Flippy's Law


TNP Nation
Seph Wolfe

"Hewwo, I'm Flippy and I think The North Pacific is da best in da world!"

It is my proposal that we enshrine, in law no less, that the adorable Flippy the Harp Seal becomes the official Seal of the Delegate of the North Pacific, look at her... can you refuse those cute little eyes?
I see no reason why we can't have a cute fluffy little harp seal become a mascot for the Delegate/region... would do wonders for tourism and moy-chendising.
Now, I'm quite a fan of puns, but this is just plain silly. It's a cute thing to look at, good to laugh at, but I don't think I'd vote for it to be put into law.

I'm sorry, but I don't think it's cute enough. Maybe a picture at a different angle, which shows its entire body, would be better in my opinion.

Or, we could have something a little more "kawaii".

Will nobody think about the children?
We did, we thought of Flippy plushies, lunchboxes, a series of 5-minute short cartoons where Flippy explains Regional Policies, we're looking to Nackdonalds for the Joy Meal toys.