ARCHIVED: BREAKING NEWS: The United States of New Sekai's Civil War

BREAKING NEWS! from The Kokyo Hoso Kyokai Nyusu.

The United States of New Sekai's Civil War:

A civil war in the east of The United States of New Sekai have started after The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party declare a liberation and independence war against the monarchy and the new government. Due to decision of the monarchy to declare The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party a illegal party and banned from the election because of the military crackdown on the activists on the April 30th 2015 (Mainly).

The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party claim they are behind the terrorist attacks across Shuto, The United States of New Sekai. They have placed 10 car bombs targeting The United States of New Sekai's and foreign's government locations (5 car bombs) and the general public (5 car bombs) (Succeeded), sent 5 letter bombs targeting The United States of New Sekai's monarchy (2 letter bombs) and The United States of New Sekai's and foreign's government (3 letter bombs) (Partial failed) and have taking hostages at ten locations targeting The United States of New Sekai's and foreign's government (5 hostage taking locations) and the general public (5 hostage taking locations) (Ongoing). The hostage situation is still ongoing, 5 locations (The United States of new Sekai's and foreign's government locations.) have been recaptured and the terrorists have been neutralized at those locations by The United States of New Sekai's military special forces. However, the other 5 locations (the general public locations) still occupied by the terrorists and The United States of New Sekai's General Intelligence Directorate's Director saying "These locations are being heavy controlled by the terrorists and there are people who have no direct links to our government or foreign governments. So right now, is really difficult for us to recaptured those locations because we don't have no informations of those locations, we can't have no plan with information of those locations because we need a plan which won't very unlikely to have us alerting the terrorists or having any of the hostage getting killed while we recapturing the locations."​

The May 7th 2015 Terrorist Attacks in Shuto, The United States of New Sekai.​

Also, The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party controlled 5 of the states in east of The United States of New Sekai and use the military in those states order to attack the other states surrounding those states. Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai has condemned Kenpo Pati and The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party: "We condemning Kenpo Pati and The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party after they corrupted and tyrant to The United States of New Sekai!" The monarchy and the new government have order the rest of military to retaliated and repel the attack.​

The United States of New Sekai's Army preparing to defend The United States of New Sekai from The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party.​

(OOC: If you have an questions (Out of character) please post on this topic: .)
The Grand Duchy of Golfia condemns the horrific terrorist attacks of The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party!!!
The Federal Council and The Federal Asssembly together with a referendum across the nation, have decided to aid the monarchy and the new government with our Royal Armed Forces! We hope that these will be sufficient enough to deal with those dishonrable cowards and murderers!!! Our finest troops include;
Golfian Soldier


Royal Commandos

Fire (Shotgun) Troopers

Rocket Troopers


Tank Dogs

Heavy Robots


Super soldiers
Xentherida condemns the horrific terrorist attacks committed by the Constitution Party. However, Xentherida does not wish to provide infantry troops; instead, a vote was passed to supply the legitimate government with supplies, such as money, munitions, temporary shelters and rations, and for drone and long-range ballistic missile strikes to hit the areas controlled by the rebels. Finally, a vote is at hand to whether peacekeepers should be sent to New Sekai, to protect-and if necessary- evacuate civilians.
Lastly, a secret operation is in preparation to storm the hostages held in areas in a lightning raid, depending if the government will accept the troops in the areas. A variety of buildings have been constructed to prepare the XSP in a variety of situations. We also offer to train troops in our country.
The Government of Golfia has also provided medical and supply aid to the affected areas of New Sekai through the Golfian Red Cross (with various other nations versions as well)!

The Grand Duchy of Golfia condemns the horrific terrorist attacks of The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party!!!
The Federal Council and The Federal Asssembly together with a referendum across the nation, have decided to aid the monarchy and the new government with our Royal Armed Forces! We hope that these will be sufficient enough to deal with those dishonrable cowards and murderers!!! Our finest troops include;
Golfian Soldier


Royal Commandos

Fire (Shotgun) Troopers

Rocket Troopers


Tank Dogs

Heavy Robots


Super soldiers
Thank you.

(OOC: I should tell you role playing in The North Pacific is in the modern time (sort of.). So the technology have to be modern: .)


