International Economic Crisis [open]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
McMasterdonian Global News

McMasterdonian Economy on the brink of collapse
Intelligentsia, McMasterdonia

According to leading economists, the McMasterdonian economy is on the brink of collapse. The highly globalized economy that relies on the auto manufacturing industry, tourism, and resource exports has come to a stunning head following serious political instability in the Kingdom. Following the ascension of Queen Matilda II the economy McMasterdonia continued to grow at frightening levels for more than a two year period. Despite many economists and economic advisers repeatedly warn Her Majesties Government, the government was very slow to respond to concerns regarding inflation and foreign investment.

Since the 1900s, McMasterdonia has largely operated as a boom and bust economy, with two extremely severe depressions that wiped out more than 3 million citizens because of famine, it is disappointing that the government has not learned from past mistakes and continues to operate in a reckless manner in regards to the national economy.

The decision to suspend Senate elections and to prorogue the Senate for an indefinite period during the reign of Matilda II had some effect on the state of the economy, however, the strength of the Queen and her Ministers was enough to allay confidence concerns. These concerns came to the forefront of the international economy when the Queen was assassinated along with multiple Minister's. The assassination rocked the McMasterdonian economy, this devastated confidence and before these concerns could be addressed with the smooth transition to the recently appointed King-Regent, the Senate met in secret and abolished the tax code - devestating confidence again and causing significant confusion in government departments and undermining the government's ability to meet it's debts and assure investors of the economic stability of the country.

The closure of borders and airports has greatly restricted the ability of McMasterdonian corporations to export and import goods. In addition, this has greatly damaged the Royal McMasterdonian Airline that has been prohibited from flying any airplane into McMasterdonia or to the outside world. This has crippled the ability of the airline to move it's fleet into more marketable areas given the economic crisis, and it has prohibited the ability of the airline to perform much required maintenance on it's fleet. The floregasqueeconomist stated today that the total share price of the Airline had fallen more than 28% and that other shares of McMasterdonian Companies, such as Freight McMasterdonia had dropped more than 15%.

This crisis is going to have a significant impact on multiple world economies and we will likely see a huge plunge in the share prices right across the world.

A Press Conference from Royal McMasterdonian Airlines:

Ladies and Gentleman,

Thank you for joining me here today. I'll make a short announcement and then I will take some questions. We understand that there has been a lot of speculation about the state of the Royal McMasterdonian airline, and we wish to be quite clear that the speculation encouraged by the press needs to stop. This is only putting at risk further jobs and the state of the world economy.

We will announce today that our airline will be temporarily closing airline hubs around McMasterdonia. This includes our airline hub in Eumenor, which will remain closed for an indefinite period. This will cause the loss of approximately 5000 jobs in Minas Ursul.

In addition our hubs in Egalotir*, New Sekai, Plembobria, Kalti and Syrixia will be closed immediately due to lack of revenue and logistical support to keep them open. We cannot estimate the total job losses at this time, but it is our hope that we will be able to reopen the airline hubs once our revenue stream is secure and the uncertainty in the Mcmasterdonian economy is stabilized. Please note that this does not mean that flights will be cancelled, RMA is committed to ensuring that our customers are fully satisfied and that they arrive at their destinations safely.

The airline hubs established in Andulus, Ceretis, Salvarity will remain open temporarily, but they too, will eventually be closed when the travel restrictions from McMasterdonia are lifted. The hub established in Norvalkin is the only hub that we are prepared to state will stay open for an indefinite period.

In addition, we regret to announce that our domestic services may be temporarily suspended. This is most likely to affect the nations of Plembobria, Cronaal, and Kalti. We expect that we will have to halve our involvement in domestic services. This is due to the increased cost of labor and the low returns on profit for domestic services as opposed to international services.

It is clear that this will have strongly impact the tourism industry and that there may well be significant job losses in tourism centres such as McMasterdonia, SillyString, and Malvad. It is unfortunate that this decision has had to be made, but it is due largely to the lack of confidence in the McMasterdonian economy and the ongoing issues related to expansion and the high cost of labour in the North Pacific.

Thank you. I will now take questions.

Statement from the Royal Palace:

A Statement Regarding Economic Uncertainty​
The Royal Palace, Intelligentsia.

His Royal Majesties government wishes to announce that the Government has temporarily suspended trading on the McMasterdonian Stock Exchange to allow the government to respond in detail to the crisis. HM's Government is committed to protecting the McMasterdonian economy, ensuring adequate jobs for McMasterdonian citizens, and to encourage foreign investment in McMasterdonia.


OOC: This is an OPEN RP which means that anyone can respond. NO GODMODDING. And do not just assume other nations are accepting your aide. Also keep in mind that if you're going to be the ONLY nation to suddenly have a growing economy during this crisis, that is very unrealistic and your post may be ignored.
The Emperator peered over the top of his newspaper at his secretary. "It says here that the McMasterdonian economy is on the brink of collapse."
"Yes, sir," the aide said. "The Economic Council wishes to discuss the matter with you this afternoon. I have scheduled a meeting for your afternoon opening."

The Emperator walked into the conference room. He was exactly on time, but everyone else was already seated.
"So what's going on?" he said.
"The unrest in McMasterdonia has essentially destroyed industry there," reported the Head of Finance. "It doesn't take much to shut a factory down. As the repercussions of this spread across McMasterdonia, the employment rate has been dropping and the economy has been tanking."
"The rest of the region, particularly McMasterdonia's allies, will be feeling the effects shortly," the Head of Foreign Affairs added. "The Democratic Union will be the first to have problems, but from there it'll quickly spread into the NPTO, Helmebaine, and Faibuaizu. And once it gets into the Faibuaizu nations, we're in trouble."
"Could we lower trade to the rest of the region and try to ride it out?" the Emperator asked.
The Head of Foreign Affairs shook his head. "Our Faibuaizu involvement forces us to maintain trade with our allies, many of whom are involved in other alliances. It'll hit us."
"What's the best way to handle it, then?"
"I'm not sure," said the Head of Finance, "but I would advise raising taxes until we start to see the effects on other Faibuaizu countries. Once that happens, we cut taxes to make things easier for the average citizen, but try to create jobs with the extra money we've gained from the tax hike. This should keep things from getting too bad on the home front."
"Abroad," the Head of Foreign Affairs added, "we'll try to collect on our foreign assets before the crash goes worldwide. If we can hold steady throughout the crisis, we could also consider loaning money to countries getting back on their feet."
"That might be risky," the Emperator decided. "Could we try selling industrial equipment to the McMasterdonians before the shock hits?"
"We could try," conceded the Head of Production, "but if it failed, we would probably see worse effects than if we didn't."
"Try it anyway. Small scale first, so we don't stand to lose much if it fails. The rest of you, start working on it. We haven't a moment to lose."
The August Public Record: Breaking News
The Door of Peace Closed & Budget Suspended Due to Tensions with D.U.

Breaking News, Alba Longa: An emergency press conference was called by Caesar himself earlier tonight, to announce the closure of the Door of Peace and the suspension of the 2014-2015 Budget. This is the first time the Door of Peace has been closed since Caesar took office, thirty-five years ago. Caesar announced that "due to sustained and escalating hostilities levelled towards McMasterdonia by the Democratic Union, Imperium Augustum will be entering a state of war." He hastened to correct that his use of the term 'state of war' is in accordance with the customary law of Imperium and the predecessing Kingdom of Alba Longa, and would be better interpreted as a state of mobilization. He did not clarify the causal link between these hostilities and the closure of the Door of Peace. A supplementary document provided by the Augustine Office suggests that Caesar has interpreted the afore-mentioned hostilities as a threat to regional Monarchism and the Pax Latina in general.

The Door of Peace is a religious institution dating back over 3000 years to the ancient religious practices of Alba Longa. Referring both to the temple complex it bars entry to, and the physical set of doors themselves, the Door of Peace is shut and opened at the direct instruction of Caesar, who must be physically present. While in times of peace, the temple complex is open to the public, to worship the God Paxus, the temple is reserved for Caesar's personal use during times of war, as a military briefing center for foreign dignitaries and government officials at the personal invitation of Caesar. The closure of the Door of Peace requires all able-bodied men and women in Imperium to make themselves known to the government, in preparation for the draft, and indicates the government's intent to mobilize industry in a manner appropriate for wartime, despite no formal declaration of war being made.

A comprehensive media briefing was provided to journalists by the Lictorial Service, regarding the closure. The briefing purports that the closure of the Door of Peace is in response to economic terrorism carried out by the Democratic Union, to destabilize McMasterdonia, long a member of the Pax Latina through their vassal state of New Intelligensia. The briefing, named the "August Response to Operation Antoinette", a reference to a popular Neapolitan Senator beheaded by a nationalist democratic riot in the early 1900s, accuses the Democratic Union of aiming to systematically weaken the international economy. It argues that what is termed "Operation Antoinette" is in order to cause long-lasting damage to monarchist powers and democratic detractors with infant links to the world economy, forcing them out to further solidify Democratic Union control of regional commerce.

Operation Antoinette: In the Lictorial Service's Eyes

  • Capitalizing on the results of lax Eumenorian security, resulting in the death of McMasterdonian Queen Matilda II and destabilizing the country through an attempted violent democratic coup d'etat
  • Crippling the global tourist and financial industry, isolating key members of the Pax Latina, including New Intelligensia, Floresque, and Silly String
  • Defending a militant status quo by limiting the capacity for Naizerre to involve itself in the world economy through the sabotage of the McMasterdonian economy, after indicating its support for key McMasterdonian partners (the Russian Republic and Imperium itself)
  • Delaying negotiations on the Eumenorian investigations long enough to allow Eumenorians to fabricate the crime scene
  • Causing untold damage to efforts by Edenists in Nierr to restore trade with the global economy after throwing out DU-aligned businesses convicted of abusing Nierr's natural resources and populace
  • Implicitly endorsing the massacres by 'Eastern' states conducted under the guise of peace-keeping and colonial management


Image: Caesar Augustus pictured contemplating the audience before commencing the conference.

The 2014-2015 budget will not be compiled for public viewing until the cessation of the state of war, due to security concerns. The Lictorial Service announced that the August military has raised the question that the August budget, as custom currently dictates it is compiled, reveals a significant amount of detail about trends in August military procurement and development, through incidental knock-on effects in civilian technology costs and in military expenditure data being referenced to different experts and branches. Other functions of finance, like taxation and the absence of rationing, remain as ordinary.

