Name changes

Can we have a process in which people change there name, I mean I can't keep up with it.

Jal-Durkinduinstain(I guess)

We need a proccess.
Yea, but do I have the time in my life to go through everyone name change for that, I thought you were a returning member before I looked a little closer.
Ekhem....I changed my name officially to Aurora DiLaurentis and it was confirmed by the Admin.
So I'm no longer QR..

I think I might be mentioned as "Queen Ravenna" somewhere as way to not confuse people etc.
I don't know honestly, I'm Aurora (and I was Aurora originally, year ago) :P
I'm not like saying anything against you guys, I just think thee should be a form to fill out then send the Name change, and we can check the forms.
Having a process regarding name changes is unneeded when there is a perfectly good way to find out people's past aliases.
I agree its somewhat confusing. Particularly when name changes also change genders (which you yourself did Tyler (from Carly). However there is the name history thing Tyler, that you can access if need be.
There is a link from your individual account profile to put in a name change request in a queue accessed only through the ACP.
When an admin goes into that queue, the system tells us if it is the first name change for the account, and if not, it will tell us all of the prior name changes and we can approve or not approve the request.
There is a name change history that shows up in several different ways, some used by the account holder, and some by admin/mods.
So the name history information is available, and admin can provide that information if necessary.
I would prefer however that all name change requests use the queue and not be posted as admin requests.