To Whom it May Concern:

Syrixia wholefully condemns the Constitution Party of New Sekai for corruption and terrorist attacks on the people of New Sekai, however we are also alarmed by the response of the Grand Duchy of Golfia, as well as its arsenal. Golfia has heavily armored and equipped soldiers and menacing "tank dogs" as well as drones moving into New Sekai, which are not only extremely extraneous but also a blantant example of Golfia's militaristic aims. If one desires to end the threat of such entities as the Constitution Party massacring many people and committing heavy corruption just to keep themselves in power, then it is pure hypocrisy to send large amounts of forces to New Sekai to "deal with this dishonorable cowards and traitors". In this instance, we find Golfia's actions as dishonorable as the rebels are, and we find it very odd that a "referendum across the nation" voted for this militaristic and extremely suspicious option. As a result, Parliament has voted to impose economic sanctions on Golfia unless Golfian forces are removed from New Sekai and Golfia instead helps attempt to bring peace and calm down the fighting. We would also like to see the results of the Golfian referendum before Parliament discusses any further on the matter. While we are pleased that Golfia has joined us and other nations in providing medical aid, we still are, as one can see, very suspicious about Golfia's military response.

God bless the people of New Sekai, and may peace be upon them.​
Xentherida condemns the horrific terrorist attacks committed by the Constitution Party. However, Xentherida does not wish to provide infantry troops; instead, a vote was passed to supply the legitimate government with supplies, such as money, munitions, temporary shelters and rations, and for drone and long-range ballistic missile strikes to hit the areas controlled by the rebels. Finally, a vote is at hand to whether peacekeepers should be sent to New Sekai, to protect-and if necessary- evacuate civilians.
Lastly, a secret operation is in preparation to storm the hostages held in areas in a lightning raid, depending if the government will accept the troops in the areas. A variety of buildings have been constructed to prepare the XSP in a variety of situations. We also offer to train troops in our country.
Thank you. Yes, we give you the permission your nation's toops to work with our nation's special forces to recaptured the hostages locations. Our troops are up to standard but we willing to train our troops more, and training from other nations.
The Government of Golfia has also provided medical and supply aid to the affected areas of New Sekai through the Golfian Red Cross (with various other nations versions as well)!

Thank you.


To Whom it May Concern:

Syrixia wholefully condemns the Constitution Party of New Sekai for corruption and terrorist attacks on the people of New Sekai, however we are also alarmed by the response of the Grand Duchy of Golfia, as well as its arsenal. Golfia has heavily armored and equipped soldiers and menacing "tank dogs" as well as drones moving into New Sekai, which are not only extremely extraneous but also a blantant example of Golfia's militaristic aims. If one desires to end the threat of such entities as the Constitution Party massacring many people and committing heavy corruption just to keep themselves in power, then it is pure hypocrisy to send large amounts of forces to New Sekai to "deal with this dishonorable cowards and traitors". In this instance, we find Golfia's actions as dishonorable as the rebels are, and we find it very odd that a "referendum across the nation" voted for this militaristic and extremely suspicious option. As a result, Parliament has voted to impose economic sanctions on Golfia unless Golfian forces are removed from New Sekai and Golfia instead helps attempt to bring peace and calm down the fighting. We would also like to see the results of the Golfian referendum before Parliament discusses any further on the matter. While we are pleased that Golfia has joined us and other nations in providing medical aid, we still are, as one can see, very suspicious about Golfia's military response.

God bless the people of New Sekai, and may peace be upon them.​
Thank you.

Yes, we should advice The Grand Duchy of Golfia, you should do a less extreme actions to combat The Constitution Party of New Sekai and bring peace.
Finally, Golfia has decided to send military vehicles and aircraft along with the stationed troops, until the terrorist organisation is gone!





HAVw A6 Juggernaut

We have already sent a task force to New Sekai.

They will arrive in Shuto tomorrow to restore order.
My honored Gentle Men of this great world! It was never Golfia's intention to abuse its military power to accuire political gains! We merely wanted to give an extra hand to New Sekai! We only use our Royal Forces for peace keeping around troubled zones, we even declared it in our 1848 constitution where it merely says that we will never wage war and only provide peace keepers! Golfia wants a reply immeadiately from these honored men if we should remove our troops now or not? Are you sure you'll not give us a chance? Otherwise, we'll respectfully obey the commans!!!
Honored Mr Sekai! Our military vehicles are indeed modern! Haven't you heard the term "Don't judge the book by its cover"? Yes, they may seem outdated in the beholder's eye. But rest assured, they are definately one of the most technology advanced weapons of modern warfare! For more proof, we'll send some weapons which can obliterate a human body instantly (if you so wish)!
My honored Gentle Men of this great world! It was never Golfia's intention to abuse its military power to accuire political gains! We merely wanted to give an extra hand to New Sekai! We only use our Royal Forces for peace keeping around troubled zones, we even declared it in our 1848 constitution where it merely says that we will never wage war and only provide peace keepers! Golfia wants a reply immeadiately from these honored men if we should remove our troops now or not? Are you sure you'll not give us a chance? Otherwise, we'll respectfully obey the commans!!!
We think its ok but we don't know about the other nations, what they think about the actions.

