On Leave


official floof
TNP Nation
I know Residents don't need to request a leave of absence, but since I'm an active RPer, I thought I'd put this down.

Due to ... troubling ... RL matters linked to the matters I spoke of before, I'm not going to be active in RP for anywhere between a week and a month. This includes not only the longer, more serious RPs that I only posted a single reply to (since these matters have been ongoing for a while now; sorry Wolfsea, Bootsie, Eumenor, and Syrixia), but the shorter RPs like Faibuaizu.

I'll still be logged in during the day and may lurk around, but I won't be posting very much, if at all.

Also, RPI and Cascadia, about our project: I'll still be around, so if you need help with anything you can still ask.
I hope your RL matters get better. As Bootsie said, we'll wait months if we have to. RL always triumphs over NS. I can tell what's going on, or at least a very vague estimate. Don't even post here. We'll be fine. You should devote all of your time to your RL situation.

Take your time, and good luck. May the [INSERT DARCANIAN DEITY HERE] be with you.
Hope, Derkesthai, meh. I'll just be going back to my giant overly expensive church now. Habemus papam, all dat shtick. :lol:
Sorry to hear this! I hope you're okay. But I'm glad you can still help out with our project. I'm gonna miss you over in RP! :cry:

At least you'll be lurking.
Just started the process of recovering. Still terrible, but for the first time in a month or so I'm not incredibly depressed.
Retract this statement and reverse it. I am now in a worse state than last time.

Do not bother me seeking to assist or to needle me for information.
Mine as well. You've become an indispensable part of our RP community over the past few weeks and someone who is always a pleasure to interact with.
If anyone is wondering, the below link has a section devoted to what exactly is happening with me right now at the bottom.


Sorry for the long post. The most important part is quoted below.

I suppose at this point that I'm just desperate enough to talk to my online friends about all this, since I have no family to talk to, no friends to talk to, and no motivation to hire a therapist to talk to. I know I don't have many friends at all on DeviantArt, but this is as good a place as any to post this to link back to on the other communities I'm involved in.

I just hope it doesn't backfire. The Internet's a terrible place sometimes, but, as above, I guess I'm just that desperate.
If anyone is wondering, the below link has a section devoted to what exactly is happening with me right now at the bottom.


Sorry for the long post. The most important part is quoted below.

I suppose at this point that I'm just desperate enough to talk to my online friends about all this, since I have no family to talk to, no friends to talk to, and no motivation to hire a therapist to talk to. I know I don't have many friends at all on DeviantArt, but this is as good a place as any to post this to link back to on the other communities I'm involved in.

I just hope it doesn't backfire. The Internet's a terrible place sometimes, but, as above, I guess I'm just that desperate.
*reads the DeviantArt post*


I really hope your situation improves soon.
I hope that you are soon in a strong enough place to be able to return properly. Communities like this should challenge you, to challenge your views, your viewpoints and attitudes to uncommon and common events. If a community does not enthral you, then it does not make being part of that community a worthwhile or enjoyable experience.
I literally cried when I was reading this.

Here's my advice: Look all over the Internet; examine your life, and find out what you want to do in life. Then, pursue it. Don't let anything in your life get you down. Work hard, even if it's against all odds. Forget the implications of your work; find something that will bring you something positive, like money or friends/people who can help you.

Through all of this, even though we're just Internet friends, the North Pacific shall always stand beside you, Darc. And through the magic of the Internet, the World is with you. Tell your story. On the Internet, in real life. You will find only supporters and kind people who will love and help you.

But most importantly, through all that is and will be, NEVER GIVE UP! If you quit mining early, you'll never know if there was gold just around the corner.