It is the duty of the defence to find its own evidence, not to harass witnesses to empty their pockets.No, once provided the Defense intends to present the evidence the witness submits as Defense Exhibit A. Any relation to the Prosecution’s Exhibit C is pure semantics as our Exhibit A would obviously introduce new evidence not previously seen in Prosecution’s Exhibit C.
In any case, if the witness can not properly establish that he is in fact the real Nameless, Blameless, Faceless Mystery Person then all this is a moot point.
The presiding judge has already established the identity of this witness, will the defence respect the rulings of this Court or will they continue these adolescent games?
And the rules of the Court has already deemed what has been accepted into evidence and who this witness is. The prosecution has not established this, the Court has. And we wish the defence to acknowledge this.Also, in case the Defense is mistaken but this is in fact our witness not the Prosecution's. We are allowed to question "it" how we wish within the rules of the Court.