Due to the need to mobilize the nation efficiently and speedily, Imperium has announced an unprecedented initiative to create a free-trade zone on the Isle Pommum, north-west of Alba Longa, in Imperium's southern strait. It is unclear what the direct correlation between wartime readiness and the free-trade zone is. However, the Secretariat for the Economy has made known its intentions to lift any and all tariffs and taxes, except for a new payroll tax, for manufacturers building industrial capacity and infrastructure on Isle Pommum, currently barren but for an amphibious-capability military training facility. They have indicated that the military training facility will be greatly expanded, to provide security and law enforcement on the island, which will be paid for through a payroll tax, and will also house a new power plant to supply the island and reduce dependence on the underground links to the mainland power-grid. Currently, the island is supported by a military airstrip and a small underground subway station on the heavily used rail link between Alba Longa and Neapolis, in the north, on the other coast. The Pommum Subway Station is to be significantly extended.

At this point, it is intended that Isle Pommum will be heavily marketed towards naval and maritime shipbuilder, automobile, and aviation industries, all of which Imperium is highly regarded in, as well as industrial producers of large-scale industry who would benefit from having easy access to a major shipping route with open-sea access. It is expected that Imperium will not mobilize such industry during a war, and would instead guarantee financial security. At this point, however, it is unknown how many investors will be prepared to take on such a high-risk endeavour during such an economically tense time, although it is generally agreed that beyond Imperium's aggression towards the Democratic Union, it is relatively isolated from the world economy. Until recently, Imperium Augustum was vehemently protectionist, and much of its economy still relies upon small businesses trading through the Secretariat for the Economy, as well as its comparative advantage in aeronautics, transportation, and renewable energy. It threatens to be a high-risk, high-reward investment that could make or break even a major national corporation at such a shaky time in global politics - but one that comes at a low cost to a state insistent on playing the game of Risk.
Notice to all citizens of SillyString
In response to the developing situation in McMasterdonia, an emergency session of the String has been called. The following items are on the agenda:
  • Briefings from Finance, Shipping, and Travel, as well as a report from the McMasterdonian ambassador
  • Assessing the impact of these events on our own economy
  • Minimizing the potential reductions to guaranteed quality of life
  • Determining the fate of the McMasterdonian citizens currently stranded here, and SillyString's citizens who may be traveling there.
The session will convene at 21:00 hours today, and will not be delayed. Please be prompt.

Bureaucrat Extraordinaire
Naizerri Exchanges Down as Global Economy Suffers
Both the domestic NaizDaq and international NaiCom stock exchanges lost almost a third of their value yesterday as the global implications of the impending McMasterdonian economic collapse start to become apparent. Companies closer to the McMasterdonian economy suffered worst, with Wâbürtö Corporation having his share price cut in half, due to the Corporation's division in McMasterdonia suffering heavy losses. Wâbürtö CEO announced they would be taking measures to help recover the share price as well as looking to slimline their business.

Domestic Affairs Minister Tü Mtö announced that Naizerre's flag carrier Gbelê Bâhürü would be chartered to help ferry stranded Naizerri citizens back to the nation. Mtö refused to comment on speculation that the government had made an offer to the McMasterdonian authorities to help retrieve some of those impacted by the shutdown of Royal McMasterdonian Airlines. Further announcements would come from both the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Finance, it was confirmed.
Rethel Stock Exchange Drops
The Rethel Stock Exchange as lost 27% of its value today, following the economic collapse in McMasterdonia.

The RMA hub in Cummings, Flith. has closed down. Thousands have been laid off. Minister for Commerce (and former PM) Sydney Briggs and Minister for Labor Harriet Hobbes have proposed a plan to absorb the jobs. They intend to subsidize the Royal Plembobrian Airlines as well as other companies to pick up the workers.

The National Party Senate leader has announced his opposition to the plan. "RPA has its own workers and their own operations. How do we expect them pick up the slack? We're trying to force a business in the area of the market that is shrinking. The market will take its course. We have to let this situation right itself, instead of creating artificial incentives."

Yet another problem exists, the nation's budget is set to expire September 6. The Commons budget committee has announced that it will be re-drafting the budget it. If the Senate tries to block it again, we could have yet another political crisis.

Meanwhile, the Royal Bank of Plembobria's board of governors is convening for an emergency meeting, to decide how it intends to manage the money supply in case of further economic downturn. More to come.
Gonfaloniere's Palace
Piazza della Signoria, Floresque




This morning I signed legislation drafted by the Esteemed Signoria of the Floregasque Republic establishing further sets of trading curbs, or "circuit breakers", and imposing them upon the Floregasque Stock Exchange. I am sure that many citizens are aware of the financial panic engulfing the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, one of Floresque's oldest friends and closest trading partners.

Yesterday the Floresque Stock Exchange fell over 500 points, concluding a dire week in which the Exchange lost nearly 800 points in all due to the economic uncertainty in McMasterdonia.

Floresque's stock exchange was perhaps the worst affected outside of McMasterdonia. This crash could have been mitigated if only the Exchange had a functioning set of trading curbs, a common piece of legislation and technology that many other stock exchanges around the world have. Taken up in the panic, speculators and stockjobbers perhaps sold their shares with undue haste and worsened the effects of the McMasterdonian panic on our investment industry.

When the Exchange opens on Monday, a majority of the largest companies trading on the FSE will have these trading curbs installed on their listings. By the end of next week, all but a few should have completed the transition. When a massive sell-off like "Black Friday" occurs, these curbs will prevent trading for a matter of minutes so that sellers can recover from the panic a point drop creates.

While these measures cannot recover the great losses the Exchange suffered yesterday, they can mitigate such crashes in the future.

In addition, I have received formal word from the Chairman of the Central Bank of Floresque that, in response to the crisis in McMasterdonia, it will be cutting interest rates from 1.5% to 1.1%. Floregasque banks should spread this windfall to you, the consumer. By lowering interest payments on mortgages and other loans, you will have more money in your pocket and the effects of any international downturn should be mitigated in its effects to the common man or woman. Even now, the Central Bank is making other adjustments to its monetary policy in a further attempt to avert recession. These adjustments may be increased in their degree of strength depending on how the world economy handles the McMasterdonian panic.

I would also like to take a moment to extend my sincerest condolences to those in McMasterdonia affected by the recent events. While it may seem to many that the situation in the Kingdom is in freefall, I can only iterate my firm belief that extremism can never win. Terrorism, religious fundamentalism, and rebellion cannot and should not be tolerated by a government under siege. I commend the Royal Family of McMasterdonia for their firm efforts to rein in these guerrillas and revolutionaries.

I condemn in the harshest terms the recent coup d'etat attempt by the rogue "Senate", and applaud the McMasterdonian government for putting a stop to these rebels and destabilizers. The King-Regent and his ministers act with a compassion for their own people and display a true mind for the security and stability of their nation.

I will conclude this statement by urging every citizen of Floresque to remember that nothing is set in stone. The economy has rebounded before and it will again. Floresque is a global city, integrated into the world economy. By taking measures such as instituting trading curbs and cutting interest rates, we can mitigate the effects of a possible recession and perhaps avert it entirely. Have faith in the economy, the value of your florin, and the sense of the Central Bank, as all of these factors will work together to determine the future stability of the financial system.



Crisis in McMasterdonia

Dateline Intelligentsia - A nation in turmoil boils over. The ever worsening situation in McMasterdonia has reached a boiling point, now with the national economy on the brink of collapse, a domino effect is feared for other regional and global economies. Grand Admiral Stivison acted fast today.

An Address by Grand Admiral Stivison:
We have been closely following recent developments within the Kingdom of McMasterdonia. A power struggle is on going within the local government there, and innocent civilians are left caught in the crossfire. Having consulted with my top advisers, we have developed what we are terming Operation Soaring Freedom, to tackle the three headed hydra of the McMasterdonian Crisis.
The first and foremost thought on all of our minds, has been the safety of Dolphmerican citizens within McMasterdonia. I have been in contact close contact with Ambassador Iskander, and we have an official number of non-embassy staff that remain in McMasterdonia. That number stands at 3,421 Dolphmerican citizens. To ensure the safety of Dolphmerican Citizens, I have ordered the deployment of 3 frigates, and the DNS Dolphmerica LPH-02, to the Gulf of McMasterdonia, to support the evacuation efforts.
The second prong of Operation Soaring Freedom, concerns the crisis on the home-front. The grounding of air traffic, and closing of the McMasterdonian border, has stranded thousands of McMasterdonians in Dolphmerica. We will be granting these people temporary refugee status, to ensure that they get the shelter, treatment, and care they deserve for the duration of this crisis.
Finally, turning to the economic side of the situation. Current reports indicate that the threat from a downturn in the McMasterdonian economy, poses very little threat to our own economy. However, as a precautionary measure, trading on the national exchanges has been temporarally halted. Interest rates shall also be lowered from 5% to 4.75%.
In all, with Operation Soaring Freedom, we stand ready to face this crisis, as we have faced so many others headfirst, and steadfast in our resolve as Dolphmericans.​

Civil Aviation Authority​

On behalf of His Majesties Government, I am pleased to announce that we will officially be reopening all McMasteredonian Airports to International Passengers. Domestic services will resume as normal.

In order to ease the burden on the airport system over the next two weeks, foreigners who wish to return home will need to apply to the Civil Aviation Authority for an available time slot. This means that passengers will be able to go to the airports and the airlines will be directly managed by the government to ensure maximum efficiency and that all people, regardless of wealth, are afforded the opportunity to return to their home countries should they desire to do so.

In addition, the Airports will being receiving incoming travelers from other nations from this coming Monday. The Government wishes to assure all tourists that they will be completely safe in McMasterdonia. The beach side cities of Augusta and Issabella are open for business and at this time of year, it is a wonderful opportunity for visitors to find cheap accommodation and an overall enjoyable and affordable holiday.

At this time, we will not be accepting any travelers on a Eumenorian passport for security reasons. The terrorists responsible for the assassination of Queen Matilda II are still at large and may attempt to enter McMasterdonia. All McMasterdonian citizens and foreigners will be questioned regarding their travel over the past 6 months, and any citizen who has travelled to Eumenor recently may be subject to a quarantine period.

The opening of the airports will allow once again for the tourism industry to flourish in our great and beautiful country. Most importantly, it will put many McMasterdonians back to work and your government is committed to guaranteeing employment for all who are able to work. We reject any assertions that McMasterdonian citizens abroad cannot or should not return to McMasterdonia at the end of their vacation period. The Government is fighting to protect the human rights of all McMasterdonian citizens. Foreign Governments should not interfere in our internal matters by unjustifiably granting refugee status to McMasterdonian nationals.

McMasterdonian nationals who require financial assistance to return to McMasterdonia should write to the Department of Aviation and Transport directly or call our emergency hotline on 131 276 889.

Salman Mahmoud
Minister for Aviation and Transport


The McMasterdonian Royal Bank​

The McMasterdonian Royal Bank announces today that interest rates will be cut from 7% to 5.5% in order to stimulate the national economy. This decision has been made in conjunction with the Departments of Treasury and Finance as part of a nation wide strategy to stimulate the economy and to protect jobs.

