Funkadelia for Court Justice

Hello, my North Pacific brethren. I'd like to ask ask for your vote during the upcoming judicial election. To start, I have previously served as a Court Justice, serving during the fall of 2012. During my tenure, the Court was very efficient, stable, and quick but fair in its decisions. It was a pleasure to serve during that time. If I am again elected as a Justice, I will carefully examine the law and lay down judgments and rulings based on the exact way that the law is written (or lack of writing, for that matter). I will run (or help run) the court in a fair, orderly, and civil manner. I hope that you will please lend me your votes during this election. If you have any questions I would be very pleased to answer them.
I like the ones I thought up for Malashaan, so I think I'll ask everyone. :P

1) Where do you stand on judicial abstention from all RA votes? What about abstention from discussions?

2) Do you feel that the sections in the Constibillocode that deal with the court, trials, rights, and so on need revision? Do you feel it would be appropriate or inappropriate for the RA and the court to work together on amendments or reforms?
I feel that Judicial abstention from RA votes is not really needed, as I could not see how it could compromise a Justice's neutrality on a legal issue. The Justice would not be legislating from the bench, but legislating where they should be. If you have a counter point to that I welcome it. As for discussions, I believe that the court should abstain from those, except that it's likely that the opinion that they would post on the discussion is not far removed from their input on a decision.

I do feel that the Constibillocode (I like how the name caught on, by the way) do need revision. I would feel that it is very appropriate for the Regional Assembly to work with the minds of past and current Court members to get some court revisions through. They need to be done sometime, and I do not see a problem with sitting Court Justices providing their opinions on changes that could be made.
I just changed my mind on my opinion of Judicial abstentions. I believe they should be done because it is entirely possible that somewhere down the road a conflict of interest could occur, and it is easier for everyone to prevent these conflicts from appearing wherever possible.
I changed my mind because I pondered the question in a different point of view than I had when I originally answered it. I realized that it could effect the percieved neutrality of a judgment made by a Justice.