Time for a new IRC channel for Government use.


Garde à l'eau!
I'm thinking that it may be time for a new IRC channel for government and general use for TNP. I have my reasons which I will not discuss publicly.
Yes and no. I think that there should be an official IRC chat channel that is controlled by the legal code of TNP just to settle a lot of issues concerning 'off-site' properties.
A specific channel for government functions would be beyond the control of individuals who are not part of the government or people who are 'homed' in foreign regions who may, through their actions as OPs interfere with government communications in real time.

Specifically, what I mean is there should be a specific channel, used for official purposes or activities of or sponsored by the TNP government that is covered by and governed by TNP legal code. Such a channel should be governed by a specific code of conduct not only on the part of the participants, but also on the part of the OPs.
Apart from meetings that are convened by specific government groups Co6 for example) and are logged for posting on the forum, government business should be conducted here on the forum. We really need to have a record of any decision-making. Let's leave irc for social chat.

Edit: Whoops! My apologies, I didn't realize I had invaded Chambers. :blush:
Edit: Whoops! My apologies, I didn't realize I had invaded Chambers. :blush:

Goosey, Goosey, Gander,
Wither will thou wander,
Up the stairs, down the stairs,
Through the Council Chambers. :P :lol:

That is true. Looking at it again, any time a channel for a specific purpose can be created and disposed of at will.