His Majesties Government has announced five new infrastructure projects in order to stimulate the economy and to create jobs:

1) The Education Revolution: This initiative shall allow all schools to apply for grants in order to improve school infrastructure. Projects include the renovation of old buildings, the construction of new buildings, sports centres, and science and information technology laboratories. Primary Schools shall be able to apply for a grant of up to five million livres, High Schools shall be able to apply for up to ten million livres. All projects must be approved by the Department of Education. This project will not only stimulate the economy and help to create jobs, but it shall significantly improve our education infrastructure which will benefit future generations.

2) High Speed Rail Initiative: This initiative shall see the cities of Caspius, Karnamah, and Aurore linked together by a high speed rail network. This initiative will greatly support the transport industry and guarantee jobs for the people of those cities and surrounding areas. This initiative may be extended to other areas at a later date.

3) A stimulus package: The Government will be handing out money to stimulate the economy. The amount of money will vary depending on the personal income of the individual. For individuals earning an income of less than 25,000 livres, or couples earning an income of less than 40,000 livres they will receive an amount of 1000 livres. For individuals earning an income of more than 25,000 but less than 70,000 livres, and couples earning more than 40,000 but less than 70,000, they shall receive 800 livres. These amounts will continue on a sliding scale, however individuals earning more than 125,000 livres, and couples earning more than 150,000 livres will receive no money. This money will be distributed by the department of treasury and deposited into the accounts listed on the the 2015 tax returns.

The Royal Bank of McMasterdonia, as the central bank of the Kingdom, and the Departments of Treasury and Finance all believe that this significant stimulus package will help to keep the economy moving and to support jobs and local industry.

Phillip Mirrabella
Minister for the Treasury


The Department of Defence

The Defence Department wishes to remind all National Governments and International Organisations to respect and observe the sovereignty of McMasterdonia's territorial waters. The third and fifth fleet of the McMasterdonian Navy are currently on patrol in the Gulf of McMasterdonia. Any nation who wishes to enter the territorial waters of McMasterdonia must first request the right to enter our water. Any vessel that enters our territorial waters without permission will be returned to international waters, by force, if necessary.

The Defence Department announces an exception for vessels flying under the flag of Naizerre. As a long time ally and friend of the Kingdom, we grant an exemption to the Navy of Naizerre and Naizerre commercial vessels in order to support trade and to facilitate travel between our two nations.

Derek Summers
Minister of Defence
(OOC: The Daily Acts is a news agency operated by the Augustine Office. It is one of the two national public news agencies, next to the independently managed 'August Public Record'. It is avowedly ideological, and tends to fluctuate between being an accurate reflection of Caesar's official foreign policy stance, and outright propagandistic falsification. Caesar himself is the agency's chief editor.)

The Daily Acts
The Imperator's News Agency
The Pax Latina Augustine Tribunal: Operation Garibaldi

Alba Longa: With immediate effect, the Pax Latina Augustine Tribunal (PLAT) has been convened to formulate and enact Operation Garibaldi, in response to the Democratic Union's Operation Antoinette. Under the command of Korinthian Patrician Aemilius Angelis, an internationally popular figure in the financial and tourist industries with close links to Naizerre and Silly String, PLAT has been tasked with the difficult goal of mitigating and reversing the economic sabotage undertaken through Operation Antoinette.

To that end, PLAT has drafted and tabled a multitude of bills, pre-signed by Caesar for approval by the Senate.

  • The "Securing Existing Assets Act", allowing the entire cost of a business takeover by individuals not currently owning a business to be used to underwrite personal income tax. SEA also allows the Secretariat for the Economy to purchase businesses and property for sale to citizen consortiums and community groups.
  • The "Alternate Border Control Act", barring entry to Imperium by Eumenorian citizens and residents, and allowing citizens of Silly String, Floresque, Nierr, the Russian Republica, and Kialga-Lourti travelling from McMasterdonia to transit through Augustan airports without receiving preapproval before arrival.
  • The "Community Works Act", which authorizes the Senate to requisition religious and educational institutions for the purposes of organizing and providing public services, including infrastructure development. Holidays are also to be suspended for government workers and university students, who will instead be compensated at 2x the expected wage for public service work. All August citizens are invited to make themselves known at their local educational institution or place of worship at the earliest convenient weekend to take on public service work at the same wage. Those who participate will also be entitled to a financial Prize of War at the reopening of the Door of Peace, adjusted for the total wages they have received. Such development will be managed by the Infrastructure Development Augustine Tribunal (IDAT). Religious and cultural leaders may access the Door of Peace webpage for supplementary material to help them assist the IDAT as community organizers.
  • The "Shared Responsibility Act", which authorises the Secretariat for the Economy to underwrite community microfinancing initiatives.
  • The "Safe Harbour Act", which will allow the government to repossess unoccupied properties for the use of providing social services and for subleasing.
  • The "Voluntary Rationing Act", encouraging individuals to limit their use of key resources. This will be supported through the Community Works Act, through the use of large-scale soup kitchens for public use, reducing wastage of scraps and allowing the government to control the use of produce. Water restrictions will be imposed with immediate effect - odd-numbered houses may water lawns on odd-numbered days, and even-numbered houses on even-numbered days. Energy and water-efficient home improvements are to be subsidized with immediate effect, including rainwater tanks and roof-mounted solar panels and solar water heaters. Random water checks are to be expected at locations of high-risk of Democratic Union chemical warfare. Households utilizing less water and energy per capita than the state goal will also have their utility bills subsidized.

The Infrastructure Development Augustine Tribunal will further be split into two sections - the ID Alba Longa Tribunal and the ID Neapolis Tribunal. The ID Alba Longa Tribunal is to be tasked with the development of Isle Pommum's road infrastructure, and Pommum Subway Station. The ID Neapolis Tribunal is to be tasked with approaching foreign powers to undertake multilateral projects. At this point, the IDAT has indicated its intention to approach the governments of Floresque, Kialga-Lourti, and the Russian Republic to develop a road and power network connection between Imperium and the two nations.

It is also expected that the PLAT will move to extend economic cooperation with the above nations, as well as Silly String, New Intelligensia, and Nierr.
[bgcolor=#AAA]SBA ?15% CIRCUIT BREAKER | ARC ? 0.01% | SMA ?15% CIRCUIT BREAKER | SPHA ?0.07% | SNB ?13.3% | STB ?15% CIRCUIT BREAKER | NTA ?15% CIRCUIT BREAKER | OMFG ?15% CIRUIT BREAKER | GOF ?15% CIRCUIT BREAKER | UCK ?15% CIRCUIT BREAKER | YOUR ?0.01% | SELF ?11.3% | McM ?42% | FU ?15% | [/bgcolor]

New Capricornia Herald
Special Issue 11:17 AM SDT

A historic day on the New Capricornia Stock Exchange as a multitude of major multinational companies that saw themselves being traded on the exchange have seen massive faultering in their stock prices. Circuit Breakers have taken effect in Salvarity for the first time since 1993, when the NotEx Financial Group disbanded. Major corporations, primarily in Finance and McMasterdonian related industries, have absolutely tumbled in the recent days. The Salvarian Banking Association (SBA), the second largest corporation in Salvarity has fallen 15% in the last day alone, activating its circuit breaker and disabling trading indefinitely. Other major corporations such as United Capricornia Kernel (UCK), Global Organized Finance (GOF), Organized Multinational Finance Group (OMFG) and the Salvarian Merchant Association (SMA) have seen similar events taking place. Most of these events can be tied with events that have transpired in the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, the largest trading partner of the Salvarian Republic according to Ministry of Commerce reports from the prior year. Poliitcal upheaval and rebellions have taken place in the Kingdom following the assassination of the Queen of McMasterdonia in the Eumenor. Many large Salvarian corporations are extremely tied to the economy of McMasterdonia and are suffering because of this. The Ministry of Commerce has taken an unprecedented move and closed trading for the rest of the day. We are not sure if the exchange will open up again tomorrow.

The Salvarian Banking Association has gone to announce that they will no longer hold the McMasterdonian Livre as their reserve currency in an effort to soothe investor uncertainty. Multiple other financial groups have made similar statements. The Artanili Conglomerate (ARC) and Salvarian Pharmaceutical Association are some of the only major corporations, as rated by the Ministry of Commerce, to not incur any losses so far.
(OOC: The United States of New Sekai side:)
BREAKING NEWS! from The Kokyo Hoso Kyokai Nyusu.

The economy crisis in The McMasterdonia have affected The United States of New Sekai's economy:

The recently and current political crisis in The McMasterdonia, has heavily affected the country's economy aswell. The McMasterdonia economy's crisis has affected other nations economy including The United States of New Sekai's economy.

The Shuto Stock Exchange has lost a 25% of its value today. Also really affected The United States of New Sekai's economy, and Senso Kyoki the king of The United States of New Sekai said "We hope our economy and other nations economy, especially McMasterdonia economy will recover, aswell the political crisis in The McMasterdonia will end soon."

The Royal McMasterdonian Airlines has temporary close it hub at Shuto International Airport, this will have thousands temporary out of job. However, The Kokukaisha Airline offer a deal to have half of Royal McMasterdonia Airlines' New Sekai assets to go to The Kokukaisha Airline, we don't know if The owners of The Royal McMasterdonian Airlines has accepted the deal. Aswell, The Kokukaisha Airline will tried to invested in the rest of Royal McMasterdonia Airlines' New Sekai assets to keep it in service for both of the companies. We hope this will help both our economy to recover and boost it in the future.

The Central Bank of The United States of New Sekai has cut the interest rate to 1.25% from 2.5%. This mean you will have to pay less and save some money. If you get any or future payment of any banks service in The United States of New Sekai.

Again we hope this will end soon for The United States of New Sekai, The McMasterdonia and other nations who is affected by this.

(OOC: The Confederate States of New Sekai side: (A propaganda news report from The Confederate States of New Sekai, but make part of it look like its from The United States of New Sekai.))
BREAKING NEWS! from The New Kokyo Hoso Kyokai Nyusu.

The economy crisis in The McMasterdonia have nearly collapsed The United States of New Sekai's economy:

We receive the following statement from The United States of New Sekai's Kokyo Hoso Kyokai Nyusu:

"The recently and current political crisis in The McMasterdonia, has heavily affected the country's economy aswell. The McMasterdonia economy's crisis has affected other nations economy including The United States of New Sekai's economy.

The Shuto Stock Exchange has lost a 75% of its value today. Also heavily affected The United States of New Sekai's economy, and Senso Kyoki the king of The United States of New Sekai said "We aren't hoping our economy and other nations economy, especially McMasterdonia economy will recover, aswell the political crisis in The McMasterdonia will end soon."

The Royal McMasterdonian Airlines has close it hub at Shuto International Airport, this will have thousands temporary out of job.

The Central Bank of The United States of New Sekai has boost the interest rate to 5% from 2.5%. This mean you will have to pay more and will have less money. If you get any or future payment of any banks service in The United States of New Sekai."

We hope this will increase the tensions with The tyrannical and corrupted United States of New Sekai with the other nations especially with The McMasterdonia, aswell have The United States of New Sekai collapsed!

(OOC: I hope this is realistic and make sense.)
The Acting Khan has authorised the reinforcement of our troops in New Sekai and we shall be keeping an eye upon the gold prices, we shall also be authorising the 20th Legion to undertake Mercenary contracts throughout the region.
The Emperator watched as Nebula began to show the first signs of the economic crisis. Some surplus had been gathered before the symptoms began, but it was not at all enough to sate the obese masses of Nebulan bureaucracy. The money would be gobbled up within a few months. Another emergency meeting was convened.
"We're starting to see the economic decline that we expected, but we're seeing problems," reported the Head of Finance. "The amount of tax surplus we gathered is simply not enough to keep us afloat with the reduced taxes."
"How much can we glean from the profits of our industry?" asked the Emperator.
"Not nearly enough," said the Head of Production gloomily. "Our problem is that the more we skim from industry, the less that industry has to increase production with."
"In addition," the Head of Finance pointed out, "we've noticed that the value of a spaceball is beginning to dip. It's technically increasing compared to that of McMasterdonia, but prices are starting to rise, and it's clearly not an average fluctuation."
"So do you have any ideas?" asked the Emperator.
"We've come up with our own plans," replied the Head of Production. "My plan of action would have the government pour almost all of our surplus into those industries--- basically the opposite of skimming. This would provide a quick burst to our economic production, which hopefully would stabilize and reverse the crisis."
"It's a good plan," said the Head of Finance. "The problem is that it leaves us in deep trouble should it fail, with no surplus and sputtering industry. We've come up with several ways to stabilize the currency again, all of which involve temporarily or permanently tying the spaceball to the price of certain metals."
The Emperator broke the silence. "What are our best candidates for this?"
"Well, we've got several," replied the Head of Finance. "Three have shown particular promise. Our first idea was copper, because it's at the perfect level of rarity right now--- we've got more than enough to base a currency off it, and it's useful for many things even in household use. And it's both valuable and attractive. The downsides would be that an economic boom would allow us to mine copper faster and more efficiently, leading to devaluation."
"I don't think much of using copper," the Head of Natural Resources said. "Information suggests that there may yet be a large cache of copper not far from Andromezadite. This is little more than rumor with some unreliable evidence, but should we find such a cache, our currency would collapse as copper prices plummet. What else is there?"
"Our second main idea was titanium," said the Head of Finance. "We haven't got a lot of titanium ore, but we've been scouting for new sources at the furthest reaches of our territory, and we may be able to produce more soon. It's fairly valuable, in many cases as good as iron or aluminum, so the public will want it, and it's even more corrosion-resistant than either. The problems include that it's more difficult to machine, and much more difficult to smelt from its ore than iron."
"Our titanium stocks are simply not sizeable enough for this to work," said the Head of Natural Resources. "Prospectors are sweeping the Galactan frontier, and in a few cases crossing the border into former Euladias and RPI, but our information doesn't suggest that we could find enough titanium to base a currency on, even if we began mining a significant stock of titanium ore."
The Head of Finance began to look flustered. "Well... uh, we've got one more. It's a bit of an oddball, to tell you the truth, but it's a decent candidate. Cerium. We've got a significant supply of it, and it's not too hard to get from its ore, either--- the main challenge is separating it from the other metals it occurs with. It's not a major element in industry, but it makes an excellent lighter flint--- it's very sparky--- and its oxide is an excellent abrasive. So it does have uses to the common man. And if our economy starts to fail, the amount of pure cerium being produced will drop dramatically, so the value will go up, boosting the economy again. In other words, it's perfect."
"In my experience, nothing is as perfect as it sounds," the Emperator mused. "But we'll give it a try."
Syrixia was doing well for itself in the midst of the crisis. The value of the Aureia had only gone down a slight bit, and the 400,000 discharged soldiers following Syrixia's NPTO-backed military downsizing were now filling up a lot of job spaces, which was enough to keep Syrixia afloat. The government originally wanted to help other nations by loaning them money, but it knew it couldn't; as that would probably mess the whole system up. They could only hope, that other nations with similarly powerful economies to the Most Serene Republic, such as Kannex and the August Empire, for example, would fare just as well. Alfred Nursson planned to visit a power plant to try and negotiate a plan for the future with Syrixia's various business magnates. Hearing that the CEOs of Inisqimaan Incorporated and Dahraqa Financiers, LLC. were meeting at this plant for a similar reason, Nursson decided to capitalize on this and join the meeting, so the government and the corporations could cooperate to help save Syrixia. What happened at that plant soon after changed Syrixia itself.
Some Background:
The Royal Bank of Plembobria is the Central Bank of the Kingdom. It determines monetary and banking policy throughout the nation, and issues the nation's currency, the plemp. All banks operating in Plembobria are subject to its regulation. It's complete independence from the elected government has drawn criticism in recent times. The supreme governor of the Bank is, of course, the King of Plembobria.

In charge of the Bank is the board of governors. It consists of three governors appointed by the King, one by the President of Crilalia, one by the Grand Duke of Clethelbend, another by the Avelocci family. One of the governors is also chairman of the board. The King invariably appoints one of his own to this post. The King is represented on the board by his Treasurer. The Treasurer was, in recent times, chosen in a parliamentary manner, but since the parliamentary system was suspended, the Treasurer is simply appointed by the King.

"Gentlemen, be seated." said the Treasurer. "Economic crisis looms. His Majesty has called this meeting for us to decide how we intend to cope with it. The government will do little to ease the crisis. The Senate will push for austerity, the Commons, for the opposite. While there is no illusion to where my partisan allegiances lie, I am certain this board can produce an intelligent, consensus based economic framework to ease this crisis."

"What you are saying," said the Crilalian governor, "is that we should take steps beyond the normal banking measures, in the absence of government action?"

"Yes." replied the Treasurer, "I have worked together with my friend, the Avelocci governor, to formulate a rather comprehensive economic strategy. As Treasurer, I can work with this board to implement a great deal of policy without parliamentary approval."

The Chairman spoke up. "Well, Mr. Avelocci, could you please outline this plan of yours?"
Paolo Avelocci dropped the de from his name the moment his plane landed in Plembobria three and a half decades ago. Fresh out of college with a masters' degree in economics, he was sent by his father, a member of the Signoria and the Gonfaloniere's cousin, to work in the Plembobrian branch of the Bank Avelocci.

At the time he thought it for the best. His condition would not make him a very good politician back home, and here he would become his own man - insofar as that was possible, considering his last name.

When offered a job with the Central Bank after leading the Bank Avelocci in Plembobria for some ten-odd years, he took it - on the stipulation he would never have to speak in public. To him, "public" meant anymore than one person, face-to-face. That was a restriction put upon him by his condition, and he had come to terms with it. Paolo, though, didn't think of the constant board meetings that were a part of his new job with the Central Bank, and though every person in every meeting he had ever been to had been the utter face of politeness, it still was the most anxiety-inducing part of his job.

He could plan for recessions all day long, but to actually discuss them with more than one person drove him to his Xanax bottle.

Paolo adjusted his tie and reached for his water.

"Thhhhhhhhank you, M-m-m-Mr. Treasssssurer." Paolo reached into the briefcase by his feet and took out several 50 to 60 page packets for each person sitting at the table. He passed them around before continuing.

"Thhhhhhis is a full rrrrreport I typed - " Paolo paused. "up over the passssssst week. I will g-g-g-go over the basssssics with you all and you can read the resssst of it at your leisure."

Paolo took a sip of water.

"If we are to climb out of thissss recessssion we musssst boo-boo-boo-increase consumer ssssspending. The Bank can begin by cutting in-in-in-interesssst ratesss. A bit at firsssst, to encourage people to sssspend insssstead of s-s-s-ssssave, and then - and then - and then - and then we can cut them ffffffurther, if neces - if neces - if neces - if need be."

Paolo breathed in, pursed his lips, and continued.

"Whi - whi - while there are other actionsssss we can - can - can take to boo - boost conssssumer spending, I would advise hold - hold - holding off until we can ssssssee the full ssscope of this downturn. We should ssstart with cutting interessssst rates and en - en - encourage the government to lower ta - taxes, and fund public worksssss projectssss. By putting m - m - more m - m - m - money in the pockets of workerssss, they will ssspend more and increase conffffffidence in the econ - econ - economy."

Paolo breathed in again.

"Further s - s- s - ssssuggestionssss are in your packetssss."
OOC: Please note this is private information provided to the Government of SillyString. This is also dated to the 29th of August, as that is when the information was requested for the String session.


The McMasterdonian Embassy in SillyString
Requested Information on McMasterdonian Economic Issues

Date: 29/08/2015
From: The McMasterdonian Embassy, Maika'i District, SillyString.
To: The Government of SillyString

This notice is intended to provide relevant information to the String as requested by the Ambassador to McMasterdonia, Mr. Kauri Henare. The McMasterdonian Embassy in SillyString has compiled this information after extensive consultation with various McMasterdonian Departments and with the Royal Palace, Intelligentsia.

Political Issues
  1. Succession
    The succession issue in McMasterdonia has been resolved after a decisive vote by the royal caucus. The King-Regent Albert of McMasterdonia is firmly in control of the Kingdom's government and that there have been no challenges to this legitimate succession. We mention this only to provide clarity to the String. International media has contributed to significant confusion in this area and some sources have alleged disunity or even chaos within the Royal Palace itself. We wish to assure the String that this is simply not the case.
  2. Flemingovianist Insurgency
    The Flemingovianist insurgency continues to present difficulties for the Government, particularly in areas surrounding the city of Cape El, the city of Castello, and the cities of Granthemania and Colchester in the far east. Flemingovian warriors continue to target Government officials, medical officers, and government projects. The King has recommitted his government to fighting the insurgency and has deployed the Royal Guard to take back the city of Granthemania, which will secure the trade route to the east of the Isle of McMasterdonia.
  3. Provincial rebellion
    The provincial rebellion poses less risks to Government projects, officers, and to industry and the Kingdom believes that it is very close to defeating the rebellion. The rebellion poses most risks around the city of Capricornia, and the city of Castello, as well as the ancient city of Aurore in the east.

Economic Issues & Government Response
  1. Stock Market Crash
    The Stock Market crash is still at this point unresolved, and we are likely to feel the affects of this issue for many months to come. The Government is attempting to step up efforts to prevent the wealthy from sending their finances overseas. We would welcome the String's assistance in this regard. Secondly, the stock market crash was exacerbated by the assassination of Queen Matilda II. These two devastating events have led the Government to temporarily halt trading, and to take other security measures, which will in the short term create greater economic difficulty.
  2. Unemployment Levels
    The unemployment rate has rose from 12.5% to 15.5% since the assassination of Queen Matilda II. The Government has announced three massive government projects to help to ease the burden on the unemployed and to provide them with safe government jobs. These initiatives include the education revolution - a proposal focused on renovating old schools, revolutionising school techonlogies, and providing thousands of jobs across the nation. The Government has also committed to a high speed rail link between the cities of Caspius, Karnamah and Aurore. This job will support the construction industry and is estimated to create more than 15,000 jobs.
  3. Stimulus Package
    The Government has announced a strong plan to stimulate the Kingdom's economy. The amount of money will vary depending on the personal income of the individual. For individuals earning an income of less than 25,000 livres, or couples earning an income of less than 40,000 livres they will receive an amount of 1000 livres. For individuals earning an income of more than 25,000 but less than 70,000 livres, and couples earning more than 40,000 but less than 70,000, they shall receive 800 livres. These amounts will continue on a sliding scale, however individuals earning more than 125,000 livres, and couples earning more than 150,000 livres will receive no money. This money will be distributed by the department of treasury and deposited into the accounts listed on the the 2015 tax returns. We hope that this stimulus package will facilitate the movement of money throughout the Kingdom and help to keep the economy strong.
  4. Royal McMasterdonian Airlines
    Royal McMasterdonian Airlines has suffered significantly as a result of aggressive over expansion and a lack of confidence in the McMasterdonian economy. The high cost of wages has also greatly contributed to the low profit margins of the flagship airline of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia. The closure of borders due to the assassination of Queen Matilda II was the final blow to the Airline group, who announced the closure of multiple airline hubs across Eras. The Government is considering taking control of RMA assets in order to secure McMasterdonian jobs, to secure McMasterdonian jobs, and to continue to provide for the highest quality of international travel.
  5. Border Controls
    The Government was forced to announce the temporary closure of our airports and docks in response to the terrorist attack against Queen Matilda II. We have fortunately been able to reopen the airports and the docks in the past couple of days. The Government has announced an indefinite ban on Eumenorian citizens travelling to the Kingdom of McMasterdonia. In addition, the Government will continue to perform extensive checks on any individual who has travelled to Eumenor within the last six months.

We hope that this information will settle all questions that the String has for the McMasterdonian Government. If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Catherine Marigold
Ambassador of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia
The Empire of Kannex did not maintain huge economic ties with Mcmasterdonia; thus the economic shock was not as a great. But soon it spread to Kannex. With the decommissioning of 100,000 of the military's power after the end of the Great War and the recent recent recession, unemployment had risen from 6.0% to 10.5%. The GDP contracted as housing prices fell. In response, the Reichsbank cut its interest rates. Chancellor Jörg Henneburg, under heavy criticism from the right for the national debt, has proposed an economic stimulus bill in Congress...
(OOC: Note that these minutes are from the String session on 8/29, and thus do not take into account the events which have occurred since then.)

Minutes: String Session 816
Attendance: 86%
Nahuel Wayra: The 816th String Session is now called to order. Tonight we will cover the crisis in McMasterdonia, beginning with a briefing from Alaula Noe on the financial developments.

Alaula Noe: Thank you, Nahuel. Without delving too deeply into technicalities, the assassination of Queen Matilda and the repeal of the McMasterdonian tax code caused an international crisis of confidence. McMasterdonia hold significant foreign debts, and a robust system of taxation is a critical factor in the ability to meet both internal and external financial obligations.

In response to this, and due in part to perceptions that the newly crowned King Albert's hold on economic policy is somewhat tenuous, stock markets around the world have suffered downturns, and in some cases, outright crashes, with a median loss value of about a third. Some nations have had minimal losses so far, but we predict they will see further drops in the coming days.

Taken in combination with the closure of all of McMasterdonia's borders - land, sea, and air - this has potentially severe implications for our own financial stability. McMasterdonia itself is a long-time friend and close tourism partner, and as its citizens scale back their travels in the wake of their economic troubles, our own income will decrease noticeably. The same will happen with other nations who are likewise affected.

It is the opinion of the Finance Bureau that it is critical for SillyString to secure stable, guaranteed sources of income for the coming months in order to stabilize our nation during this crisis. To do this, we must reach out to wealthy nations as well as those which are least affected by this crisis. It is also important for us to shore up our relationship with McMasterdonia and stop the financial hemorrhage on that front.

Thank you.

NW: Thank you, Alaula. Citizens will find a list of suggested approaches in their document sidebar. I see two questions flagged by the aides for public response. First: What is the worst case scenario outcome here?

AN: An excellent question, and I'm sure a commonly held fear among our citizens. The absolute worst case scenario that we envision - and I do want to emphasize that we find such an outcome highly unlikely, is complete bankruptcy. If the economic crashes are worse than we predict, and if popular tourism all but vanishes as a result, our economy has no diversity to fall back on. We will lose our source of income, and to get through we will be forced to take out significant loans... but this time, from a much weaker world economy.

As I said, however, we at the Finance Bureau consider this outcome extremely unlikely. Nations, including our own, will undoubtedly take steps to reduce the impact that this crisis will have, and all of those will in turn reduce its impact on us.

NW: Second: In the event that, as the situation develops, things begin to look bleak, what financial safeguards and backups do we have in place to tide us through the worst?

AN: As most of you are probably aware, we usually opt to maintain a somewhat delicate balance between the debts we owe and the ones we are owed. While we may be able to negotiate calling several of our loans in early, so too might the debts we owe be called up before we anticipate. So, this is not a good arena for us to plan to make much money back.

We do have several assets that will be of assistance here, however. The first is our bank reserve. As agreed upon, we have worked to obtain a backup operating fund of one year's worth of necessary expenses. This project is largely complete, and ought to sustain our population at an acceptable level through the more difficult times.

The second is our land reserves in other nations, some of it quite valuable. These have been obtained over the course of many, many years through various treaties and other arrangements, and we retain the right to sell them if necessary. This can provide a means of attaining backup cash in a hurry.

Third, we have the capacity to negotiate with other nations, as well as their airlines and other elements of their tourism industries, to incentivize people to continue to travel to our shores. A low fare is better than no fare at all, for airlines, and they may get quite creative in their desperation to keep customers.

These three comprise the majority of our financial fallback, should such prove necessary.

NW: Thank you, Alaula. Further questions on these subjects may be directed to the Finance Bureau. Next, we will hear from Maro Hare, about our shipping and imports.

Maro Hare: I will be brief, and blunt. If other nations halt their export industries, either because they are unaffordable, or because they require those goods internally, or for any other reason, we will lose our prime source of food. Everything else as well, but we can live without luxury goods. Food is our chief concern at this time, and we must act swiftly to ensure our supply.

NW: Brief indeed. Maro, the aides have escalated questions for you as well. The first question is what we have available in food reserves.

MH: Not a lot. What we have on hand is what each Dot has in storage, as well as that which is on the shipping docks waiting to be sold or transferred. We also have several silos of basic ingredients - wheat, corn, and so on - that can be used to produce staple foods.

We have almost no livestock, which means no dairy or meat, except for fish. The supply of fish is high, strictly speaking, but we have a very limited ability to acquire it given our sustainable fishing regulations. If we hit a food crisis, several of our environmental laws will need to be altered or lifted entirely in order to get by.

NW: Second: How reliable are our trading partners in this matter?

MH: It varies. The Imperium is highly reliable, and McMasterdonia itself, through New Intelligensia, will surely do all it can. Others will be forced to consider themselves first, and break agreements if that's necessary for them. We have tried to avoid making necessity agreements with nations or corporations considered unreliable, but in a situation like this... it's hard to know for certain.

NW: Will we need to look at canceling any of our own export agreements?

MH: Highly unlikely, and we advise against it. Our exports are luxury goods - focused on the rare Anuenue fish, which we harvest in very limited quantities and which fetches a high price on the world market, and our sole remaining local crop - Moemoea. Both are excellent revenue generators and it would be foolish to cancel our agreements.

NW: Thank you, Maro. The last department we will hear from is Tourism, presented by Ms. Jessica Little.

Jessica Little: Thank you, Nahuel. As you've been told already, the tourism industry is very vulnerable at this time. It is our primary source of national income - the only one that produces significant revenues - and it is, by its very nature, incredibly sensitive to worldwide economic events. We must, therefore, continue in would-be travelers minds the idea that SillyString is a safe and affordable place to travel - and for our wealthier clientele, that we remain poised to provide them with their heart's desire at a moment's notice.

What does this mean, in actionable terms? Lower prices, as feasible. Provide for foreign nationals who are trapped here until they can return home, and if necessary make special arrangements for their safe journey home. Try, as best we can, to ensure business continues as usual.

Thank you.

NW: For you, we have only one escalated question. What arrangements will be made for foreign nationals who are unable to travel home due to closed borders or canceled service, but who cannot afford to pay to stay extra nights?

JL: All efforts will be expended to find them less expensive housing for as long as necessary, and we strongly urge the String to absorb those, and reasonable extra expenses, as a cost of business. We see no other viable alternative that would not sacrifice our reputation.

NW: Thank you, Ms. Little. This concludes our briefings. The Ambassador from McMasterdonia was unable to attend personally, but has released the brief that would have been presented at this session. We will now adjourn for thirty minutes, in order to read the brief and provide a brief, heh, break.


NW: And we're back. A number of legislative proposals have been floated today, as I'm sure you are all aware. On a number of the issues they address, however, the Bureaucracy staff has already created bill templates with the appropriate language and consideration of other laws. The text of these has been sent to your sidebar. Three bills have achieved the requisite popular interest level to be brought up for a vote today.

We will turn first to the question of nationalizing the tourism industry. Functionally, what this will do is divert all profit into the hands of the String. This will allow each Dot to continue running at a zero balance - a bad thing over the long term, but in the short run it will allow us to ensure backup funds are available to be routed as necessary. The language in this draft provides for such nationalization until the tourism industry rebounds to a stable and profitable level, or for a maximum of eighteen months before being reconsidered.

A preliminary vote will now be held on this measure. If it attains a 66% approval rating, it will be passed. If it attains 66% disapproval, it will be vetoed. Anywhere in between, and we will open the floor for debate and discussion. You may now begin voting.


NW: This measure has reached 76.2% approval, and is now in force. Dot managers will receive materials over the next several days on how to comply.

Our second bill is one that outlaws all foreigners for the duration of any worldwide recession, and is not one which my bureau has drafted functional language for.

I am sure I do not need to explain the impact that banning foreigners would have on our tourism industry, nor the impact that eliminating tourism would have on our economy.

As before, we will hold a preliminary vote beginning now.


NW: With 2.8% approval, this proposal is soundly vetoed.

