peanut gallery 7

When not being serious, try adding an emoticon to the post. Otherwise it is hard sometimes to convey humor.


And I'll be editing that sort of posts out of this thread and putting it into one or more peanut gallery threads.

And one last serious thing. Repeatedly going off-topic with off topic topics can be warned. I haven't done it, but it is there and you'd be better off putting such comments in a different thread to begin with. I spent most of last evening trying to prune out that stuff out of this thread, which is one reason it takes time to respond to legitimate posts.
I'm sorry, but I believe that bumping a topic you're completely ignoring is precisely on topic. Just because you wish to ignore it, however, doesn't give you the right to threaten me with your "God" powers.

What is the time line for you actually addressing my complaint or will I have to wait until you are no longer the AG, since you're clearly stalling for as long as physically possible. Or is it that doing the job that you voluntary ran for has become so difficult you can no longer keep up with its demands? If that's the case, I recommend you resign.
I must admit that I am surprised to come back from a week's holiday to find that this complaint is STILL outstanding. One might have expected that a serious complaint against the sitting delegate would have occasioned a certain sense of urgency.
and I do not think the new constitution makes any difference to the handling of cases currenly on the books, does it? So why wait?

The Flemingovian constitution would do away with situations like this, obviously.
So now that the AG has used his "God" powers to split all these threads so he doesn't have to answer any inconvenient questions like "Why are you stalling?" will the AG stop stalling and actually move forward with my complaint?

He claims that all this Admin work is preventing him from being an AG, but he sure as hell found the time to painstakingly split off threads from the Complaints topic and move them here.
Blue Wolf II:
I think I'm just going to put him up for a Recall, I'm done with this foolishness.
Right behind you on that.

This is nothing short of filibustering the legal process.
While I can understand and respect that you have admin and RL duties to take care of, and that puts off your AG duties, but perhaps you shouldn't be the AG if you can't handle cases in a timely manner.