How Narnia got busted

As you all likely know Narnia is an infamous forum-destroying G. He's pissed off pretty much every member of the IRCable, Oligarchy and Illuminati. Now I'm gonna tell you the story of how the TNP pigs put me in the slammer so just relax, sit back and strap on your seatbelts.

So I was beatin' down this forum with my brute-force attack and then I went to tell my homies how I put another crappy little forum in the morgue. I was gettin' mad respect for putting it in the ground but then a nasty snitch overheard me. Guess what? They reported me to the TNP pigs and Narnia the badass thug was on the run from the Feds and the pigs.

First they sent the CIA but Narnia just beat them up and kicked them in the balls. T1M was pissed that his corrupt CIA agents got pwned by a thug so he sent in the Marines but Narnia had a giant KFC drumstick he used to destroy the marine's tanks and APCs. That badass G even had a gat that shot vanilla coke and he used it to blow up the AC-130s. By that point they knew that Narnia was a crazy thug because of all the time he spent playing Nintendo. Everybody in the DPRK was cheering Narnia's name.

T1M was pissed that he was once again humiliated by that thug named Narnia. He even executed a few more forums and T1M's girlfriend started cheating on him with Narnia because Narnia is very sexy. That was when T1M hired Inuyasha and his little gang of thugs to take Narnia down. T1M used the money he earned from his chain of gay bars to hire them.

So, Narnia thought he was like fuckin' invincible. He ate so much KFC that Canada ran out for a bit. That's when he started to lose his powers because Narnia's powers come from eating KFC. That was when Inuyasha and his little friends jumped Narnia outside the Lego store. Narnia started wailing on them with his KFC drumstick but T1M showed up in a helicarrier and blew up the KFC with a tactical nuke. Narnia was pissed but he built a LEGO shield around him with his thug skills. It lasted until Inuyasha blew it away with his sword and Miroku sucked up all the thug Lego with his wind tunnel.

Narnia tried to call in his own gang of mafia animatronics and gangsta Care Bears but the EMP from the nuke fried his iPhone 6. Narnia wasn't done yet and he still managed to beat the shit out of Miroku and shoot down T1M's helicarrier with his Vanilla Coke gun. For a while it looked like Narnia would win until Inuyasha kicked Narnia into a salad bar. As we all know Narnia's weakness is health food because health food sucks and tastes like ass. Then T1M slapped some adamantium handcuffs on Narnia and sent him to TNP Prison. The corrupt playa-hating judge sentenced Narnia to a forum ban of precisely sixty (60) days. Suspension from the Regional Assembly and all official regional participation (including, but not limited to, the NPA, RA, Ambassadorships, and so forth) for precisely ninety (90) days and a ban from holding any elected or appointed office (defined as any office requiring the posting of an Oath) for a period of precisely one hundred eighty (180) days.
I think the general rule here is not to feed the troll, Syrixia.