Condemn Lone Wolves United
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: Lone Wolves United | Proposed by: -Tim-Opolis
Description: The Security Council,
ACKNOWLEDGING Lone Wolves United (LWU) as one of the oldest and most notorious raider regions,
NOTING that Lone Wolves United, which frequently griefs regions despite the detested nature of the practice, is among the most prominent raider organizations in the world,
DEFINING "griefing" as the act of damaging or destroying a region and possibly re-founding it to use it as a trophy,
RECOGNIZING Lone Wolves United as having recently entered and having forcefully gained control over active regions with long-established communities such as Anarchy and Gardeshia.
NOTING that LWU successfully thwarted others' attempts to enter the regions and protect them and their citizens from harm,
FURTHER RECOGNIZING that Lone Wolves United, thanks to the espionage committed by the leader of the attack on Gardeshia which allowed this leader to gain influence in the target region, was able to overrun and destroy Gardeshia despite the fact that the region had a founder and an active community,
APPALLED by the fact that Lone Wolves United has been using such tactics for years without having been condemned by the Security Council,
NOTING that Lone Wolves United has influenced the staging of successful coups of the governments of both The East Pacific and The West Pacific,
FURTHER NOTING that Lone Wolves United is responsible for banning The Game Administrator's Realm of SalusaSecondus from its home region twice,
BELIEVING the aforementioned actions to be heinous and physically detrimental to established communities of the world, and, as such, believing that this body should acknowledge said actions accordingly,
Hereby Condemns Lone Wolves United.
Co-Authored by The Weed-Choked Lawn of A mean old man
Co-Authored by The Raving Wolverhampton Fans of Connopolis
This came to a vote on the floor of the WA General Assembly at approximately 1600 GMT, Saturday, 19 November 2011, or 11:00am EST, Saturday, 19 November 2011 and will end at approximately 1600 Wednesday, 23 November 2011, or 11:00 am EST, Wednesday, 23 November 2011.
Grosseschnauzer:TNP-resident WA members, please post your position on the resolution in this thread, or send it to me by PM here, or by TG at nationstates.net.