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Europeians Show Off Their Talent

A flurry of different talents burst onto the scene at the second annual edition of "So You Think You Can Euro?" last weekend, including works of art, music and even a Devil's Advocate Contest. This festival followed in the footsteps of last year's contest, which turned out to be a success. It could be said that this was also successful, due to the decent turnout which it received; a turnout which could be seen as 'great', considering NS is in the infamous 'summer slump'.

The talent festival contained seven contests overall: the 'Most Crazy Thing You've Done Whilst Drunk' Contest, Best Original Artwork, Best Talent, the 'Devil's Advocate' Contest, Best Music/Song, Best Avatar Contest, Best Poetry and Best Short Story. The Best Artwork Contest saw the highest turnout with 4 participants. Sadly, the festival was all over within 96 hours, which left some Europeians wondering about when the next event will be.

Well, they have the Europeian Games Club to keep them occupied on those long days when there aren't any major events going on, but it is only a matter of time before the fast-approaching spectre of SummerFest takes place, and many hope that this will help to keep the regional activity levels stable, as well as providing some rejuvenation to those already on the forums.

At the moment, though, we have the time to reflect on our most recent festival and anticipate the arrival of SummerFest.

The Arcade Comes to Europeia

Europeians have found yet another engaging aspect of the forums, devised by the Ministry of Culture - the Arcade. A collection of various games and challenges, users are able to play solo-style and compete for highest score or in head-to-head competition. The games have been bringing in a lot of new life to the forums in a time that is typically very dead for much of the world. You can visit the Europeian forums to try your hand at the Arcade here.

As always, you can find us located here for your cultural enjoyment!