Our final bill tonight is one that eliminates individual income. There are two versions of this proposal. One would provide exactly as much basic income as necessary to survive, and is the version endorsed by my ministry insofar as we endorse either one - which is not far. The other would provide no income, but rather the food that is judged to be necessary. It is our opinion that, due to allergies, intolerances, and even basic preferences, the latter version is inadvisable. We will therefore begin by holding a preliminary vote on the first version.


NW: This bill has received a 38.6% approval rating, and is neither passed nor vetoed.

Given this low approval rating, I am exercising my authority as Chief Bureaucrat to suspend debate on this bill for the time being. If our other preventive measures fail, we can reconsider this. Otherwise, I believe it to be premature and not in the public interest. A majority vote may override my decision, if you prefer.


NW: Majority has not been attained, with only 23.1% wishing to reopen discussion. Therefore, this bill is hereby tabled.

Finally, we have a motion proposed by the Tourism Bureau: to waive the rooming expenses of foreign nationals who are unable to return home due to closed borders, provided they agree to stay in inexpensive areas of Maika'i, and to provide a reasonably sized stipend of $35/person/day for food. The text of this motion has also been sent to your sidebars.

If this motion passes, the String will assume the associated costs, which will be funded from the nationalized income we just established. You may now vote on this motion.


NW: With a whopping 89% approval, this motion passes unequivocally. This concludes today's business, and this emergency String session. Thank you all for your time.
Minutes of Meeting:
Monetary Policy Board of the Central Bank of the Confederacy of Zyvetskistaahn
On direction of the Executor for Financial Affairs, under the Banking (Central Bank) Act 1922 (as amended), an extraordinary meeting of the Monetary Policy Board began on the 30th of August 2015, and concluded on the 31st of August 2015.

1. The Board considered the developing economic conditions domestically and throughout the world.

2. Fluctuations in domestic and world financial markets as Bank Rates have been adjusted in reaction to the situation in McMasterdonia led to concern among members of the Board that the financial sector within the Confederacy would be at severe risk of lack of capital and that, consequently, investment and lending within the Confederacy would be placed at risk.

3. Members of the Board considered that growth in the domestic economy which had remained persistent, though low, at quarterly rates of between 0.2% and 1.4% over the past six quarters (and was projected to remain so) was highly likely to fall back to a level below zero. The risk to both business and consumer confidence in the domestic economy from the prospective of a return to recession was viewed as severe. This was due to the likelihood of reduced lending and investment, as well as likely falls in external demand creating downwards pressure on exports, worsening the Confederacy's balance of trade and impacting heavily on the still recovering manufacturing sector.

4. Members of the Board viewed with particular concern the risk posed by international instability and travel restrictions to the tourism and retail industries within the Confederacy. Growth in the economy had been largely made up by these two industries, both of which are dependent, the former most obviously so, on external demand.

5. Inflation within the Confederacy had not been reviewed since the previous meeting of the Board, when it was assessed to be low but stable at 0.5% generally and projected to remain at a similar level over the next six months, before rising to around 1.2% over the next year, while core components were assessed at 0.4% having risen slightly over previous months and projected to continue to rise over the next year, at a slower rate than the broad inflation measure. It was the view of members of the Board that the projections of the last meeting were likely to be inaccurate due to the international developments and their likely impact on the domestic economy.

6. Members of the Board considered it likely that inflation would fall below zero and that there was a risk of prolonged deflation in the Confederacy if measures were not adopted to prevent it. Prolonged deflation was viewed as likely to affect both business and consumer decision making and confidence, leading to a worsening of economic conditions and a high likelihood of further deflation.

7. Earnings within the Confederacy had not been reviewed since the previous meeting of the Board, when it was assessed that earnings growth, not including bonuses, remained largely flat but were projected to rise over the next six months as slack capacity in the economy was eroded. It was the view of members of the Board that the projections of the last meeting were likely to be inaccurate, due to the same reasons as in paragraph 5.

8. Members of the Board considered it likely that earnings in the Confederacy would fall sharply and continue to fall, due to reduced demand and the potentially cyclical effects of prolonged deflation on the economy if measures were not adopted to prevent it. Falls in earnings were viewed as likely to contribute to continued deflation and negative growth as domestic demand would be eroded.

9. Unemployment within the Confederacy had not been reviewed since the previous meeting of the Board, when it was assessed at a rate of 7.6% and projected to continue to fall slowly over the next year. It was the view of members of the Board that the projections of the last meeting were likely to be inaccurate, due to the same reasons as in paragraph 5.

10. Members of the Board considered it likely that unemployment within the Confederacy would rise and risk further loss of demand in the economy if measures were not adopted to prevent it. Increasing unemployment was viewed as likely to erode demand in the economy, contribute to loss of confidence and deflationary pressure, as well as cause long-term damage to capacity in the economy.

11. In view of the Board's responsibility to meet the inflation target of 4% set by the Executor for Financial Affairs and to ensure continued financial stability in the Confederacy, the Chairman invited the Board to consider a motion to lower the Bank Rate by 125 basis points.

12. The motion of the Chairman was put to the Board:

Nine members (the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, Mr Blackwell, Ms Bridges, Mr Fearn, Mr Healey, Mr Jones, Ms Lawrence, and Mr Mitchell) voted in the affirmative on the proposition.

One member (Ms Goddard) voted in the negative on the proposition, preferring to lower the Bank Rate by 100 basis points.

One member (Mr Tebbit) voted in the negative on the proposition, preferring to lower the Bank Rate by 150 basis points.

13. The Chairman invited the Board to consider a motion to maintain the stock of purchases assets at $200 billion.

14. The motion of the Chairman was put to the Board:

Ten members (the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, Mr Blackwell, Ms Bridges, Mr Fearn, Ms Goddard, Mr Healey, Mr Jones, Ms Lawrence, and Mr Mitchell) voted in the affirmative on the proposition.

One member (Mr Tebbit) voted in the negative on the proposition, preferring to increase the stock of purchased assets by $50 billion.

15. The decisions of the Board were to enter into effect on the 1st of September. The meeting of the Board was adjourned, the Chairman noted that it was likely that further extraordinary meetings would be ordered before the next ordinary meeting on the 15th of September. The minutes of the meeting were ordered to be published on the 5th of September.

5th Sept.:
The Zyveta Chronicle
Executors Consider Further Emergency Measures As Economic Collapse Looms.
Richard Young, Economics Editor

It is now the seventh day of turmoil in financial markets in the Confederacy and the world. Trading on the ZSE was suspended again yesterday, for the third time since the crisis began, as share prices continued to plummet. Banking groups have reported considerable reductions in capital stock as investors move funds oversees. Many businesses have begun laying off staff and reducing pay.

Against this backdrop the CCB is to meet again tomorrow to consider further reductions to its base rate of interest and today the General Council for the Confederacy will meet to review an emergency budget put forward by the Council of Executors. The Executor-General yesterday made a statement on the content of the emergency budget, agreed with his fellow Executors over the past several days, "The instability in the world economy has been devastating for the economy here, it would be foolish to deny that. Our plan for recovery, which was implemented and had considerable success over the last year, is not going to be appropriate going forwards.

"That is why I have called several urgent meetings of my Council since the situation worsened, and why I requested the Executor for Financial Affairs call for an urgent meeting at the CCB. The budget that I propose to the General Council tomorrow is going to have a number of measures to tackle the risks to our economy, it is going to ensure that companies in manufacturing and exporting get the support they need, it is going to address concerns that many have about the future of tourism and retail in the wake of this instability, and it is going to make certain that those who find themselves in hard times have the help that they need to get back up and back into work."

The General Council will consider the budget on an expedited basis, with only one day of debate, before voting on it before midnight tomorrow. After being considered by the General Council, if it is not defeated, the budget will then be put before Parliament the next day.

Though most Councillors have remained silent, the leader of the True Conservative Union, Councillor and Deputy Fred Taylor, condemned the Executor-General's government, calling its response "slow and inept" and saying that the crisis was "a result of a failed economic plan, overly reliant on foreign money".

The main opposition, the Conservative Party, issued a statement on Tuesday, committing itself to supporting efforts to stabilise the economy, in the interests of all citizens of the Confederacy, saying that it "will not oppose simply for opposition's sake, but will work collaboratively with the government on a plan for stabilisation and growth".

Whatever measures are contained within the emergency budget, it seems likely that this crisis will not be over soon and that the hope that had imbued the economy over the last year has been comprehensively snuffed out.

FSE ends week down nearly 550 points

The Floregasque Stock Exchange ended this week's trading with stocks down 543 points since Monday, closing at 14,163. Observers say that the faltering numbers are due to continued uncertainty in McMasterdonia, collapsing stocks abroad, and contracting foreign economies. Economists with the Giulia d'Avelocci College were quick to remind concerned investors that it is too early to predict whether these losses will continue or that a bear market will be declared.

Stocks in August companies jumped noticeably this week, though, following an announcement by the Signoria that Floresque will be pouring funding into cooperation with the Imperium's "Operation Garibaldi", a public-works plan by the nation to build road and power connections to Floresque and other neighboring nations.

With a lack of news beyond a vague public statement from the McMasterdonian government following the attack on the Senate, some analysts are concerned. Domenica Femi, a consultant to the Bank Episcopo, Floresque's third-largest investment agency, told the Floregasque Economist that "As long as the McMasterdonian government keeps its lips shut tight about exactly what transpired in the Senate, business-owners are going to worry about the safety of their employees."

Erasmo Fierro, a consultant to the Bank Avelocci, though, was less concerned. He said of the political crisis in McMasterdonia, "No news is good news, and as long as the country remains stable stocks will recover."


Gendarmerie intercepts fake Floregasque passports

The Floregasque Gendarmerie arrested six McMasterdonian men on Thursday and charged them with falsifying government documents after a package containing both real and fake Floregasque passports was intercepted on its way out of the country.

The Gendarmerie believes that they were destined for McMasterdonians trying to illegally immigrate to Floresque. The Immigration Office has been particularly concerned with McMasterdonian asylum seekers since the political crisis in that nation, and reports say that they are keen to put a stop to "illegal refugees".

The Gendarmerie declined to say how many passports they seized, but did say they are "coordinating closely" with the police.
Minister Baldwin, anxious from watching the GusNet News, left his apartment inside the Ministria Tower, and walked down the hall towards the elevator. This building is where most of the Ministers lived, with the exception of Ryan Pittman, who lived in the Charles Palace. Alicia Burns had an auxiliary room in the Thomas Building where she slept if she was too tired to come to her penthouse apartment in the Tower, or her room in the Charles Palace. He pressed the down button on the elevator, and it glowed a faint yellow. He listened to the elevator move from one of the higher floors as it approached. He had been beckoned to the partially constructed Hall Building. Something about an economic crisis. The last "crisis" Guslantis had involved his predecessor. Baldwin suddenly began to recollect the day that he unofficially became Minister of Finance.

