Who's MoC these days?

I thought I should point out that as I see, there is no Minister of Communications at the moment.

If nothing else, when EM banjected himself out of the region on Friday, he lost any legal claim to being a member of the regional assembly. That of course means that the office of Minister of Communications became vacant. As far as I know, there is no deputy, as New Kervoskia resigned from the regional assembly about 10 days ago.

This will also mean that EM's seat on the Security Council is vacant, and the pending special election will fill 2 SC seats. Also, we still need a nomination or two for the University Regents, inasmuch as two of the current nominations no longer meet the requirements of being a Regional Assembly member in good standing. But your nire immediate concern should be the Minister of Communications seat.
Yeah... maybe we can convince New Kervoskia to run (even though he's resigned as deputy)? Otherwise it's hard... hard to find someone with the writing skills necessary.

We're over due an election at this point (again). I'm not that concerned about filling empty places at this point. What I'd like is to get the constitutional discussions moving and voted on as soon as we can first, I believe that should be our highest priority.

Though if you could edit the MoC office bit so it says "vacant" rather than "Minister Emperor Matthuis" that might be good. :)
I've already announced the schedule for debate and voting on the various proposals, and in m judgment we need to stick to that scedule. There are gaps in all three proposals on the table (as well as the proposal to make the Declaration of Rights a separate document) and the more we rush that now, the more chaotic things will be later.

(And I'm still waiting on Flem for a current up-to-date list of RA members.)