ARCHIVED: Governor's Alcohol Issues Exposed, Chaos Ensues


Bonn At Dawn's morning report::
... He was found in little more than his undergarments in his car with Pizza Shack CEO Paula Dettweiler, both of which were clearly intoxicated. According to law enforcement, "both adults were buried in their own rolls of fat, surrounded by empty bottles, clothes, and pizza boxes." I mean, it's been known for some time that Governor Bergmann is both obese, like the majority of the Axlan populace, and infamous, socially speaking. Last night's scandal brings up a truckload of questions, however - Is he engaging in a serious affair with Paula? Is the First Lady aware? Should drugs and alcohol be more regulated? Should politicians be held to a higher standard? Hell, some have even taken to turn this event into an anti-obesity campaign - Bergmann weighs at least 175 kilograms, and Paula is at least 180. Needless to say, Bergmann's public figure, as well as Paula's and her business's, are both in danger.
Protests and chaos have ensued throughout the nation as the scandal unfolds. Law enforcement officials have refrained from sharing details with the public in an attempt to soothe protestors, but the lack of transparency has prompted more civilians to take to the streets. Internationally, Axla's large waistline has come under criticism, and the openly corrupt government has brought various analysts to speculate that Axla was better off during its time as a monarchy.
Embla Brunner on the state of the government::
Honestly, I don't see an issue with going back to the days of the monarchy. After all, Axla is now more stable and we have seen that allowing the people to choose their leader can backfire greatly. Although most monarchs did not live to see fifty, we had many great leaders among them - King Alexander I, Queen Diana, and Queen Yvonne I. Democracy just does not work in Axla.
At the moment, the Executive Council and the Federal Assembly have taken charge, but they have done nothing to stop the chaos. The possibility of Axla becoming a monarchy once more has prompted many imposters to claim that they, in fact, are Queen Yvonne II's daughters/relatives. The Executive Council has hired various genetic scientists to verify these claims - all claims have been blatantly disproven.
The Nebulan Census is pleased to report that obesity levels are low. However, we do acknowledge the rising levels internationally as an issue.
The Nebulan Census is pleased to report that obesity levels are low. However, we do acknowledge the rising levels internationally as an issue.
The Axlan Department of Public Health acknowledges that obesity rates are among the highest in The North Pacific and is planning a program which will attempt to lower obesity levels. It will be unveiled as soon as the streets are safe.
Good Morning Salzburg:
... Protests have raged on for weeks now, as civilians have begun to focus on the actual state of the government. After all, six governors before Bergmann have been caught in similar scandals, and the question still remains - would Axla be better off as a monarchy once more?
As of now, the casualties are as follows:
Dead - 83
Critical Condition - 125
Minor Injuries - 102
The Commonwealth of Axla would appreciate Golfian forces in the capital city of Bonn - clearing the protestors from the Capitol District.
The Commonwealth of Axla would appreciate Golfian forces in the capital city of Bonn - clearing the protestors from the Capitol District.
We will of course help our Axlan allies! :yes: However, instead of the usual military troopers, we'll send regular Police Guards!

Police Guard
- These men are protecting the citizens of Golfia from harm and maintain law and order. Police guards are equipped with batons or assault rifles and are quite capable in both melee and ranged combat. NOTE: They'll for now only use non-lethal weapons such as batons, Venom 200ml gun (paralyses victims with a type of toxin for a while), Tesla EM gun (stuns victims with electrical charges) and smoke grenades (forces rioteers to withdraw and might suffocate and make them unconcious if exposed long enough)

Police "Riot" Guard
- Golfian riots are rare occurences in the nation. When they do happen, special Riot guard units are deployed to deal with the stituation. Riot guards are equipped with gas masks and assault rifles and fitted with thick body armor. They will use whatever means necessary, according to the FTA (the Fair Treatment Act), to put a stop to the riot. NOTE: Our more heavily armored minions ;) They'll also use non-lethal methods.

Though we must remind dear Axla to try to calm the citizens if both sides wish no blodshed!
The Axlan government appreciates Golfia's assistance. The Executive Council and Federal Assembly have begun to reconstruct the monarchy thanks to the newfound "peace" in the streets of Axla. Government operations are still headquartered in Salzburg for now, but the ancient Romanov-Berr castle is being reconstructed. Descendants of the royal family, most of which live in the village of Rutt, are pleased to hear that they will rise to power once more. Augustine Berr, being the closest relative to Queen Yvonne II, has been chosen to take the throne as Queen Alix I.