ARCHIVED: The Crilalian Crisis


The Privy Council Chamber
Government House, Rethel, Plembobria
Spetember 25th, 2014 1:30 AM

The King took his seat at the head of the table. The meeting officially began. "The councilors may be seated." The members took their seats. "I really hate the way they do exactly as I say" The King thought, "It makes me feel stupid." The delegate for Pyrandia, Jack McConnell rose. "If it pleases your majesty, I would like to draw the attention of this Council to the state of the government of Crilalia.

"You have my recognition."

"It is not news that Crilalia is rich in natural resources, most notably oil. I fear that the current government of Crilalia is colluding with foreign enterprises for its own gain, not for the good of the economy."

"Just what is the delegate for Pyrandia implying?" interrupted the Minister for Commerce.

"Allow me to explain," Mr. McConnell responded, "There are 4 active oil fields in Crilalia, and eight inactive ones. Two of the ones currently active are controlled by Luxxar, a company owned by a Malvadian parent. The other two are controlled by two separate Plembobrian corporations. The Crilalian House of Assembly is presently considering who should gain control over the additional undeveloped fields." The delegate gestured towards a large map showing the locations of the oil fields in the province. "This field," he said as he pointed to one of the spots on the map, "near Cape Herman, was given to Luxxar, after Uniworks Limited submitted several bids to the Crilalian authorities to gain control of it. This one," he pointed to a different spot, "not far from Witchlyn, is now expected to be turned over to Luxxar as well. Luxxar has spent nearly 90 million plemps on lobbying provincial officials. I believe this Council should should summon President Abdul Karimi to testify before us, and inform us as to why his government continues to show partiality towards foreign corporations, and ignores the welfare of his own country."

"I second this, Your Majesty." said the delegate from East Plinkenshire.

"Very well," the King concurred, "this Council may draw up a summons for my approval. This meeting is adjourned."
The Offices of the Crilalian President
Dickinson, Crilalia
January 25, 2014 8:45 AM

President Karimi stood over his desk, staring down at a report his aide had handed him. There was a knock at the large wooden doors in the front of the room. "Come in!" he shouted.

The President's aide walked in followed by two men in suits. "Mr. President, these men say they have a meeting with you, but they aren't on your schedule."

"It's fine Andrew. Leave us."

"Yes Mr. President."

The aide quickly left and the two men proceeded to the two chairs in front of the desk. The President ushered them to sit and greeted them. "Hello gentlemen. I do apologize for my aide. I try to keep him out of the loop when I can."

One of the gentlemen spoke, "Understandable. The fewer people the better."

"Yes, now gentlemen I am waiting on one more person," a small light lit up and beeped softly on his desk, "Ah there he is now." A door opened up from behind a bookshelf. A man stepped out from behind it. "Gentlemen let me introduce our chief whip of the Assembly, Francis Drensul. Now let us discuss the matters at hand."

"One of the gentlemen spoke up, "Yes Mr. President. To get straight to the point, Luxxar is willing to offer a hefty sum to every member of the Assembly if we could just be given control of the Witchlyn oil field. We are also willing to donate a hefty sum to the Crilalian government for control over the remaining fields."

"Now, now sir it isn't that simple. You are already guaranteed the Witchlyn field. But it could raise suspicion if we give you control over the rest. Poor Uniworks will never see a drop of oil at this rate."

"Uniworks is a weak company. They could never compete with Luxxar, even with all the remaining fields."

"Then why does Luxxar seem so desperate to control the other fields?"

"Oh please Mr. President. You're a politician, you know the game. It's all about money and power."

"Yes well...I think a deal can be worked out. We can give you four of the six remaining fields. We can shut out Uniworks by giving the remaining two to some other independent companies. It won't come cheap of course."

"Name your price Mr. President."

"Two million for every corruptible member of the Assembly. Five million for Mr. Drensul. And ten million for me. I also want a stake in Luxxar."

"You can't be serious Mr. President."

"I am very serious. The stake must be at least fifteen percent."

The gentlemen looked to each other. "Very well Mr. President. We will speak with our superiors." The gentlemen rose from their seats, bowed, and exited the room.

