
Hi all, I'm Blasphemy Doom, and am anxious to get to know you all!

I could use some advice moving around, so all guidance will be welcomed :)
Welcome to the forum, Blasphemy Doom.

I you have any specific questions you'd like answered, you can either post them here and someone will surely help you out or, if you like, you can send me a Personal Message through the forum and I'll get the information you need.

Otherwise, look around, get acquainted and jump into whatever areas interest you. :yes:
hey, thanks for the welcome! :)

My doubts are about the game itself.

When I used to play I only answered questions in the game; never got in a forum about it.

So the question is, what can we do in the forums?

Thanks for offering to help :P
The forum provides both an extension to the game and a way to interact with your region mates more effectively than is possible through the Regional Message Board.

The forum is the home of the Regional Assemby, the body that elects the regional Delegate and handles all TNP legislation. It's a good place to start for anyone who wants to get involved in the region.

The forum is home of our inter-regional diplomatic efforts, the Constitution and much more. It is a living, ongoing historical record of The North Pacific.

There are also several Out Of Character (OOC) threads as well for those that just want to relax and have some guilt-free spamming fun.

I believe there is a little something here for everyone.