more powerhungry than they were before, and conquered Warzone Africa, re-established dominance over Warzone Australia, and destroyed Fascist State, a violently extremist ideological region. They also saved the UDN while they were at it.

9 NPAers took part:

1. Gladio
2. QuietDad
3. Darcania
4. Malphe
5. Sasten
6. Agadir
7. Goyanes
8. BluieGamer
9. Zazumo

They wanted one more raid, so precisely 2 days later, on the 23rd of September, the North Pacific Army and the West Pacific Armed Forces teamed up to invade annex The Union of The Axis Powers, and successfully.
Simultaneously, The North Pacific performed two side missions to rescue Belaus and The Federtaion of Mira.

Lieutenant Lozinak, the newest Lieutenant, was the soldier who ordered, oversaw, organized and lead the army into the the liberations.

These are the soldiers who contributed:

1. Lozinak
2. Goyanes
3. Malphe
4. Agadir
5. QuietDad
6. BluieGamer
7. Cimmerien
8. Gladio
9. Zazumo

Goyanes, not to be outshined by his fellow lieutenant, also led 9 North Pacific Nations into the jingoistic crusade:

The occupation of TNWO, the executions of the reprobates of Futhead, The Fascist Territories, and TNWO. These are the NPA soldiers who exerted their combat poweress:
1. Cimmerien
2. QuietDad
3. Zeek
4. Agadir
5. Bluie
6. Otto IV
7. Malphe
9. Goyanes

And with that concludes today:

1. Gladio
2. Agadir
3. Zazumo
4. Malphe
5. QuietDad

The last five, who rebuilt the demolished ruins that the Roman Empire had incinerated.

The Greater Empire
The Christian States
Social Democratic Coalition
Union of The World Socialist Republics
United Entities of Equality
The Islamic Imperial Colonies
Gotta Love Appreciation
Try It and See It

THE LAST OP OF SEPTEMBER, on the 28th at Minor Update time, the top brass leadership of the North Pacific Army spearheaded the seizure of Warzone Sandbox. Minister of Defense Gladio, General QuietDad, Lieutenant BluieGamer, Lieutenant Zazumo, Lieutenant Malphe, and Lieutenant Agadir conquered this marshal field, and emerged from the war - victorious.

Proof Samples:
Battle report:

Reinnovated appearance:

Proof Samples:
Battle report:

Battle report:

Battle report:

