Community of Caltanian Countries

Let's get down to business. This thread needs some activity.

As Chairman, I (Aryan Baknagore) do not believe the CCC needs a constitution. This is basically an alliance of nations on Caltania. I do not see the need for specific constitutions when the alliance itself and its purposes are rather general.

That said, the Syrixian Empire does invite the CCC's members to Sikhara, our capital city, for a summit.
Sorry for inactivity, in the last few days I was very busy.
I am going to propose the voting about the invitation of the new countries, which lie in the island.

I tough Arethos and maybe Etarr, however, I don't know that Etarr is on the official NP map, because Nierr sad that he has accepted, but on the latest map version there is no Etarr on the map...
If I may ask, what is this NP you speak of? ((This thread is IC.))

I think Arethos and Varincia, the nation that rules Etarr as a colony, would be welcomed as members.
Well, I support the invitation of Arethos, but not of Etarr.
When I checked Variancia last time, she was in another region. However her colony, Etarr is still in the NP, but the coloniser isn't in it...
Huh? What is this "NP"? And what do you mean by a "different region"?

((IC please!))
The Empire would like to bring to the table a discussion concerning Caltania's opinion and desired actions concerning the famine in Cronaal. The Empire does not believe this can go un-acted upon. In the name of all things moral, it is imperative we assist the Cronaalis before everything falls apart.

Reply to your first message:
Okay, if you don't want to know what is NP and other regions, I say Varincia can not be the member of the CCC.

Reply to your second message:
Well, Lorbank would like not to have problems around the CCC's members. So I support to aid Croonal, but we are going to send just foods and not money, owing to the corruption.
Syrixia, what is your opinion?
(OOC: Omg, you do realize in the RP world, the North Pacific does not exist? The world is called Eras. >_<)
We can donate food to Cronaal; mainly wheat and maize. This year's harvest has been quite a success, which reduces our imports as well. We can use this surplus to go to Cronaal to help combat the poverty. We can also assign doctors to treat the sick, and to combat the economic hardship we can give cash incentives for companies - especially manufacturing companies - to create more factories in Cronaal, as a short-term solution to reduce the unemployment.

We are also experimenting by cross-breeding plants to get one that has high quantities of calories. In the long term, once these are created, the seeds can be donated to Cronaal. The idea is that less food is required to get an adequate amount of energy, so that more can be distributed.

Any thoughts on our contributions?
I find this to be quite exceptional, however I'm thinking bigger. As an organization, we should launch an initiative to help in Cronaal. I propose we call it "Caltania for Cronaal".
I find this to be quite exceptional, however I'm thinking bigger. As an organization, we should launch an initiative to help in Cronaal. I propose we call it "Caltania for Cronaal".
Lorbank support all steps which help to end the famine in Cronaal.
However we aren't going to send money prior to the economic situation and the corruption in Cronaal. The government afraid from the money won't arrive where it should...

I help to organise the Caltania for Cronaal soon.
I suggest the invitation of Arethos and Zazumo.
The planned voting would be held between 23rd and 24th of October.
The voting about new members will be held at this weekend.
The votes are valid from Friday 12:00 (GMT+0) to Saturday 23:59 (GMT+0).
The current invitees who applied to join: Arethos, Funkadelia and Zazumo

The only rule of the voting:
The nation which you would like to see as the part of the CCC --> write its name with bold letters
The nation which you wouldn't like to see as the part of the CCC --> write its name with strikethrough
Arethos, Funkadelia and Zazumo

I object to the "invitation" of Funkadelia, as they are already on the invitee list.

I should also note that as Chairman, it is my job to call a vote. The honorable delegation of Lorbank should not attempt to call the shots when they were not elected Chairman.

I will let it slide this time, but it will not happen again.
Honorable Chairman, please write the nations' name to the list.
I will write to the invitees, and I will ask them about they want to become a member and if they want there should be a voting about that too.
Funkadelia was already on the list. -_-

I have, however, written the other two. And may the Delegation of Lorbank please, once more, refrain from going over his current position? Do not send messages to the new invitees just yet. And when it is time, I will do that, thank you. If you wish to become Chairman by all means run in the next election.

Technically, the CCC has no written charter, so I will propose one. I will veto any action made by the CCC until a Charter has been drafted, as such an action would be performed by a body with no laws.
Yes, previously I suggested a charter, but you rejected with this sentence: "I do not believe the CCC needs a constitution"

Anyway this sounds good. I will wait to your chartel-proposal.
I did not think we needed one, but now I do. The CCC has become a mess. I will propose it soon.
(OOC: This is the IC thread. Try and write a request to join in an IC manner.)
*Breaking the silence*
Please delete Eirennea, Arethos, Ertolia and Andulus.
The first two aren't exist, the last two formed a coalition.