ARCHIVED: The War Conference


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation


Esteemed National Governments of the Nations of the North Pacific:

We would like to see an international initiative working to try Jok'mey and Nisrelle-vache dos Kahn of Cronaal for their crimes against humanity, war crimes, illegal acts, and corruption. Syrixia condemns the Kahn brothers as they have both committed atrocities via biological experimentation-genocide in Anchor and excessive brutality/illegal weapons use respectively. The Jok'mey administration, while nice foreign affairs-wise at first, quickly became more concerning as the Cronaali Rebels revealed biological experimentation had taken place in the city of Anchor, and that a genetically engineered race of "demons" known as the Yarrmaer committed genocide in the city to the point where it was blocked from outside entrance. The Nisrelle-vache administration has not gotten any better for Cronaal. As Ivan Nelson of Plembobria commented, they have destroyed their own nation. They have no right to administer "justice" when the blood of the innocent is on their hands. They have committed many war crimes and used illegal weapons. From our point of view, the Eknorve Civil War is OVER. It is time for the corrupt Kahn brothers to be brought before a judiciary and receive consequences for their DESPICABLE actions. As for Cronaal, I recommend we look into it getting a new, democratic government, and we monitor it to be sure there is no corruption this time. Cronaal is highly unstable due to previous authoritarian rule by Emperor Fuyiuto, then a "tribunal" of teenagers, and finally the corrupt Kahn brothers. The time for justice in Cronaal has come!

Please, leave your thoughts on the matter and my suggestion of a trial, conducted by an international tribunal, for the Kahn brothers.
This conference is open to all nations.

Alfred Nursson, Prime Minister, Syrixia
(Syrixia, last I heard and last he has said, Cronaal said NO to anymore escilations in this civil war and that he wants to get over it. Did you even consult him? You can not unilaterally decide these thing, RP is about give and take collaberation, if one sides says absolutely not to something even starting, then it doesn't happen.)
(OOC: I was under the impression that I was acting in the interest of a bunch of people since I saw a lot of them saying they wanted a trial before an international tribunal. However, if Cronaal wants to get over it, I suggest we forget all this postwar stuff and perhaps ask Cronaal to get a new leader. Ya know, start fresh, no crimes against humanity. That said, I think we should arrange a private conversation with him pertaining to this; so we can see what he wants to do.)
(OOC: Do I have to relay every single plan I have for my roleplays. Of course there'll be a new leader. There's going to be an assassination.)
(OOC: Then try to get it done soon. The way I see it, the international community isn't impressed with the whole rebel-run government thing. Just try to balance the wishes of the other nations and your own wishes. Perhaps, have Nisrelle-vache assassinated and then Jok'mey tried? You said you want to get over the civil war, so why don't we do so?)
(OOC: Update. What're we going to do about Coldera? They don't seem to agree with us.)
(OOC: What you are going to do about Coldera should be considered only from an IC perspective. You're quickly becoming the poster child for GodModding. Doing so reduces the fun and excitement for all. Just my 2 cents.)
(OOC: Then try to get it done soon. The way I see it, the international community isn't impressed with the whole rebel-run government thing. Just try to balance the wishes of the other nations and your own wishes. Perhaps, have Nisrelle-vache assassinated and then Jok'mey tried? You said you want to get over the civil war, so why don't we do so?)
(OOC: Why? The real world has dictatorships, and it's extremely unlikely for a perfect democracy to rise from the ashes of a failed state. The international community isn't happy about North Korea, but they exist nonetheless. It's entirely fitting and proper that Cronaal stay as a dictatorship, and it gives our IC governments something to whine about.)
(OOC: That's...actually a good point. I like that analogy. Besides, it'll stop Coldera from whining about this whole thing. Now then, back to Uthvaq Shanar planning!)
(Wolfsea would gladly take either of them off your hands depending on who survives, we have a very special detention centre and we could make good use of having these individuals within our custody.)