Mr. Drensul walked over to the desk. "So why am I here Mr. President? You didn't need me for that meeting."

"I received a report from the capital. One of our agents returned from Rethel."

"Is something wrong sir?"

"There was a late night session of the Privy Council. Our man in the Pyrandian Affairs office says that their delegate, Jack McConnell was bringing up something important. I fear he may have suspicions about Luxxar."

"Impossible. How could he possibly know?"

"I have no idea. But I think we need to prepare for the worst."
Committee on Industry and Economic Affairs
Capitol Complex
Dickinson, Crilalia
September 25, 2014 10:00 AM

The Chairman struck is gavel. "Good morning honorable members. Our first order of business is the matter of the Witchlyn oil field. I call the honorable Jerry Coombs."

Mr. Coombs rose and began, "Thank you Mr. Chairman. I'd like to call this committee's attention to the apparent partiality shown by the Majority towards Luxxar. Now it's no big secret that Luxxar is owned by foreign business magnates, mostly in Malvad, but also in Bustos and other countries. This committee has received three different requests from Uniworks to take control of the Witchlyn field. Luxxar submitted one application. One application. However, several senior members of the Majority have already signaled their support for Luxxar. Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask the Majority why they support a foreign corporation who does not hire locally, has little regard for national environmental regulations, and does not benefit this province's -- or this country's people or economy? Why not a company which does do these things? The members of this Committee, and the members of this Assembly were elected to represent the people of this province, not some corporate conglomerate held by foreigners. I yield, Mr. Chairman." And with that Jerry Coombs took his seat.

The Chairman sighed. "I now call any members of the Majority to address the statement made by Mr. Coombs."

(OOC: Bustos or Bootsie, this is your cue. Also note that national environmental regulations are not relevant in Crilalia.)
A senior member of the Assembly, Maggie Fields, stood to her feet. "Last time I checked, this Assembly may decide its actions, not the people. The citizens of Plembobria are not as educated on foreign affairs, imports and exports, and the like. I, however, have served many years in this Assembly and spent a multitude of years studying the industries. If the people think for one second that their concerns reign over mine, they are completely false! I am their representative, but I am not their voice! If someone thinks they can move me like a puppet, then they are proving their treason! Therefore, I will not move my vote against Luxxar."

(OOC: I hope women can be members of the Assembly)
The Majority burst forth into laughter at the comments of Ms. Fields. The Minority broke out in cries of "Shame! Shame!"

"The cacophony will stop!" the Chairman announced, "On the motion to approve the request of Luxxar corporation for control of the Witchlyn field: All in favor please say 'aye.' All against: say 'nay'."

The members shouted their votes. "The ayes have it. The motion is passed. It will be presented to the whole Assembly for its approval at the next meeting." Mr. Coombs rose, "Mr. Chairman I'd like to move for a vote on the Uniworks proposal."

"In accordance with the committee rules, your motion is denied."

"I request unanimous consent to suspend the rules and..."

"Object!" several members of the Majority yelled. "This meeting is adjourned." announced the Chairman.

(OOC: Bootsie, you can write a post about your character in her office, interacting with lobbyists and such. It'll give you a bit of an opportunity to expand on your character's personality. Everyone else, I'll do a post tomorrow about the happenings in Rethel.)
Rethel Palace
Rethel, Plembobria
September 25th, 2014 11:30 AM

The King sat at his desk, head in his hands. He was tired, confused, and worried. "What would my mother do?" he thought. His mother, Queen Nara, had always seemed to keep the Crilalians in check. They did as she said, even if they didn't want to, but she never had to threaten them. Maybe it was her feminine charm. Maybe she was naturally charismatic. Perhaps it was her incredible popularity.

Tozian had only been the king for three years. He still felt like he had been crowned yesterday; constantly ill-equipped for the vagaries of ruling a nation.

The young king stood up, and stared out the window. The vast, well organized city-scape stretched out before him. Rethel was a large and beautiful city. Each monarch had left their mark on it in some way. "What will I be known for? he thought to himself. He daydreaming was interrupted.

"Pardon me, your majesty." said his secretary, standing at the doorway, which was opposite the window. "Yes Julie?" he replied, his back still turned.