As Beier stood on the ledge of his manor's third story, he looked to Nancy Scottsfield with anger. She had invaded his home, she had plotted against him with his own Ministry guards, and now, after killing all of his office guards, this amateur threatened to arrest him. Beier clasped the sides of the windows, preparing to guard his home with pride. At that moment, Scottsfield drew back the staff, and threw it towards Beier. The minister's eyes got big, knowing he was about to die. The staff hit him in the chest, as his own blood stained the floor of the Manor. The force of the throw pushed the minister's body backward, causing him to fall from the three-story building. His arms flailed helplessly, hoping he would grab onto something on his 30-foot drop. His body crashed into the water.

The elevator pinged, bringing Baldwin out of his recollection. The elevator doors opened, and a smiling Alicia looked at him as he entered. Two other men were in the elevator, wearing orange stripes on their otherwise grey uniforms. These were Ministry of Information "Hands" as they were called. As many of the Ministers and their assistants did most of the supervising, the Hands carried out most of the tasks. "Why am I needed?", asked Baldwin to Alicia. The minister pushed her glasses up on her nose, and said nothing. She is so weird, he thought. "So, how are you and Alec?", he asked, hoping to spark a conversation.

The elevator doors closed and the elevator began to descend. The minister looked to Baldwin, not happy at his question. He knew that the death of Matilda had separated her from her biggest crush. Alicia let one tear fall from her eye, but quickly wiped it to make sure Baldwin didn't see. The elevator eventually reached the bottom, and the four people exited the elevator, left the Tower and walked across the street to the Thomas Complex.

Baldwin looked up at the construction site, as the new buildings were being constructed. The crews had cleared them to enter the first ten floors of the building, as long as they wore safety helmets. The four passed by a box of safety helmets under the Hall Building, and after they all grabbed one of the green helmets and securely placed it on their head, they entered the Hall Building. The layout was similar to that of the Thomas Building, except it was green inside. "Your aides shall be up on the top floor, I'm going to stay down here and configure the building's touch screen system," said Alicia, letting Baldwin and the Hands pass her as she went to the building's front desk. She sat down at the desk as Baldwin and the Hands got in the opening elevator. Baldwin looked back, seeing her type in the admin password. The doors closed behind Alicia as she looked at her desktop wallpaper. Alec. The Minister of Information began to cry. She loved him.

Baldwin reached the tenth floor promptly, and exited the elevator as the doors opened. "Ayuda, what room do I need to be in?", asked Baldwin. "How am I supposed to know? I thought you were the Minister of Finance, or is someone going to defenestrate you as well?", answered Ayuda sarcastically. Baldwin expected this. With Alicia mad, Ayuda would be little help. "Shut up bot, or I'll shut you down," threatened Baldwin. "Shut up human, or I'll shut down your building," replied Ayuda, mockingly as the lights flickered. "Besides, bot shutdown requires an admin password, which is the sole property of Alicia Katherine Burns. See ya," Ayuda continued. Baldwin disregarded the stupid bot and continued toward the last rooms of the floor.

"Minister Baldwin!", a woman yelled from his left. He entered the room and saw a huge monitor similar to that of the Thomas Building GusNet HQ. In the center of the screen was the Guslant stock exchange graph, and in the top left corner were little boxes labeled "AL", "AM", and "AY", standing for Alicia, Amica, and Ayuda, respectively. The first and last were glowing green, meaning that the two were watching the screen remotely. "Sorry for the tardiness, I had to argue with a bot," said Baldwin to his aides, Franklin Miller and Beth Moore. "He's too much of an idiot to understand humor," joked Ayuda. "Your comments are unneeded, Unkind Digital Assistant," said Moore, firmly. "It is...," began Ayuda before a notification popped up on the monitor.

"Administrator Burns has entered the valid passcode and Ayuda is currently: DOWN for configuration. In his absence, Amica is now functioning as the control center bot." The "AY" button turned red as the "AM" button turned green, cutting Ayuda's sentence off. "Finally. He shuts up. Listen, Greg, we have a situation you need to address, and I'm sorry to say what information is presented, you cannot repeat. Greg, during one of the largest economic crises of Guslantis...someone is transferring Guslates out of the main Guslant fund and into private funds. And I'm sorry to say, that this person is within the proximity of the Hall Building," said Beth Moore. Baldwin's mouth dropped. He had a corrupt Hand within his Ministry, and that could end in their arrest.
Breaking News: General Council Approves Emergency Budget
Emergency Budget Approved by 16 votes to 6, with 8 Conservative Party and 2 Green Councillors Abstaining.

The emergency budget, presented to the General Council this morning by the Executor-General in a special session of the Council, has been approved by a majority of Councillors and will be put before Parliament in an emergency sitting tomorrow, with the government hoping for passage by Thursday next week.

The budget was approved by most Councillors of the governing coalition, however, both Green Councillors abstained as well as most of the opposition Conservative Party. Councillors for the True Conservative Union and the Conservative Party representatives for the State of Staahnbern voted against the proposal.

The budget contains a 2.5% reduction in the General Sales Tax, last lowered from 15% to 12.5% in last year's budget, leaving the rate at 10% should the budget pass. Taxation on companies will be reduced further from the 22% large company rate (lowered from 25% in this year's June budget) and 20% general rate (lowered from 22.5% in this year's June budget), the large company rate resting at 20% and the general rate at 18% if the budget passes. A number of tax reliefs for retailers and airlines will be extended in the proposed budget.

Subsidies for the manufacturing sector will be extended and the Executor for Business and Industry will be granted power to make compulsory purchases of large employers in the sector that are at risk of insolvency. A similar power of the Executor for Financial Affairs in relation to banks and large lenders, that was implemented near to the beginning of the last recession will be extended and government guarantees of deposits will be increased from $15,000 to $20,000 of all individual deposits.The Executor for Financial Affairs is also set to be granted power to implement controls on the flow of finance out of the Confederacy.

Additional investment is authorised by a number of departments, both Business and Industry and Financial Affairs are provided with extra funds for compulsory purchases, Transport is funded to begin construction of a number of road and rail construction projects brought forwards from intended start over the next few years, Education is provided with an extra fund to underwrite the cost of an apprenticeship programme and subsidisation of training for employees, as well as fund expansion of schools and technology colleges.

Spending in the Department for Social Affairs is to be reduced in a number of discretionary spending areas and an increase in the age at which citizens qualify for the basic pension from 66 to 68, with citizens over the age of 63 presently being exempted from the change.

Reductions in Defence spending are to be brought forwards by the budget, reductions in the Media and Culture, Justice, and Internal Affairs budgets are to continue largely as provided for in the June budget.

Criticism of the budget by Conservative Party and True Conservative Union Councillors focused on the risk posed by further reductions in Defence spending to the security of the Confederacy. Conservative Party Councillors also expressed disquiet at the fact that reductions in the police service would continue under the proposed budget.

Green Councillor, David Harper, explaining why he did not support the budget, said that "the changes to the basic pension will mean that every citizen in the Confederacy will have to work longer to pay for the panic being caused by massive multi-national corporations that will be given a tax break by this budget".

Conservative Party Leader, Councillor and Deputy, Jack Harper, setting out his party's position, reiterated the statement released on Tuesday, "we support the measures that the government proposes to take in encouraging spending and saving money for the ordinary citizen, and its reductions in the tax on companies to encourage investment and let the private sector take up more of the slack.

"The extension of the powers of the Executor for Financial Affairs and the new powers of the Executor for Business and Industry to nationalise banks and companies is a prudent measure to reduce risk to jobs and finances, however, we cannot support the overly broad extension that is granted in this version of the budget and will seek an amendment to limit and ensure effective oversight of them.

"Ramping up of the cuts in Defence spending is an area where we do not support the government and, similarly, we do not support the continuing of cuts to the Internal Affairs budget which have so far fallen heavily on the PSC. We shall, table amendments in Parliament to halt cuts in Defence, and, unless an police spending within the Internal Affairs budget is guaranteed at current levels, its budget also.

"We will not oppose this budget today, when all that can be done is kill it and put our economy in great risk, but we do not believe it is anywhere near perfect and we will try to work with government and other parties to make amendments to improve it."

Outside of the General Council, opinions on the budget ranged significantly, with many in the world of finance fearing it could trigger an exodus of capital as investors try to move resources abroad before new controls come into effect, while in industry and retail many small and medium business leaders expressed support for the further reductions in taxation, particularly the cut in the GST. A spokesperson for the Association of Pensioners and Retirees condemned the increase in the basic pension age and called for it to be removed from the budget during its passage through Parliament.

Consideration of the budget by Parliament will begin tomorrow at 10am with debate on an urgent timetable amendment, to last for two hours, followed by an address by the Executor-General and then debate on the budget until midnight, if the timetable amendment is passed.
Budget Deadline Reached, no Dissolution Called, Plembobrian Government Shuts Down

Today the deadline for the passage of the government budget failed. Written by senior members of the socialist bloc, who control the Commons (the body responsible for originating the supply,) the budget would increase the corporate tax, lower the personal tax, increase unemployment benefits by at least 25%, and increase agricultural subsidies (due to a rider added by the FEP).

The Right-Wing group, comprising the National and Libertarian parties have, one again, refused to pass it. The group controls the Senate by one vote.

RDP Leader Briggs stated, "They are once again pulling this scheme, it never bodes well for them, why do they keep doing it?." The last time the NatLibs blocked supply, they won the subsequent early election, but went on to lose the general election, though the loss is primarily associated with Nelson's unpopularity, as well as Minister for Defense Helmine's scandals.

Plembobria's interim state of Executive Monarchy (wherein the King is head of government) is due to a proclamation issued after the last parliamentary election. They proclamation stated that the king would call elections for a new parliament both bodies issued resolutions requesting one. Resolutions have been introduced in both houses. Additionally, a constitutional amendment proposing the abolition of the Senate has been introduced.

In the meantime, government benefits, most notably for those who have been thrust into unemployment after the closure of the RMA hub in Cummings, have been suspended.

The King, currently on his way to attend the funeral of the late Queen of McMasterdonia, has released a brief statement stating that "this is a reprehensible crisis that must be remedied." No further information is available from the crown at this time.

Tourism industry reports net loss
Plembobria's tourism industry has reported a notable decrease in sales. Tamerlan, the largest private tourism company, which maintains hotels, resorts, transportation services, and other related amenities, announced that it will be downsizing due to a lack of sales. This will lead to the lay-offs of approximately 9,000 employees.
Central Bank Backs Extra $50 Billion of Quantitative Easing
The CCB today began further purchases of assets as part of a bid to stabilise the economy as fears over double-dip recession loom.

The Monetary Policy Board of the CCB held another emergency meeting over the past two days and decided to expand the programme of quantitative easing that the Bank began in 2013 by another $50 billion, to $250 billion. The base rate of interest was held at 0.75%, a record low reached on the first of this month following an emergency meeting in the final days of August.

