Non-canon RP idea


So, if any of you have seen You, Me and the Apocalypse, you'll have an idea what this will be about. This is a non-canon RP in which a 10 mile comet/asteroid/meteor/whatever is headed in a direct collision course with Eras.

Each person will RP one select character who makes it into this specific Xentheridan bunker (there are other bunkers, but this is the one involved. And yes, your favourite other characters can survive, but in other bunkers). The character does not have to be from your own nation; I could RP a Nebulan, or Syrixian, or anything (although it is best to do some background research to get the character as accurate as possible; talking to the nation's owner is best).

There are 35 days until the comet hits, and this is inevitable. In the thread, which I expect to air on the weekend, the destruction of the aforementioned comet will be ignored. Attempts to destroy it that purposely fail are accepted, although a PM to inform me about your attempts would be much appreciated.

You can make any story you wish for the person, as long as it can realistically fit within 5 weeks, and end with them in the shelter. Aside from those rules, make the story as interesting or boring or whatever. Someone goes across the globe to find their wife who was missing for seven years? Great! Someone falsely accused of a crime breaks out of prison amidst the anarchy? Amazing! Think of whatever you can!

They can be anyone from a King to tramp, minus the whole son-of God/antichrist etc crap in the original show. And before you ask, no, that show is a comedy, not religious propaganda.

tl;dr Xen got hooked on a new/old show about apocalypse by asteroid and wants to do an RP loosely based on it.

So, who's interested?
I might RP some Nebulan idealist who wants to rebuild society among collectivist lines after the impact, also Nebula will probably finally put our nukes to good use and try to nuke the comet, but hasty calculations result in a failure to hit the comet and the nukes end up in orbit around Eras.
My character would primarily have a lot of unprotected sex and take part in cocaine-fueled orgies.
Knowing Syrixians, we'd try to do something to preserve as much of the Empire as we could and then ride it out. I can totally see the construction of giant domes over major cities and underground metros between the cities; a New Syrixian Empire.
Knowing Syrixians, we'd try to do something to preserve as much of the Empire as we could and then ride it out. I can totally see the construction of giant domes over major cities and underground metros between the cities; a New Syrixian Empire.
That wouldn't work
Knowing Syrixians, we'd try to do something to preserve as much of the Empire as we could and then ride it out. I can totally see the construction of giant domes over major cities and underground metros between the cities; a New Syrixian Empire.
That wouldn't work
Maybe the comet could actually hit Syrixia and cause the people around to turn into zombies or something, while an ambitious politician decides to turn them into an army and tries to conquer the world with them? :o
Cogoria would retreat into our underground shelters. Millions will die, but the nation will survive! Long live Cogoria!
Cogoria, depends where it hits. If it strikes the breadcrumb that is your nation, bunkers ain't gon' do shit. Also, typing the OP right now. So far, the general populace don't know, so initially it is just the government's reactions. Then, after it's made public, you focus on your characters doing their thing. However, remember, your chosen character has to somehow make it into this specific bunker in Xentherida in 5 weeks.
Well he'd probably be a Cogorian military representative, trying to sell Cogorian weapons to various governments. Well if the meteor hits my bread crumb then the nation will live on in the hearts of her people who survived elsewhere, Cogoria shall never die!!! :D
Knowing Syrixians, we'd try to do something to preserve as much of the Empire as we could and then ride it out. I can totally see the construction of giant domes over major cities and underground metros between the cities; a New Syrixian Empire.
That wouldn't work
Maybe the comet could actually hit Syrixia and cause the people around to turn into zombies or something, while an ambitious politician decides to turn them into an army and tries to conquer the world with them? :o
No scientific basis for this.
Keep it realistic. This is a ten-mile asteroid. When it hits, it'll crush stuff, then kick up tsunamis and earthquakes that swallow the land, and then an enormous ash cloud is created that slowly kills plant and animal life. Domes ain't gonna cut it. And zombies will not happen.

Also, who wants the asteroid to hit their nation?
Cogoria does not. We have spen too much money digging holes in the ground to hide in only for a asteroid to make one giant hole for free
My dude is going to try and bring all his idealist buddies. Not all of them will make it, I suspect.
The sole Cogorian will try and find some way to get home after it's safe to return to the surface, might try and convince people to go with him to "Salvation"
But how will they know about this bunker in the first place? It could be they only find out this at the last second when they're in Blackwater City, for some reason.

In the time being, make up a story for them. A mother that abandoned them at birth that the character wants to find before the apocalypse, a government official in charge of a rescue plan that fails, and has to cover it up by ordering the subsequent executions, or someone wrongly convicted of a crime that escapes prison and goes on the run are both characters from the show. You can take it from them, or make up one yourself.

Also, if anyone wants to watch the TV show that forms the basis of this RP, I found a link:
There are 10 episodes in the 1 series, each 45 minutes long. You can watch it and draw inspiration from the characters, etc.

I'd advise using a computer or phone with some form of adblocker installed, or else you will get swamped with ads. And don't click on the links in the comment section. And don't trust anything on DM, aside from the links to the other episodes on the left-hand side.
Ivan is there to just engage in trade talks, is with Embassy staff trying to find somewhere to hide BOOM car crash gets seperaed in the panic stumbles upon the bunker.... Poor Ivan...
Nope. Earthquakes and tsunamis would snap the cables. And also, to those building bunkers, you need to factor in food, water, and medical supplies for that amount of people. Cogoria, how do you plan to get enough food for a third of your population to survive in for several years?