"The Privy Council has prepared document this for your approval."

The king turned. Julie did a quick curtsy.

"Leave it on my desk please."

The secretary placed the document on the King's desk, and left silently. Tozian returned to his chair and perused the document:

Executive House
159548 Uppey St.
Dickinson, Crilalia Z6YG4


From the office of His Majesty The King
President Karimi,

You are hereby summoned to appear before the King and the Privy Council tomorrow to report on various affairs your administration over the Province of Crilalia. The King in Council specifically desires information regarding rumors of partiality shown towards foreign companies with regards to the distribution of control over oil fields. His Majesty and his honorable Council are most certain that these rumors are nothing but hearsay, and earnestly await your appearance, so you may set their minds at ease.

Awaiting your acceptance,

Tozian I, King of Plembobria

(Signatures of the members of the Privy Council)

"Nothing but hearsay?" he thought. The Crilalian government was always up to something. His grandfather, King Phillip II called Crilalia's autonomy "a direct invitation to subversion and corruption." He had had his own poor dealings with Crilalia.

The king signed the summons, placed it in an envelope, sealed it, and marched out of his office. He found his secretary in the corridor.

"Julie I need you to make sure this gets to the Crilalian President's office as soon as possible. It needs to be there today." he stressed.

"I will personally see to it, your majesty." Julie took the envelope, bowed slightly and briskly left the palace.

(OOC: Malvad, the summons should arrive at the President's office by late-afternoon. Pleas check the OOC thread.)
The Offices of the Crilalian President
Dickinson, Crilalia
January 25, 2014 5:30 PM

President Karimi leaned on the window ledge, looking upon the city. He was quite pleased. Luxxar had been given the Witchlyn oil field during a committee meeting earlier in the day. The motion would be presented to the Assembly tomorrow with full consent from the majority. The opposition posed little, if any, threat to the President's plans.

Suddenly an aide came rushing in. "Mr. President! Mr. President!"

"What is the matter Andrew?"

The aide approached the President, panting. "It''s a summons from the King. King Tozian wishes to see you!"

"What? Let me see that!" Andrew handed him the letter. Karimi turned pale. "Andrew, leave the room now. And summon Mr. Drensul."

"Um...yes sir." Andrew quickly exited the room and summoned the chief whip.

Twenty minutes later Francis Drensul entered the offices. He approached the aide's desk. "I'm here Andrew. What do you need?"

"The President is waiting inside. He'll explain."

Drensul nodded and opened the doors to the office. The President was sitting at his desk rubbing his forehead. He was still pale and had a terrified look on his face.

Karimi looked up and saw Drensul. "Francis, thank god! Shut the door, quickly!"

Drensul shut the door and proceeded to the President's desk. "Abdul I have never seen you like this. What is going on?"

"The...the King...King Tozian has summoned me." He handed Drensul the latter. "He wants information regarding our preference for foreign companies. There are rumors spreading about this. It must have been what the Pyrandian rep brought up during the meeting of the Privy Council."

Drensul looked over the letter and returned it to the President. "This proves nothing. There is absolutely no evidence."

"But they have found out somehow! Something must have got out."

"It's fine Abdul. Besides, nothing says you have to accept the summons."

"What do you mean nothing says I have to accept!?! Are you insane Francis? Refusing a summons by the King would show our guilt and cause a crisis between the King and Crilalia."

"Or it could show Crilalia standing up for its autonomy. We could spin it off as a threat to our self-governance."

Karimi pondered the thought. "No. I can't ignore this. Accepting the summons will show strength and that we aren't afraid. In the meantime I am charging you with making a backup plan if I fail to convince them that we are innocent. Andrew get in here!"

The President reached into his desk and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen. ANdrew came rushing in. "Yes Mr. President?"

