The Hesskin Civil War!


For those who do not know the houses i will put each in a Spoiler tag for you to read about them.
The House of Jejtah:

The jejtah believe in no Private buisness, Very High Civil Rights and political Rights. They try for Diplomacy first, but will fight when necessary last Emperoro Scott the Loving was a jejtah Emperor
The House of Kee:

The Kee are very religious and believe in Militaristic Might, They love their Country and believe the Jejtah are ruining the hesskin Empire! The kee demand nothing short of world Domination! They believe in high Military and Police Might They Shoot first talk later.
The house of Jeh:

The house of jeh is also known as The Peasents house, It was formed during the Last War between kee and Jejtah, the jeh put a stop to the Bloodshed then and hoped they could to do so this time around, but to no avail! The Diplomats were killed by the Kee but received by the Jejtah, the jejtah and Jeh have decided to work together, even tho the jeh only contain 1% of the national Military! The Jeh Are very pacifist, they also believe in No/Little Taxes and have only ever had one Emperor from their house!

The Imperial Army has been split, 1% has Gone to the Jeh, 44% went to the jejtah and 55% went to the kee! (Those are the Percentages of Soldiers) The Jeh and jejtah have decided to Work together and Call for any Allies that can help them Defeat the Dreaded Kee once and For All!
The Kee have also called upon all Imperials to join them, they call upon Any Nation That whishes to survive in the future with or under the Empire!
The Jejtah have: 924,000 soldiers
The Jeh Have:21,000
The Kee have:1,155,000
Will you help aid in the War? Or will you let it play itself out? (If the Armies are too big i can always try and cut them down, I used the 2% rule for total military then divided by my mentioned Percentages, I gave Kee a Larger Percentage than the others because of its Militarism and jeh has Lowest because of their Pacifism)

Title edited to remove superfluous exclamation points.
Nebula will send a convoy of cargo ships with weapons, tanks, aircraft, ammunition, and other supplies to the Jejtah and Jeh armies. In addition, we will send 100 AFI officers to help train the troops in their use.

However, we are unable to send a task force at this time; we will avoid doing so until we can be certain that we will not come into conflict with a nuclear-equipped state. The previous Nebulan administration is at least partially responsible for three nuclear crises and we have no intention of repeating their mistake.
The Julian Corporation of Kannex has dispatched secret messages to both the Jejtah and Kee armies, offering the sale of high-tech weaponry of a much better quality than what Nebulan depots can offer. The inventory of weaponry offered to the Hesskins include state-of-the-art Kannexan helicopters, automatic rifles, tanks, jeeps, hand grenades, and defensive chemical gases. The Julian Corporation will offer a further discount for ammunition. Additional weaponry can be negotiated further, including small patrol boats and naval equipment.

From the Office of His Majesty Sherwin IV de Dracosta, King of Esplandia
To Whatever Powers now rule the Hesskin Empire

This is an official proclamation that the borders of Esplandia shall be conditionally closed against the citizens of Hesskin until such a time as we can decide that your current fighting will not spill into our nation. We are willing to provide humanitarian aid to any who might seek it, and we will be willing to take in refugees on an as needed basis. We hope for a swift and bloodless end to the conflict and hope that we can restore relations with whomever shall achieve peace over your nation.
"The Hermaesian Republic decided to send Doctors and paramedics from the Hermaesian Red Cross and has agreed to co-operate with the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), to help the injured of Jejtah and Jeh. Sending military support is deemed too dangerous since the risk of getting involved militarily in this war is great." Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Grand Federation of Xentherida is willing to accept refugees from Hesskin, and we would like to commence humanitarian aid in the region, along with airdrops from specifically marked Xentheridan cargo planes onto populated areas. These airdrops would contain medical supplies, food, water, and a barrage of other items.
The federation of Sierra will send humanitarian aid to the Hesskians affected by the consequenses of this war and will take refugees fleeing from the terror that this war brought, but we will not interfere militarily , since we believe that this is a war of only one nation battleling against itself. Only their compromises will solve this problem.
True Sebland:
The federation of Sierra will send humanitarian aid to the Hermaesians affected by the consequenses of this war and will take refugees fleeing from the terror that this war brought, but we will not interfere militarily , since we believe that this is a war of only one nation battleling against itself. Only their compromises will solve this problem.
(OCC you probably mean the Hesskians, We don't have a civil war in Hermaes.)
The Republic of Lorbank offers to help with peacekeeper forces.
We are willing to send 1500 soldiers to stap the civil war.
With Dalvius, canonically, neck deep in civil war, the Royalists are willing to send a squad of 30 Agents or Seraphim forces to contain the war. The Royalists are also willing to accept and care for refugees.

The Convocation, however, is willing to send heavy weaponry towards the Hesskian Empire.
With Dalvius, canonically, neck deep in civil war, the Royalists are willing to send a squad of 30 Agents or Seraphim forces to contain the war. The Royalists are also willing to accept and care for refugees.

The Convocation, however, is willing to send heavy weaponry towards the Hesskian Empire.

[I thought that was in the far future.]
I am cancelling this RP for now, cant find the OOC post, but i am reworking my internal workings and such... Sorry for any inconviennce i will have another RP up eventually. including my half puppet Corrvale.(Izmedu has half control) again sorry but i'll start a new RP later!