(OOC: I think you really need to re-think the technology in your military. The technology should be modern technology.)
Honored Mr Sekai! Our military vehicles are indeed modern! Haven't you heard the term "Don't judge the book by its cover"? Yes, they may seem outdated in the beholder's eye. But rest assured, they are definately one of the most technology advanced weapons of modern warfare! For more proof, we'll send some weapons which can obliterate a human body instantly (if you so wish)!
Oh ok.


To Whom it May Concern:

Syrixia wholefully condemns the Constitution Party of New Sekai for corruption and terrorist attacks on the people of New Sekai, however we are also alarmed by the response of the Grand Duchy of Golfia, as well as its arsenal. Golfia has heavily armored and equipped soldiers and menacing "tank dogs" as well as drones moving into New Sekai, which are not only extremely extraneous but also a blantant example of Golfia's militaristic aims. If one desires to end the threat of such entities as the Constitution Party massacring many people and committing heavy corruption just to keep themselves in power, then it is pure hypocrisy to send large amounts of forces to New Sekai to "deal with this dishonorable cowards and traitors". In this instance, we find Golfia's actions as dishonorable as the rebels are, and we find it very odd that a "referendum across the nation" voted for this militaristic and extremely suspicious option. As a result, Parliament has voted to impose economic sanctions on Golfia unless Golfian forces are removed from New Sekai and Golfia instead helps attempt to bring peace and calm down the fighting. We would also like to see the results of the Golfian referendum before Parliament discusses any further on the matter. While we are pleased that Golfia has joined us and other nations in providing medical aid, we still are, as one can see, very suspicious about Golfia's military response.

God bless the people of New Sekai, and may peace be upon them.​

Glorious Most Serene Republic of Syrixia, New Sekai have stated that they'll allow our Peace Keepers in the affected areas merely for these duties. It was OF COURSE never our intention to abuse the situation to gain a upper hand! However we do understand the missunderstandings leading up to this point! But, now when the situation is now much clearer, we request that you lift this economic ban and join us to aid New Sekai! God bless the people of New Sekai, and may peace be upon them.
As you can see New Sekai, that our troops are quite effective! yes our military looks might seem a bit old fashioned for this era! But it's merely due aesthetics! :)
As you can see New Sekai, that our troops are quite effective! yes our military looks might seem a bit old fashioned for this era! But it's merely due aesthetics! :)
Alright then.
(OOC: I find it funny that you copy/pasted the end of my nation's message and put your response in your quote, as well as the fact that you addressed my nation as if it were one person when it is in fact a nation of 30 million people. Also, sanctions are not an economic ban. That's called an embargo. Sanctions are simply restrictions on trade as well as a mandate to lessen it, not neutralize it. Anyway, I will not be lifting my sanctions for now, unless your nation's army is removed and peace is attempted as my nation's message noted.)
(OCC: I don't know how to quote someone without tempering with their message xD)
The Most Serene Republic of Syrixa, please listen for once! Golfia has always done like this more many decades, always ensuring peace in different frontiers and NEVER endangered a sovereign state's right to exist! We can't possibly understand how this might endanger the lives of milions of New Sekians? We always use our intelligence first before striking an eventual strike, we would of course never endanger unnecessary lives!! Alright we'll back our troop away, but at the same we want to provide militry support and expertise, not just medical/supply aides! So tell the solution and not just "order your men to stand down" I must say, we've never encountered issue this before and other nations proudly commend us for our military support for bringing stability and peace in an area! Ok, we'll stand down with our troops BUT we want to still provide something military, so PLEASE tell us! A small SPECIAL OPS instead?
We are sending the following Squadron:

? Alect Squadron (fighters)
? Gryphus Squadron (fighters)
? Nomad Squadron (helicopters)
? Osa Squadron (helicopters)

And the Skylla Unit (Anti-Aircrafts).
Other Squadrons and Units will arrive soon.