"We have to have a witness for this. In accordance with my authority as President of the Assembly of Crilalia, I appoint Francis Drensul, Chief Whip of the Majority, as Vice President and, when necessary, as Acting President. Signed Abdul Karimi, January 25, 2014. It's about time I got around to appointing someone after that incident with John. Now Francis if something happens to me you have to make sure everything continues to run smoothly." Karimi turned to Andrew. "Inform the King I shall arrive in Rethel by midday tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

Francis bowed to the President. "Good luck Mr. President.
Office of the Delegate for Pyrandia
Rethel, Plembobria
September 25th, 2014 6:00 PM

Jack McConnell stood in his office, he was with Jordan Thames, the delegate for Halbonia, and George Pierce, the Attorney General.

"Do you honestly think, Jack, that the Crilalia is 'in bed' with foreign corporations?" Jordan asked incredulously.

"I have no doubt of it. The Industrial Committee approved the Luxxar application for the Whitchlyn field. The one I mentioned this morning."

"But does that necessarily evince corruption?"

"Jordan, the only reason why the Crilalian government even has the right to distribute the fields is to ensure that the right companies gain control -- Companies that would benefit the local economy.

Crilalia has oil. Copious amounts of it. In the right hands these fields could triple Crilalia's GDP, and increase the national GDP substantially. Instead they give the fields to a company that will take the profits home and won't leave a single ducat* here. There is no conceivable reason why they would do this unless they, exclusively, stand to profit. This isn't your run-of-the-mill 'crony capitalism.' This is more serious. No one benefits except for a handful of fat-cats in Malvadiana or Modino Maro, and their obsequious pawns in the Assembly.

If the President cannot explain his and the House of Assembly's actions, I intend to recommend that His Majesty take drastic measures."

Pierce spoke up, "Are you implying dissolution? That would be inconceivable! We would have a national crisis. What if they mobilize the Crilalian Guard? Not to mention the legal ramifications. What about the Act of Settlement?"

"The Act is a royal Edict -- one Edict can override another."

"But it's the closest thing we have to a constitution. We can't simply set fire to it!"

Jordan pursed her lips. "I still haven't seen any proof of corruption, and I don't intend to sit and conspire to dissolve a sovereign government on a rumor." and with that, she marched out of the office.

The Pyrandian delegate spoke, this time quietly, "I don't blindly follow old laws as if they are immortal, George. Crilalia has no right to abuse its power, and if it does, it must be confiscated. King Egbert established Crilalia under the leadership of a trusted friend -- a friend closer than a brother. Since then the Province has drifted farther and farther away from the Crown. I intend to do what I must to preserve national unity."

* A ducat is a tenth of a plemp.
Palace of the Signoria
Republic of Floresque
January 25, 2014

The nineteen members of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic strode into their meeting chamber. Lunch service had just ended at the Palace cafeteria, and with full bellies and coffees in hand, Floresque's best and brightest felt ready to tackle the daily Foreign Briefing. Led by Maria de' Avelocci, the Foreign Minister and most senior member of the Signoria, the briefing was always bright, off-the-cuff, and interesting. However, the Signoria's inability to do anything that might jeopardize its profits at home usually led to the Signoria striding back out of the meeting chamber afterwards having made no decisions at all.

A legislature as small as Floresque's didn't need much space, but the Signoria felt obliged to give themselves some anyway. The room was arranged in a half-circle. On the floor, against the only straight wall, was a simple chair for the Gonfaloniere and a podium for whichever member of the Signoria was currently speaking. Arranged facing the podium were three tiers, each with six desks. They were arranged by seniority - with Maria de' Avelocci, her brother Piero, and their cousin Ferdinando sitting at the bottom right.

Maria, having left lunch service early, was already standing at the podium with a slideshow presentation ready to begin on the projector behind her. Many members of the legislature lit up cigarettes or cigars as soon as they entered, as if to signal that politics were ready to begin. Alessandro de' Avelocci, the Gonfaloniere, sat in his chair facing the gathered members. As the Signoria settled in their seats, Maria turned to Alessandro. He nodded and she began.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Signoria, thank you for allowing me to give this briefing."

Murmured you're welcomes came from the audience. Maria clicked the remote and the a slide displaying an oil field in Crilalia.

"This is Witchlyn oil field in Crilalia, an autonomous region of Plembobria." Maria paused for nods from the legislature. "Luxxar, a Malvadian interest, stands to gain this field and as many as seven others when the Crilalian government opens them to development. There has been some serious concern on the part of the Plembobrian monarchy about this - they worry that an already autonomous part of their nation may fall under the sway of foreign interests. Details are available in the packets on your desks;"

Maria paused as papers were flipped and reflipped.

