Official Declaration of Support

Schwarzchild, violating an oath of office given to the region to uphold and support the constitution and laws of the region, is not ethical or appropriate for a Gryphon. The honorable course for an officeholder who no longer feels they can support and uphold the Constitution and laws of The North Pacific would be to resign.

The same principle applies to Dalimbar, as his election as Delegate was under the process created in the Constitution and Legal Code, so his unwillingness to abide by his oath of office dictates the same alternative as to honorable actions.
Sometimes, having ripped a box apart to get to what is inside, you discover what was inside wasn't worth getting at, and you'd of much prefered to have the box.
Schwarzchild -

Quick lesson.

Petitoning to have someone removed from the government due to malfeasance = exercising constitutional rights.

Indicting them on a trumped up charge, knowing that no jury in the region will let them walk = abuse of power.

See what I did there?

Every day, I'm a little less proud of that Gryphon badge.
Unwarranted and unwelcome interference - again - from the MOEA of the West Pacific, anyone?

And PS, perhaps Gryphonic disputes would be best settled on the Gryphons board?
Let us please bear in mind that TNP's politics is precisely that -- TNP's politics.

And Gryphonnic honor is precisely that -- Gryphonnic. Let me remind those Gryphons involving themselves in the matter here that rancor between brethren is unseemly.