(OOC: I'm happy to see a Wolfenstein fan!)
We are not ordering Golfia to do anything. We are simply saying that Golfia is being excessively militaristic in this situation and we are appalled at their persistence to dispatch military forces. We are simply ASKING they be removed in favor of diplomats who may establish peaceful negotiations.
We are not ordering Golfia to do anything. We are simply saying that Golfia is being excessively militaristic in this situation and we are appalled at their persistence to dispatch military forces. We are simply ASKING they be removed in favor of diplomats who may establish peaceful negotiations.
Alright fine, but so far you're the only one advocating for it! Have you considered asking other fellow nations for opinions? We'll back off most of our troops to favor for top diplomats, a small SPEC OPS, military instructors, latest weapons and we offer and keep our military vehicles instead so the New Sekai government can use them! We're still going to provide medical/supply aid of course!
We are not ordering Golfia to do anything. We are simply saying that Golfia is being excessively militaristic in this situation and we are appalled at their persistence to dispatch military forces. We are simply ASKING they be removed in favor of diplomats who may establish peaceful negotiations.
(OCC: I still don't understand why Syrixa also doesn't use economic sanctions against Nessuno, considering he's also providing military units just like me? My intention wasn't to send milions of units, only a couple of thousand!!!)
(OOC: Golfia, only modern technology is allowed. That means helicopters instead of mechs. Think Falklands War, not Star Wars.)

The Kannexan Empire had little incentive to intervene directly in the conflict; the images of destruction even at the onset of this new war made many Kannexans feel like this was not their business. Kannex had seen much of this chaos in its earlier years. In addition, New Sekai was halfway across the region. A few elements in the Liberal Party did want to intervene, but it would take a while for them to convince the rest of government. The few Kannexan businessmen remaining in New Sekai had, luckily, not been touched, and they were quickly leaving the country. As Kannex had supported neither side in the conflict, their citizens were unmolested.

For now, the Imperial Aussenministerium under Foreign Minister Jurgen Reina released a statement: "We are shocked by the violence now unfolding in the United States of New Sekai. Kannex strongly condemns the attacks against civilians and foreign guests stationed in New Sekai and reminds all sides that international law must be respected. We call for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and for both sides to come to the negotiating table."
(OOC: Golfia, only modern technology is allowed. That means helicopters instead of mechs. Think Falklands War, not Star Wars.)

The Kannexan Empire had little incentive to intervene directly in the conflict; the images of destruction even at the onset of this new war made many Kannexans feel like this was not their business. Kannex had seen much of this chaos in its earlier years. In addition, New Sekai was halfway across the region. A few elements in the Liberal Party did want to intervene, but it would take a while for them to convince the rest of government. The few Kannexan businessmen remaining in New Sekai had, luckily, not been touched, and they were quickly leaving the country. As Kannex had supported neither side in the conflict, their citizens were unmolested.

For now, the Imperial Aussenministerium under Foreign Minister Jurgen Reina released a statement: "We are shocked by the violence now unfolding in the United States of New Sekai. Kannex strongly condemns the attacks against civilians and foreign guests stationed in New Sekai and reminds all sides that international law must be respected. We call for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and for both sides to come to the negotiating table."
(OOC: Yeah, I figured that out, I hope that the other types of vehicles still count as modern. They might seem old fashioned, but it's just there for aesthetics. They perform as a modern weapons today!)
We are sending the following Squadron:

? Alect Squadron (fighters)
? Gryphus Squadron (fighters)
? Nomad Squadron (helicopters)
? Osa Squadron (helicopters)

And the Skylla Unit (Anti-Aircrafts).
Other Squadrons and Units will arrive soon.

(OOC: I'm happy to see a Wolfenstein fan!)
Thank you.
We are not ordering Golfia to do anything. We are simply saying that Golfia is being excessively militaristic in this situation and we are appalled at their persistence to dispatch military forces. We are simply ASKING they be removed in favor of diplomats who may establish peaceful negotiations.
Alright fine, but so far you're the only one advocating for it! Have you considered asking other fellow nations for opinions? We'll back off most of our troops to favor for top diplomats, a small SPEC OPS, military instructors, latest weapons and we offer and keep our military vehicles instead so the New Sekai government can use them! We're still going to provide medical/supply aid of course!
We alright with that and thank you again.
We are not ordering Golfia to do anything. We are simply saying that Golfia is being excessively militaristic in this situation and we are appalled at their persistence to dispatch military forces. We are simply ASKING they be removed in favor of diplomats who may establish peaceful negotiations.
(OCC: I still don't understand why Syrixa also doesn't use economic sanctions against Nessuno, considering he's also providing military units just like me? My intention wasn't to send milions of units, only a couple of thousand!!!)
(OOC: I think because The Disputed Territories of Territorio Di Nessuno is a allied to The United States of New Sekai? If your nations is allied to our nation. The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia would be relaxed about it? Unless I'm wrong about this?)
(OOC: Golfia, only modern technology is allowed. That means helicopters instead of mechs. Think Falklands War, not Star Wars.)

