PASSED: Guslantis becomes the first Chairman of NPTO


Minister of Culture
TNP Nation

As proposed by Bootsie and debated HERE.

Debate should be conducted in that thread. This thread is for voting only.

You may vote in this thread by posting "aye" "nay" or "abstain" in black, normal sized text with only the capitalization of the first letter, or the use of a period/full stop next to the vote allowed. All other votes on this thread will not be counted towards voting for any of the three options, or be counted for quorum purposes. Votes cast by any other means than a post in this thread will not be counted. A simple majority is needed to pass.

The vote will remain open for 5 days, until (time=1424219400) in your time zone (NOTE: if you are in an area affected by daylight savings time, you may need to check a box in your forum settings to see the correct time here).

The motion put:

With the organization in its planning phase and its laws still being decided, NPTO should allow its acting chairperson from the nation of Guslantis to serve one full term (four months) as Chairman, giving the organization time to get a foothold and become organized. After four months, both offices will be voted on again. This proposal does not apply to the deputy chairman, who will be voted on in the first election.

The voting for this proposal has closed and here are the results:

AYE: 6
NAY: 0

All members voted on the proposal and it has achieved majority support, therefore, the proposal passes, and Leah Charles of Guslantis hereby is sworn in as NPTO's first Chairman.​
The election proposal has still not been motioned to vote, I was trying to get that moving along, but it is still at a stand-still.