"How many Luxxar barrels flow through our harbor every year?" asked Benvenuto Fabbro, a legislator on the second tier.

"About five million barrels;" Maria said. "Those are 2011 figures. 38 million barrels total went through our harbor that year."

"That's a lot of barrels," Benvenuto said.

"We don't have newer data, but sources say Luxxar has been avoiding Floresque in favor of ports with more infrastructure."

There was silence for a moment in the chamber, then more rustling paper.

"Plembobrian companies continue to use Floresque as a port." Maria said. "Seven million barrels in 2011, and sources say that has been increasing."

More silence.

"It is the opinion of the Foreign Department that Plembobria stands to gain the most from these oil fields, so long as Crilalia allows their companies access to them."

"Do you think they would continue to push that oil through our harbor if they gained access to these fields?" asked Francesco de' Avelocci, on the first tier.

"With some investment in our infrastructure, and support for their cause, I think that could likely be negotiated."

Maria looked at Alessandro.

"I will be instructing the Foreign Department to reach out to the appropriate channels in the Plembobrian government," he told the audience. "With the consent of the Signoria."

The Signoria didn't say much. Francesco coughed.

"The next order of business," Maria said, clicking the remote again, "Is the reported availability of Nasanian radio signals in Floresque."

"I will die before I see those Nasanians spread their democratic propaganda in our city!" said Francesco, jumping to his feet. Silence, Maria thought, can be a beautiful thing.
(OOC: My apologies, the month in which this is happening is September not January. I have edited all my posts accordingly.)

Entrance to Government House
Rethel, Plembobria
September 26th, 2014 11:00 AM

The president's motorcade arrived in front of Government house. The king stood outside the entrance of the building. The president got out of his limousine and stood directly in front of King Tozian. They bowed to eachother, and continued together into the building. This was an age-old custom. They were followed by reporters clamoring to question the two leaders. Many asked, "Is Crilalia being charged with corruption?" This made the king feel uneasy. He put this concern out of his mind. Every time the Crilalian president was summoned, there was some kind of tension. The meeting always helped to ameliorate it. Security guards held back the flood of reporters.

In the Privy Council chamber, Jack McConnell sat. His hands trembled. He wiped his brow with a handkerchief. Everyone was quiet. The ticking of the analog clock in the chamber seemed to tick ever louder. He subconsciously tapped his finger on the table along with it. Across from him sat the Attorney General. Two seats to his right sat the Delegate for Halbonia. She appeared alert yet pensive. The king and the president entered. The council rose.

The king took his seat at the end of the table, the president at the other. The council sat. The king addressed the president, "Welcome President Abdul. As you read in my summons, members of the my Privy Council desire information regarding the distribution of oil fields in Crilalia." He gazed at some papers in front of him. "First to question the president, the honorable Jack McConnell, delegate for Pyrandia." Jack rose.

"I thank your majesty. First I'd like to welcome you, Mr. President, to Rethel. I trust you'll enjoy your stay here.

First off: This council is aware of the Industry Committee's decision to grant control of the Witchlyn oil field to Luxxar corporation. I'd say that we are concerned about this. I don't think that you aren't aware of the fact that the company is owned by foreign conglomerates in Malvad.

Now there is little corporate interest represented on this council, however as members of the national government we are duly dedicated to ensuring that domestic businesses and laborers retain the most profit from enterprises operating within our borders.

Mr. President, ninety-million plemps have been payed to Assembly members by Luxxar over the past year in order to ensure their stranglehold on the market. This council wants to know what is going on. We want to know why the local government of the Province of Crilalia is refusing to allow domestic companies to control its oil. Don't you think, Mr. President, that the people have the right to pay for gas that comes from their own homeland? Gas that isn't imported at exorbitant prices from nations halfway across the North Pacific?" McConnell sat. His heart was beating faster. He had gotten rather worked up.

"I think the president would now like to address what the delegate for Pyrandia has said." said the king.