The additional money will be spent mostly on government bonds over the next few months and is intended to give financial institutions the ability to invest in the wider economy, making credit for businesses more available and, hopefully, reducing the likelihood that companies simply won't have the money necessary to start up or continue operating, thereby reducing the likelihood that people will end up out of work.

The expansion of QE and the cut in the interest rate are in an effort to reach the bank's inflation target of 4%, set by the Executor for Financial Affairs, and to prevent deflation, which could be damaging to the economy if it becomes cyclical.

There are risks to the measures that the Bank is taking, though. If lenders and businesses continue to worry about the state of the economy and whether they'll ever see a return on their investment, then they won't invest, no matter the money they could use to do so, and some suggest that the very actions the Bank is taking risk causing such worries.

Live: Economists doubt Government's ability to commit to promised stimulus packages

Courtney:Welcome to the evening broadcast of McMasterdonian Global News, I'm Courtney Waters and thanks for joining me on the program. First our headlines.

Tonight - Flemingovianists seize control of major port city, Port Augusta, in the Southern Isle province of McMasterdonia. The State funeral for Queen Matilda II is underway, with multiple foreign monarchs giving eulogies testifying to the great character of the late Monarch. Notable economists question the Government's ability to role out promised economic stimulus packages in the face of a widespread insurgency. First, here is Josephine Wyatt with our top story this evening.

Flemingovianists Seize Control of Port Augusta

Josephine:Fireworks. Gunfire. Song and dance. All words used describe the scenes of the city of Port Augusta after more than one week of fighting came to an end, with a strong and decisive victory for flemingovianist forces. The forces led by Archbishop Gunrei and his loyal lieutenants launched a sudden attack against the cities defences, leaving the embattled Kingdom unable to respond in a decisive manner. Within the first day the outskirting suburbs of the city had fallen to the Flemingovianists, and by the end of the week, the Commandant of the Port Augustan Palace, General Courtney White had surrendered the palace after the Flemingovianists guaranteed the safety of non-flemingovian citizens seeking refuge in the Palace.


Celebratory gunfire by Flemingovianists after taking the city

This is the strongest blow to the Government's hold over the country. Port Augusta is a very old city that was first established as a major trading port in 1521 during the reign of Emperor William V, when McMasterdonia was still part of the joint-commonwealth with Great Bights Mum. Since the collapse of the Commonwealth in 1610, the city continued to grow exponentially reaching a population of five million citizens in the 1940s. Population growth continued to grow, but at a slower rate, reaching 6.5 million citizens in the province in 2010.

As a central trading hub for the nation of McMasterdonia, the city has traditionally been ethnically diverse. Añolan's make up 8.5% of the population, with Syrixians, and people from Naizerre, SillyString, and the Imperium Augustum make up approximately 9% of the population. Notably expats from the Floresgasque Republic control significant wealth, particularly in the southern ports, where a huge amount of McMasterdonian gold and iron ore is exported across Eras.


The Palace, Port Augusta. Now in the hands of Flemingovianist rebels.

While the city has been traditionally strongly royalist, the city has always had strong ties to flemingovianism. Previously allegiance to flemingovianism would have implied allegiances to the sitting monarch, however in recent years, frustration with the corruption and nepotism of the extremely large Royal Family and the rulers of the City of Port Augusta has led to significant bad blood and protesting in the capital.

The greatest impact of the flemingovianists controlling this city, will be the strong influence they now have on McMasterdonian trade. The loss of the largest trading port in the Kingdom outside of Intelligentsia, is going to create huge economic issues for the kingdom, and other nations that rely on Mcmasterdonia's high consumption rates to support their national economic wellbeing.

The leader of the province, Chancellor of the Kingdom, and the Democratic Union Ambassador, Count Gregor, is still absent from the Kingdom handling matters before the Democratic Union. He has not returned to the city since 2013, which has encouraged the opinion that the city is being ignored by the national government and it's hereditary rulers.

Back to you in the studio, Courtney.

Interview with Economics Professor Malcolm Wentworth from the New Intelligentsia Academy

Courtney: Thanks Josephine. Up next, notable McMasterdonian Economists express concerns that the Government of the Kingdom will be unable to carry out their promised economic stimulus packages. These packages include both the distribution of cash to individuals and couples based on wealth, as well as road infrastructure work, and the education revolution aimed towards improving Mcmasterdonian schools. I'm joined now by Malcolm Wentworth, an Economics Professor at the New Intelligentsia Academy. Good evening Malcolm, thanks for joining us on the program.

Malcolm: Good evening Courtney, thanks for having me Courtney.

Courtney: So Malcolm, today economists from both Universities and major Corporations across McMasterdonia announced that they had serious doubts about the Kingdom's ability to execute the promised stimulus packages. Did this come as a surprise?

Malcolm: I'm afraid that it did not come as a surprise, Courtney. Certainly not to economists, but I'm sure it came as a surprise to many McMasterdonian citizens who were relying on the Government's promised cash handouts and the job opportunities that would have came with such a large infrastructure building program.

Courtney: If it wasn't a surprise Malcolm, surely the Government must have been aware that they would be unable to deliver on these promises. What does that say about the government? Can investors and citizens continue to have confidence in the Government if it is making promises that it cannot meet?

Malcolm: Well Courtney, of course Government's make promises and I'm sure they intend to meet them, but -

Courtney: You just said that this was not a surprise. Surely the Government was aware they could not meet these obligations if all economists were predicting this very situation?

Malcolm: Well Courtney, if you could let me finish. I believe the Government would have been able to meet their commitments, however the seizure of the large port in Port Augusta has led the Government to predict huge losses in exports and import tariffs, as well as significant limitations on food and energy security for the Kingdom. These issues I do not think were predicted by any economists or any member of the government.

Courtney: Why then were economists unsurprised when it became apparent the Government could not meet their commitments?

Malcolm: The economy is to be blunt, hugely volatile right now and in a very precarious position. The Kingdom simply does not have the cash flow or revenue growth that it once had. Successive Governments have not addressed frightening levels of economic growth and the debt level and government expenditure simply continued to grow.

Courtney: Successive Governments have committed to cut government spending, particularly where welfare is concerned, would such cuts have made a difference do you think?

Malcolm: No Government since the early 1900s has successfully cut government spending. The people simply do not accept it when the Government attempts to cut back on social welfare. Total debt has simply continued to creep up on 50% of GDP and beyond, now while this is acceptable during a period of economic growth, it simply is unsustainable when the economy tanks - or is in a period of significant decline, like where we find ourselves today.

Courtney: Which stimulus packages do you think will be most affected by the Government's inability to raise money, and the recent flemingovianist victories that have destroyed any remaining confidence in the Government?

Malcolm: I do not accept the premise of your question, Courtney. I do not think that the financial and economic community has lost all confidence in the McMasterdonian Government, and I do think that they can turn this matter around. What we need to see is the media talking up the economy instead of undermining it -

Courtney: Surely the media is not responsible for the position that the economy is in, responsibility surely lies with the Government, doesn't it?

Malcolm: Responsibility is shared between the Government, the media, and the citizens. However to your original question, I believe that it is simply impractical for the Government to commit to a road building program. Especially as some of the proposed projects are linking cities and provinces that may be potentially at war with one another, or where flemingovianist insurgents control most of the resources and labour force. The cash handouts may continue, however, there is the concern that these handouts will simply make it into the hands of terrorist organisations and will be used for nefarious purposes and not the stated purpose of keeping the economy moving.

Courtney: I'm afraid that is all we have time for. Thanks for joining us tonight, Malcolm.

Malcolm: Anytime Courtney.

Courtney: Up next, we continue our coverage of the State Funeral for Queen Matilda II and King-Consort Richard of McMasterdonia.

Pazzi Bank posts losses of f 2.8 billion - 'major restructuring' imminent

Pazzi Bank, Floresque's third-largest investment bank, posted a nearly 3 billion florin loss today, capping its worst-performing quarter since going public. In a statement following the announcement, the Board of the troubled bank announced that a 'major restructuring' was imminent.

Among those changes were plans by the firm to spin-off its domestic real estate division and slash annual dividends.

Following what was described by some analysts as a "slaughter" in the markets on Friday wherein Pazzi's shares plunged 45% to their lowest level in nearly two decades, the investment bank announced that it had lost f 2.8 billion during the previous quarter, mainly due to global market instability and the failure of the McMasterdonian state.

The announcement comes on the heels of a from the Gunrei Branch Church of Flemingovia, made on Sunday, that they were forming an independent, theocratic state. McMasterdonian shares on the FSE fell a further 5% on Monday on the news, surprising many analysts who thought that the market scare had hit its peak and would soon recede.

Pazzi Bank CEO Giuseppe Pazzi described the quarter as one of the "most difficult" in the firm's 196 year history. Just a year ago Pazzi Bank, along with the broader banking industry in Floresque, was entering a sixth year of growth. At the end of the third quarter last year, Pazzi Bank posted a profit of f 868 million.

Analysts were expecting bad numbers from Pazzi, as well as its rivals G. Vansotti & Son and the Bank Avelocci, due to a global market scare and uncertainty in McMasterdonia due to its civil war and Syrixia and Nebula due to Shei Ren tensions. However, today's loss exceeded those expectations, as consensus estimates anticipated Pazzi to post a f 1.9 billion loss.

Rumors have persisted in the industry that Pazzi Bank is close to selling part, or even all, of itself to another institution. Insiders speculate that the Bank Avelocci is planning to make an offer on Pazzi's highly-deprecated domestic real estate division.

Giuseppe Pazzi promised to put those rumors to rest, though, as he announced plans to spin off the real estate division into its own company. This "streamlined bank", he said, would be able to continue serving its customers as well as creditors to the "high standard Pazzi Bank is known for". Dividends and bonuses for executives, he continued, would be cut significantly to save money and keep the operation running smoothly. Pazzi added that turnover at the firm was "not abnormal" and that the Board continues to be supportive of the bank and in his service.

"Pazzi Bank has been around for nearly 200 years, and we have a long record of pulling through hard times. Everyone here looks forward to putting this past quarter behind us as we look towards the future." he said before leaving the conference room.
On McMasterdonia's Economic Crisis

A press conference was held regarding McMasterdonia's Economic Crisis

Representative(R): "Hello, good morning"

R: "Now that we are able to respond, Ryccia is not very worried about McMasterdonia's crisis, due to the fact that not many companies trade with McMasterdonia. In fact, it is business like usual, and after the civil war and subsequent current recovery, our markets are just fine. However, we are worried about one thing. McMasterdonia's crisis is spilling out to the world. Many companies trade with some nations that have felt the impact of McMasterdonia's economic crisis, so we do not know what to expect. For now, everything is normal in Ryccia"