AT VOTE: Repeal "Nuclear Power Safety Act" [Complete] [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#204
Proposed by: Bergnovinaia

Repeal "Nuclear Power Safety Act":
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #204: Nuclear Power Safety Act (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Uranium Mining) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly:

NOTING that General Assembly Resolution #204, "Nuclear Power Safety Act", establishes the Nuclear Energy Safety Commission (NESC) and its duties but does not require nations to comply with its recommendations;

REGRETTING that the NESC's sole mandate is to recommend that member-states implement measures already required under extant international law such as GA#60, "Nuclear Disaster Response Act" and GA#105, "Preparing for Disasters;"

NOTING that GA#60 already mandates that member nations take specific measures to deal with nuclear crises;

RECOGNIZING that GA#105 already requires member states to inspect nuclear facilities for safety reasons;

FURTHER NOTING that GA#7, "Workplace Safety Standards Act" already establishes guidelines for safe work environments, as well as protocols for individuals who have to handle hazardous materials;

FRUSTRATED by the oversights of the author of GA#204 regarding the above legislation as well as the potential dangers created by GA#204 as follows:
  • APPALLED that GA#204 allows energy corporations and national nuclear energy industries to pick and choose guidelines that suit their corporation’s or nation’s needs without regards to civilian safety;
  • WORRIED that in order to maximize energy output and profits, nuclear energy industries will cut corners, exposing workers and civilians to the many dangers of nuclear radiation;
  • TROUBLED that the mandate that member nations “follow adequate building designs" to construct nuclear power plant facilities allows nuclear energy industries to use older, more hazardous plans deemed as "adequate”;
  • ANXIOUS that nations are required to "establish procedures and arrangements to maintain safety and stability", but are not required to update these procedures on a regular basis;
  • FRIGHTENED that the same mandate does not give any real form of direction and thus gives nuclear energy industries the freedom to implement potentially inefficient and non-protective safety codes;
CONCERNED also that GA#204 defines nuclear power as "the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and do useful work", thereby excluding other forms of energy generation by nuclear processes, such as nuclear fusion, from safety regulations;

HOPING that any future resolutions related to the safety of nuclear power address these issues and properly take previous World Assembly legislation into account;

REPEALS General Assembly Resolution #204: Nuclear Power Safety Act.

Co-author: Ossitania
MoWA Mahaj's Informational Review:

The issue of nuclear power safety is an important issue, one of the core issues any real and credible international organization must deal with. In the United Nations, we have the IAEA, an organization which is (barring North Korea and Iran) respected and carries weight in making this issue moot and keeping the world safer. In the World Assembly, we have a few similar organizations. There is World Assembly resolution #60 Nuclear Disaster Response Act and World Assembly resolution # 105 Preparing for Disasters.

This repeal, of World Assembly resolution #204 Nuclear Power Safety act, makes various assertions, which fall into two categories. The first is of duplication, which is that its aim is already accomplished by other resolutions. The other, a more common argument, is of ineffectivity within the resolution and the committee it creates.

However, the Ministry of the World Assembly has found some inaccuracies in this repeal. For starters, the claim that "GA#60 already mandates that member nations take specific measures to deal with nuclear crises;" is not applicable to this resolution. GA#60 is entirely about post-accident, and GA#204 is entirely about pre-accident. Additionally, the claim that "RECOGNIZING that GA#105 already requires member states to inspect nuclear facilities for safety reasons;" is true, but in GA#105 nothing is really done with this. Based on the logic of the author, in their mind it could be grounds for a repeal of GA#105 (ineffectivity). The Ministry of the World Assembly believes the claim of duplication to be false.

We now address the second series, which covers ineffectivity. The last grouping of clauses presents a picture of a possibility of a nation skimming over safety regulations, without any consequences or sanctions or an ability for the problem to be dealt with. However, firstly, nations are obligated to "Enforce regulations placed upon nuclear facilities and attempt to pass legislation to better the safety of said nuclear facilities," "Establish proper regulations for facilities and activities dealing with the handling of radioactive materials for the purpose of generating power,". Additionally, the committee created in GA#204 is tasked with: "Receiving and evaluating outstanding safety practices for implementation for standardization as "best practices",. It is the belief of the Ministry of the World Assembly that this requires all nations to implement the standardized best practices, rendering the facilities secure.

The Ministry of the World Assembly, therefore, concludes that both the claims of duplication are false, and that the claims of ineffectivity are at their very best incredibly shaky. This repeal could wind up with a result of decreased safety for various Nuclear Power Plants. It is no guarantee that a stronger replacement could pass, and we may end up being stuck with no resolution regarding this topic on the books at all. Therefore, the Ministry of the World Assembly encourages nations in The North Pacific to both vote Against this resolution and to encourage others to vote Against as well.
4 aye (Funkadelia, mcmasterdonia, Cormac Stark, Queen Ravenna); 4 against (Tyler, Mahaj, The Archer, Scandigrad); 0 abstain

Withdrawing vote.
5 aye (Funkadelia, mcmasterdonia, Cormac Stark, Queen Ravenna, Sikarraxet); 4 against (Tyler, Mahaj, The Archer, Scandigrad); 0 abstain

Voting aye...
5 aye (Funkadelia, mcmasterdonia, Cormac Stark, Queen Ravenna, Oriole Electronics); 5 against (Tyler, Mahaj, The Archer, Scandigrad, Sikarraxet); 0 abstain

And withdrawing again...
:O I wouldn't dare troll Elu the Chief of Intelligence of the UDL, especially when he's serving as Delegate of TNP :O

Changed my mind. Against
Would the delightful Delegate please update the registered of votes so that I may see the current standings, as a concerned citizen who shares an interest in this World Assembly vote?
I'm not updating for your vote changes any more. When I see someone else vote, I will include your vote appropriately, of course.
GA Resolution at Vote: Repeal "Nuclear Power Safety Act"

7 aye (Funkadelia, mcmasterdonia, Cormac Stark, Queen Ravenna, Oriole Electronics, Sikarraxet, madjack); 4 against (Tyler, Mahaj, The Archer, Scandigrad); 0 abstain

Zemnaya Svoboda's vote for "Repeal "Nuclear Power Safety Act"" has been noted.
I'm not updating for your vote changes any more. When I see someone else vote, I will include your vote appropriately, of course.
Why ever not? Am I not a citizen and member of the RA? Am I of a lesser being? It seems entirely unfair that you'll change the register for others, but not me. Is it becuz I is black? I sit becuz I is imperialist? :o
Fellow citizens of The North Pacific who voted against, please can you double check that you didn't actually mean to vote 'for'? Having a view against the resolution 204 means you want to vote 'for' its repeal.

I abstain.