ARCHIVED: Riots in Ryccia

Xentherida turns its concerns to the Ryccian monarchy, with a maelstrom of questions.

What will become of them? Will the monarchy eventually be replaced into its status quo before the revolution as the figurehead for the constitutional monarchy, or have they been deposed? Will they be living in Syrixia under asylum, or be transferred back to Ryccia? For the former, how long will they be living there? For the latter, when will they be back in Ryccia? Immediately? After the revolution comes to a conclusion? And finally, what would happen if the monarchy don't wish to return, or have their return disallowed?
WA troops have dug in. Fortifications have been built. The area surrounding the village has become almost completely impassible due to deployment of barbed wire and various booby-traps. Anti-air missiles and flak guns have made it dangerous to fly over as well.
Republic troops, in response, begin to build a small but hardy fortification of their own around Kylosteia. Setting up their own missile launchers all across the fortifications, the Republic ensures that neither side would be able to break the other's defenses. The war is at a stalemate.
Artillery in the city has begun bombardment of Ryccian positions. Machine guns cover any angle of attack.

Meanwhile, underneath the city, teams of diggers have begun a secret endeavor: the connection of various basements, cellars, and drains, and the quiet excavation of various new tunnels, extending under Ryccian lines. However, only the diggers involved are aware of their mission, along with their commanders.
Republic seismographs detect the diggers and one by one, each digger is exposed. This is a clear breakage of the stalemate. If they wanted a fight, they'd get one. Missile launchers fire at will, with many getting into Kylosteia and fatally damaging key buildings as well as WA defense mechanisms and some artillery. Paratroopers drop into Kylosteia, killing and arresting WA soldiers left and right, as a division of armored troops with heavy weaponry and large shields run into the building where the WA calls its headquarters, ready to apprehend any and all WA executives. A few are apprehended on the lower floors, but the higher and higher the troopers get, the more executive the apprehended are.
OOC: It strikes me as unlikely that Ryccian troops would be able to pick up work crews with pickaxes above the usual seismic noise.
OOC: Pickaxes? I was under the impression that more modern equipment was being used, such as drills.
OOC:'d better have damn good seismology equipment on the front line of a battlefield to detect even the use of jackhammers.
OOC: No, I meant big digging drills. Whatever, let's continue. Your WA's leaders are being arrested and you're worried about diggers? Maybe call some troops in to Kylosteia or something?
This looked like an advantage for Republic troops. The WA had put holes in their own city, and subsequently, had accidentally made a small break in their fortifications. Following the explosions, the armored soldiers went back down to the ground floor of the WA's HQ and began throwing grenades as high as they could, onto windowsills and through open windows. Meanwhile, the main force of Republic troops poured into Kylosteia.
Explosives planted in the tunnels went off. The city was thrown into chaos as parts caved in.
OOC: You are definitely paying me war compensation.
OOC: I think that makes sense, Ryccia, but only for Kylosteia. Not much else was damaged as far as I know, but I may be wrong.
Das Aussenministerium (Foreign Ministry) of the Kannexan Reich has offered asylum to the Ryccian royal family. Kaiser Franz graciously offers accommodations for the family and a monthly pension for the upkeep of its household. A summer palace in Wallei Province will be given to the Ryccian royals until their status is resolved.
(OOC: Psst. Syrixia is already covering that whole asylum thing, that happened about a few pages back.)
A few tunnels had intentionally been left intact. WA troops poured towards them now, even trampling Ryccian soldiers who stood their ground in their desperation. As soon as the last men had reached the tunnel, and the manhole cover closed, the signal was sent. Nebulan bomber squadrons commenced a huge firebomb attack against the Ryccian troops in the city.
It was then that the Republic's air forces moved in, shooting down Nebulan planes and protecting the Republic soldiers inside the city. One of the soldiers' grenades got up to one of the higher floors, creating a reasonably enterable hole. Some squads died here and there, but some of the soldiers were able to continue and climb into the hole. After climbing two floors, they were face to face with the leaders of the Workers' Army. Taking the main leaders into custody via a Republic helicopter guarded by a squadron of Republic planes, they then turned to the subordinate leaders and escorted them out of the building themselves, handcuffing them. With firebombs coming down here and there and both Republic and WA troops dying, the building was cleared and blown up. The Republic soldiers all around Kylosteia that didn't pour through the break in the WA fortifications now jumped over their own and swept through the city. Kylosteia was taken and the WA leaders in custody, but there were still WA soldiers in the hidden tunnels...
(OOC - Would it be cool with those involved if Sadakoyama were to do an "Argo"-like mission--with the pretext of evacuating some of our science teams working there--to extract Ryccian scientists and other intelligencia (and maybe some important artworks and archaeological material :p )? Because this is how my people would respond to a situation like this. You can even catch some of them at it, if you like).
(( I think that would be reason enough to extract Sadakhan scientists. ))
Finding the tunnels wasn't an easy job, but eventually Republic soldiers had their WA counterparts in the tunnels cornered. Quickly, the tunneling WA soldiers were killed. After a few more hours of fighting here and there, it was over. Kylosteia had been captured by the Republic. However, there was still Nebula to worry about...
"@!#*?%$&@$?@!#$@&@&$"!*?#&@&$)#-%+#($#%#!" the Emperator swore.
"Sir, the situation is salvageable. The WA maintains bases in the wilderness."
"We'll send in a dozen bomber and fighter squadrons," the Emperator growled. "Failing that, we'll invade ourselves. Failing that, Ryccia goes back to the mob."
After months of fighting, both North and South Ryccia have declared peace. Elections will go onward. The CNP is a legitimate party as well since their corrupt leader has been removed. The Royal Family has returned.

(Expect an election thread shortly).'re a bit late. Last I checked not only is the war long since over, but the Republic reunited Ryccia.

Plx no necropost.
1. Kylosteia is just a town or city, the WA forces still held territory.

2. That is Cronaal, not me!
1. The Republic had plans to unite the country. With the fall of Kylosteia the WA's demise would be imminent. Not only were their leaders captured but their army was decimated as well. By the present time the Republic would be in control in time for elections.

2. So? The unification of Cronaal meant the war's end. If Nebula continued to try and prop up the WA after Cronaal was unified, I can safely say not only would the Coalition on Waterways deny them access to Ryccia, but, as mentioned before, the Republic would still win.
Syrixia. Are you seriously trying to decide what happened in Ryccia's own nation?

In his RP?

Look, roleplay is not done to a schedule. Or a calendar. Or a set time. RPs, good rps, can sometimes take years to complete about events that - in character - only take up a month or even less.
Since when did I say that? Last I checked, you let me and Nebula play as the Republic and the WA respectively.
But when I said that North and South made peace but battled right after, you said no! I let you RP, but I control what goes on in Ryccia!
Look, as far as I'm concerned, I think this argument is getting too flamey and, as well, redundant. Ryccia is working on his elections for his country. That isn't my business; and you don't see me protesting the elections on that thread. All this was was a simple disagreement about story interpretation.

Let's move on.