Also, the fact that the centre of operations is in Blackwater Coty can help set things up if, say, your character's a scientist, or a relative of sorts, or even a government leader, who gets into the bunker.
Radios dude. Also regarding food, I mentioned Hydroponic farming gear, we'll drag some pigs down there to breed, and a shit ton of mushrooms to populate the tunnels.
Satellite phones? Otherwise, yes, they will be cut off from everyone else until the radio etc stations are built again, which could take decades.
Radios won't work; the towers would have been knocked down.

Cogoria, please keep this realistic. You will not be able to gather enough food in 5 weeks to supply almost 10 million people for up to 20 years. "Taking a couple pigs down there to breed" will not be logistically possible, and will still be ineffective. What will the pigs live on? What will they eat? Where will they be?
Ever play or read the METRO books by Dimitri Glukhovsky?
No, but from what info I'm gathering, that's the in case of a nuclear war. An asteroid impact that releases 30 Yottajoules of energy is far more than that. This triggers earthquakes that can destroy some shelters, tsunamis that wipe out everything above ground, and a dust cloud that blots out the sun. No sun, no chlorophyll-based plant life, no animals that feed on it.
Sadakoyama has planned for just such a possibility, however our catastrophe bunkers are meant to preserve cultural materials and as much information in non-volatile storage mediums as possible, not people. Hopefully should such an event occur the next species to take over will benefit from our work and perhaps even adopt our ways. Our money is on the octopi. Or maybe corvids.
Radio towers dont need to be huge, send a team out to erect one outside your shelter. Or have telescopic masts
Radio towers dont need to be huge, send a team out to erect one outside your shelter. Or have telescopic masts
Size is completely irrelevant: the radio towers will be knocked down by the earthquake, washed away by tsunami, or crumble under the weight of settling ash. And that's not including the possibilities of wiring corroding, structural integrity, etc. Finally, how will they get the supplies necessary for this?

Also, Sadak, if you contribute that information, it could help the survivors rebuild Eras, maybe in your liking of octopi and rainforests. Unless you've got the rest of the world's flora and fauna DNA frozen in there...

Quick edit note, this is still on the FIRST DAY. Please do not rush ahead. This RP will have a strict time scale. For now, I would like to advise a redaction of anything ludicrously ahead in the future.
Store the supplies needed to construct a mast sin the shelter. And UV lights and hydroponics, dont need the sun. Neither do mushrooms
Where will you get power for those lights? No solar, wind is unlikely and inefficient, and tiny nuclear reactors are not MT. Coal and oil run out within months. Additionally, you need power for that radio mast.

Mushrooms are unsustainable, especially while waiting for them to grow. Additionally, if a bacterium residing in the bunker infects the mushrooms, there goes the food stock.

And mushrooms for 9.9 million? Where will you get seeds and farming equipment for that? What about space? And what about how little calories a mushroom actually supplies (4 for a medium mushroom) and how many will need to be eaten to sustain almost 10 million?

Let's say, 1200 calories minimum. 1200 x 9.9 million = 11.8 billion. Divide that by 4 to get 2.97 billion. That's the amount of mushrooms needed per day for that amount of people. That is incredibly unsustainable.
Wolfsea would just be a load of ruins, zero survivors. The few who did survive initial impact would have killed themselves to reunite with Marwolaeth in Ravenbrook. If you eventually get close enough you might find stuff worth looting though, weapons especially.
Wolfsea would just be a load of ruins, zero survivors. The few who did survive initial impact would have killed themselves to reunite with Marwolaeth in Ravenbrook. If you eventually get close enough you might find stuff worth looting though, weapons especially.
We're not at that stage quite yet, so join in! You want to join in the scientists? Or later on, when the asteroid is announced, you can play a Wolvesh who manages to get into the bunker.
Also, Sadak, if you contribute that information, it could help the survivors rebuild Eras, maybe in your liking of octopi and rainforests. Unless you've got the rest of the world's flora and fauna DNA frozen in there...
Working on it... :)
Well the food stocks are already stored for a few years of nuclear winter prep so food wouldnt be an immediate concern, space wise ALL metro systems in each city is a Nuclear bunker (like the real life Moscow Metro and ST Petersburg Metro) And mini nuclear reactor? It aint mini XD Mshrooms are only supplementing the Pork, Hydroponics and stored rations.
I don't expect every shelter to survive, like the hastily modified mines in the North will be a complete write off, as they aren't even halfway as prepared as the metro bunkers. Only major problem I can see with the Metro bunkers is possible reactor damage caused by the earthquakes
Plot twist: working on creating Eras into Super-Sadakoyama.
Plot twist? That's our long term plan. :D

Cog, buddy, I don't want to crap on anyone's favorite franchise but the first thing that is going to happen is those metro tubes your favour are going to flood. That's why underground housing isn't a bigger deal.
Well where would the flood enter? The mocow metro and St Petersburg metros have massive pressure doors capable of withstanding nuclear blasts... Not just basining it Off of a Franchise but heavily from RL as well
Well where would the flood enter? The mocow metro and St Petersburg metros have massive pressure doors capable of withstanding nuclear blasts...
If they're in anything like the state of the mines they'll flood from the roof. Additionally, if they aren't deep enough, the water can erode the roofs of the caverns, and then settling ash will cause them to collapse, if they haven't already. Finally, how on earth will you fit ten million people into a metro line or something similar?
Also, please could you guys redact your long term plans? This is still the first day of everything being worked out. Sure, you can post about how you've set plans in motion to do these things, but please don't rush ahead.

Sadak and Wolfsea, if you want to join in, do you want to start making the post about the government addressing the issue? It can be a couple of lines saying you'll donate scientists/weapons/materials, and it helps introduce you, especially if you plan making a character that gets into the bunker.
The tunnels I mention under Orionus will probably end up devolving into terrible terrible things but the Nebulan who ends up making it into Your Main Bunker will try to rebuild society in a better way.