PC Discussion: Intervention in McMasterdonia


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation
Syrixia has asked for intervention on behalf of McMasterdonia to help the Civil War.

Nation Name of Applicant: Syrixia
Nation(s) in Conflict: McMasterdonia
Approximate Number of Troops Needed: However many are necessary.
Actions that need to be handled by NPTO: McMasterdonia is mired in a civil war between religious extremists and royalist forces. Syrixia is concerned for the safety of its treaty ally and begs NPTOPF to take action, so no further damage is done.

I'm not.

I think it is our moral duty as peacekeepers to ensure that no further deaths are inflicted. Religious extremist terrorists are killing many, a beloved queen was assassinated, and now the world has been plunged into recession. This crisis in McMasterdonia must end.

I have seen news articles criticizing our as well as the DU's lack of intervention, and I have seen the death statistics. That's what I mean. They NEED this war to end.

Just realized this is a PC discussion. Ignore post.
Would the Honorable Delegation for Syrixia keep himself in discussions which concern him? This debate is for the council members so that they may vote accordingly. The Assembly has recourse after the PC decision.

Security, please remove this gentleman.
The Guslant delegation has summoned Sophia Vergara, ambassador to Guslantis from the embassy of McMasterdonia to the Peace Council chambers to express her concerns on the issue.
"I would like to thank the right honourable gentleman from the Guslantis Delegation for inviting me to address the piece council and the application presented by Syrixia. I also acknowledge the right honourable gentleman from the Kingdom of Plembobria, and I appreciate their statement on this matter. Finally, I acknowledge the application made by the Syrixian Delegation, which I am sure was delivered with the best of intentions, but has been mishandled profoundly and submitted from a highly biased and naive basis.

The right honourable gentlemen from Syrixia is advocating for a foreign invasion of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia" Sophia paused for a moment before continuing:

"This is not simply strong rhetoric. It is a fact. Not only did the Government of Syrixia propose a foreign invasion force, amusingly in the name of peace, but they did not first consult our government nor did they alert us to their request after the fact. Had this matter not been brought to our attention by the Right Honourable Ambassador from Guslantis, then it is very likely that the first we would have heard of it, would have been when Syrixian soldiers began the raping and pillaging of McMasterdonian territory integrity, our people, and our culture."

"The application states that a foreign invasion is absolutely crucial in order to avoid a rising death toll. This is complete and utter nonsense. When in the history of Eras has a foreign invasion actually reduced the number of casualties? How many thousands if not hundreds of thousands died in the pointless war for Rhuvanland? A nation that is now little more than a puppet state. This proposed invasion would involve tens if not hundreds of thousand of foreign troops invading and bombing Mcmasterdonian territory. How many countless thousands would die by the hand of foreigners? How many would see their livelihoods destroyed by a foreign & farcical invasion that has no interest in the survival or preservation of the Mcmasterdonian culture or their history."

"It is absolutely correct that the McMasterdonian Media has been very critical of other nations and of international organisations such as the Democratic Union and the North Pacific Treaty Organisation. Who could possibly blame them? On the facts as available to us, many nations across the North Pacific, including some members of this most august body, have literally condemned the actions of the Kingdom over the past couple of years. They have made demands. They have insisted that the Kingdom is acting with violent or sinister motivations. They have dared to suggest that the Kingdom should negotiate with terrorists such as Archbishop Gunrei who burn our cities to the ground."

We have been constantly disrespected by the international community since this crisis began. The evidence is apparent to all who are not beholden to the imperialist powers that be. Not only have nations rejected our clear evidence that Eumenor backed the assassination of our monarch, but they have insisted that we seek peace with a terrorist organisation that has today claimed to be it's own independent state.

They have attempted to bully or threaten our legitimate government using international organisations. They have attempted to suggest that McMasterdonia was partly to blame for the brutal assassination of our beloved monarch, Queen Matilda II. Or worse, they have defended the actions of the Eumenorian Government rather than demanding that they immediately release information and grant access to McMasterdonia.

The hypocrisy and idiocy of many such nations has led the media and the Government of the Kingdom to doubt their intentions. These nations make outlandish claims and criticisms against the Kingdom, without taking the time to analyze the situation in Mcmaterdonia. Without considering the centuries of cultural issues that are at play right now. Without questioning or debating the true motivations of the group of rebels and terrorists who continue to attack McMasterdonia and plot the assassination of the King-Regent Albert.

They have made no notable statements of support for the Kingdom in it's just battle against terrorism or in it's fight for continued independence and government stability. Just yesterday it was announced that forces loyal to the Archbishop Gunrei brutally slaughtered an entire family, including the ruling Lady Paramount of the Reach, Lady Kimberley Clarke and her five children. The international community has not condemned this action. They have not expressed support for the Government in it's efforts to prevent the mass murder of innocence in the name of flemingovianism. Instead, I was awoken in the middle of the night to the news that Syrixia was advocating for a foreign invasion of our homeland. Only loyal allies, who like McMasterdonia, fiercely value their independence and culture have spoken in support of our actions.

While remaining silent, these same hypocritical nations dare to visit McMasterdonia and enjoy the fruits of our labour and display their crocodile tears at the death of our beloved Queen and stateswoman. This two faced and inappropriate behaviour has perpetuated throughout this entire crisis. The NPTO and other organisations can act, and they can respond to the criticisms of our media and our government. No reasonable person would suggest that such a response should be a full scale foreign invasion against the consent or without the consultation of the McMasterdonian government.

"What these governments SHOULD do, SHOULD they wish to show actual support to our Government in the face of numerous threats and terrorist actions, is announce their unequivocal support of the McMasterdonian Government. Just as our allies in the Floregasque Republic, the Imperium Augustum, Salvarity, and Naizerre have done. They should condemn the actions of the Archbishop Gunrei and Rosemary Whent. They should cease their relentless criticisms and issue no more demands of the McMasterdonian Government. If we are to truly defeat the rebels and terrorist dogs, as we fully believe we will, we need the support of the nations of Eras. We do not need a foreign invasion. Any victory must come off the backs of McMasterdonian citizens. A foreign invasion will only mean that countless thousands will be killed, by foreigners, who have no interest in preserving our culture, or in minimizing destruction. "

McMasterdonia is a fiercely independent nation. McMasterdonia will not become a puppet state. McMasterdonia is not Shei Ren. McMasterdonia is not Rhuvanland. The NPTO should be aware, that should..." Sophia laughed sarcastically, "peace keepers" attempt to invade or violate McMasterdonian territorial integrity, the response from McMasterdonia and our allies abroad, will be swift, and it will be brutal. That is not a threat. That, Right Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen, is a fact."

- Sophia Vergara, McMasterdonian Ambassador to Guslantis.
I thank the honorable ambassador.

Written request of the Syrixian delegation to rescind this application having been received. The chair will adjourn this discussion if there are no objections.