Executive Council Results


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
On behalf of Delegate McMasterdonia I can inform you that Eluvatar, Tim, Kiwi, Kingborough, and Romanoffia are elected to the five elected seats of the Executive Council, and may take their oaths of office*.

Round [c] Eluvatar [c]Tim[c]Kiwi[c] Kingborough [c] Romanoffia [c] Mahaj [c] New Kervoskia [c]Pasargad[c] Todd McCloud [c] Gladio [c] Iro [c] Govindia [c] Aurora Di Laurentis [c] Scandigrad [c] Almaniania [c] Tyler [c]Biyah[c] Chasmanthe [c]?[c]1[c] 10.25 [c] 8.00 [c]1.00[c]4.25[c]3.00[c]3.25[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.25[c]2.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]0.00[c]0.00[c]0.00[c]45[c]2[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]1.66[c]4.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]0.00[c]0.00[c] 0.00 [c]45[c]3[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]1.66[c]4.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]0.00[c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]4[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]1.66[c]4.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]5[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]1.66[c]4.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c]1.00[c]1.00[c]1.00[c] 1.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]6[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]1.66[c]5.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c]1.00[c]1.00[c] 1.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]7[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]2.66[c]5.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c]1.00[c] 1.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]8[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]3.66[c]5.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c]1.22[c] 1.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]9[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]4.66[c]5.71[c]3.66[c]3.27[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c]2.00[c] 1.22 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]10[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]5.66[c]5.71[c]3.66[c]3.49[c]3.00[c]3.00[c]2.49[c] 2.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]11[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]7.66[c]5.71[c]3.66[c]3.49[c]3.00[c]3.00[c] 2.49 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]12[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 9.66 [c]5.84[c]3.66[c]3.84[c]3.00[c]3.00[c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]13[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]6.57[c]4.00[c]3.92[c]3.34[c] 3.17 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]14[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]7.61[c]6.04[c]3.96[c] 3.39 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]15[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 9.79 [c]7.06[c]4.15[c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]16[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c]7.63[c] 5.37 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45[c]17[c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 8.00 [c] 13.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c] 0.00 [c]45

The above was counted here using the published votes. Tie resolution was by nomination order, but this only affected the order of elimination of the many candidates with 1 or 0 votes in the first round.

The quota of votes in this elections happened to be 8 – this is calculated using the Droop quota, which is the total number of votes, divided by the number of seats + 1, with 1 added at the end (45 votes, 5 seats – 45/6 + 1 = 8.5 – rounded down).

At round 1, Eluvatar and Tim won seats, as the count of votes with them as the first choice was above the set quota for each of them. Their votes above quota were redistributed, in proportion to the second choices of all that voted for them as their first choice.

At round 2, nobody "new" was above the quota, so one of the persons with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. As there are 3 candidates with 0 votes, the person among them who entered the race last is eliminated (Chasmanthe ((time=1353312744))).

At round 3, nobody had risen more votes than the quota, so one of the persons with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. As there are 2 candidates with 0 votes, the person among them who entered the reace last is eliminated (Biyah ((time=1353291184))).

At round 4, still, nobody "new" had surpassed the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (Tyler ((time=1353290994))).

At round 5, yet again, no one had more votes than the quota besides those already seated, so one of the persons with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. As there are 4 candidates with 1 vote, the person among them who entered the race last is eliminated (Almaniania ((time=1353430084))).

At round 6, even yet again, the quota was not overcome by anyone "new", so one of the persons with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. As there are 3 candidates with 1 vote, the person among them who entered the race last is eliminated (Scandigrad ((time=1353375058))).

At round 7, even still, not a one of the undecided candidates was over quota, so one of the persons with the lowest number of votes is eliminated. As there are 2 candidates with 1 vote, the person among them who entered the race last is eliminated (Aurora Di Laurentis ((time=1353372505))).

At round 8... nobody "new" was above the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (Govindia ((time=1353349506))).

At round 9, nobody "new" was above the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (Iro ((time=1353371329))).

At round 10, nobody "new" was above the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (Gladio ((time=1353329816))).

At round 11, nobody "new" was above the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (Todd McCloud ((time=1353306573))).

At round 12, finally, there is a person with more votes than quota (Kiwi ((time=1353299974)) and he is elected and his modest surplus transferred.

At round 13, nobody "new" was above the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (Pasargad ((time=1353339626))).

At round 14, nobody "new" was above the quota, so the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated (New Kervoskia ((time=1353291143))).

At round 15, there is again a person with more votes than quota (Kingborough ((time=1353300953)) and he is elected and his moderate surplus transferred.

Penultimately, at round 16, Romanoffia ((time=1353372180)) and Mahaj ((time=1353330991)) face off -- Mahaj has fewer votes and is eliminated.

Ultimately, at 17, Romanoffia is elected as a result.

This post based heavily on Abbey's write up for the first executive council of five election.

*I believe Kiwi needs to resign as Deputy Speaker before swearing his oath as Executive Councillor.