Office of the Attorney General
Hello, TNPers.
Welcome to the beginning of my first term in elected office. I'd like to thank everyone for making the first election I retained my candidacy in a stunning victory, securing me a full 100% majority!
In all seriousness, though, I do dislike that I was the only candidate with no option to re-open nominations (as nominations can only be re-opened once). If there was more than one month and some change left in the term, I would have asked around for any who sought to run, and if there was interest, I would have resigned immediately and forced another special election. As it stands, since there is only about a quarter of this terms left, it would be too much of a hassle for too little, especially since AG elections don't receive as much turnout as General elections.
That said, I am leaving this thread open for anyone to provide suggestions, make requests, or ask for information regarding my work as Attorney General. As well, I will be seeking re-election come March, so feel free to ask for a Deputy position if you would like experience in the office come election time. I always, always prefer there to be interesting elections rather than coronations.
That said, I have a few appointments to make. I hereby appoint Sasten, Goyanes, and Lord Emmanuel as Deputy Attorneys General. Sasten and Goyanes were both Deputies alonside yours truly under Ash, and both were active and dedicated to the job. Lord Emmanuel, meanwhile, is new to the office; he has displayed a strong interest in becoming more involved in TNP, and I am certain he will prove to be just as active and dedicated.
I also appoint Tomb as an Assistant Attorney General. As a previous Attorney General, he will provide a healthy dose of experience to this office, along with his previous Deputy AG Sasten. However, as Tomb is a busy person due to his position as Vice Delegate, his role will be restricted mainly to providing advice to the office.
Beyond that, I hereby abolish the separate Divisions of this Office. Each Deputy will serve this Office as they, and I, see fit.
I also hereby institute the following internal policy of this Office: In the event of a vacancy in the office of Attorney General, I designate Deputy Attorney General Sasten to be Acting Attorney General, will all my rights and responsibilities, until such time as the office of Attorney General is no longer vacant. While I have no plans to vacate this office, the many times this has happened recently leads me to believe that it's time to set the precedent of designating a successor in the case of a vacancy.
Section 4.2 of the Legal Code:7. A "vacancy" in an office occurs when the holder of it resigns, is removed, or abandons it. An office is abandoned when its holder does not log onto the regional forums for two weeks without prior notice, or when an election winner or appointee fails to post the Oath of Office. Pending an election, a vacancy may be temporarily filled as provided by the Constitution, this Legal Code, or a rule adopted by the appropriate body.
Thank you all for your time.