The Kannexan Empire had little incentive to intervene directly in the conflict; the images of destruction even at the onset of this new war made many Kannexans feel like this was not their business. Kannex had seen much of this chaos in its earlier years. In addition, New Sekai was halfway across the region. A few elements in the Liberal Party did want to intervene, but it would take a while for them to convince the rest of government. The few Kannexan businessmen remaining in New Sekai had, luckily, not been touched, and they were quickly leaving the country. As Kannex had supported neither side in the conflict, their citizens were unmolested.

For now, the Imperial Aussenministerium under Foreign Minister Jurgen Reina released a statement: "We are shocked by the violence now unfolding in the United States of New Sekai. Kannex strongly condemns the attacks against civilians and foreign guests stationed in New Sekai and reminds all sides that international law must be respected. We call for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and for both sides to come to the negotiating table."
(OOC: That what I mean Golfia about modern technology is allowed.)

Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai said: "We willing to come to the negotiating table to discuses the peaceful resolution of the conflict."

Kenpo Pati The Chairperson of The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party said: "We also willing to come to the negotiating table to discuses the peaceful resolution of the conflict. If any attempt to captured or neutralized me in any form, there will be a consequences for any nations involve with the attempt?!"

(OOC: I'm hoping that make sense.)
The weapons from the Grand Duchy of Golfia has now been delivered to the armed forces of New Sekai as ordered!
Full list:

(OCC: Don't you worry, MOST of these weapons are considered "modern". not too old or too futuristic". I bet that some of these weapons are also developed in real, albeit in secrecy xD)
Thank you.

(OOC: Some of the images didn't work or not showing.)
Mr Insanity:
The weapons from the Grand Duchy of Golfia has now been delivered to the armed forces of New Sekai as ordered!
Full list:

(OCC: Don't you worry, MOST of these weapons are considered "modern". not too old or too futuristic". I bet that some of these weapons are also developed in real, albeit in secrecy xD)
Thank you.

(OOC: Some of the images didn't work or not showing.)
(OCC: Strange, it works for me!)
The only thing we ask you is to use these weapons wisely and cautiosly, only when necessary!
The Special Ops team is now deployed as well, they've been instructed to patrol certain areas, guard the Monarch and important offcials of the government and getting friendly with the locals, and some of them are even required to join New Sekai forces for some mission! :)
Mr Insanity:
The weapons from the Grand Duchy of Golfia has now been delivered to the armed forces of New Sekai as ordered!
Full list:

(OCC: Don't you worry, MOST of these weapons are considered "modern". not too old or too futuristic". I bet that some of these weapons are also developed in real, albeit in secrecy xD)
Thank you.

(OOC: Some of the images didn't work or not showing.)
(OCC: Strange, it works for me!)
The only thing we ask you is to use these weapons wisely and cautiosly, only when necessary!
The Special Ops team is now deployed as well, they've been instructed to patrol certain areas, guard the Monarch and important offcials of the government and getting friendly with the locals, and some of them are even required to join New Sekai forces for some mission! :)
(OOC: It's showing those image saying hosted by tripod for me?)

We mostly giving the weapons to the special forces not regular forces. Ok, we kind currently still having the hostage situations, we need help on to recaptured the hostage locations?
Mr Insanity:
Mr Insanity:
The weapons from the Grand Duchy of Golfia has now been delivered to the armed forces of New Sekai as ordered!
Full list:

(OCC: Don't you worry, MOST of these weapons are considered "modern". not too old or too futuristic". I bet that some of these weapons are also developed in real, albeit in secrecy xD)
Thank you.

(OOC: Some of the images didn't work or not showing.)
(OCC: Strange, it works for me!)
The only thing we ask you is to use these weapons wisely and cautiosly, only when necessary!
The Special Ops team is now deployed as well, they've been instructed to patrol certain areas, guard the Monarch and important offcials of the government and getting friendly with the locals, and some of them are even required to join New Sekai forces for some mission! :)
(OOC: It's showing those image saying hosted by tripod for me?)

We mostly giving the weapons to the special forces not regular forces. Ok, we kind currently still having the hostage situations, we need help on to recaptured the hostage locations?
Yes! The Special Ops are also instructed to help with ongoing hostage situations. But among them are also their top-notch negotiators! We would rather talk our way out than going guns blazing style ;)