Ator People
- Introduction to Nationstates I (A01) –
Teacher: Monte Ozarka
- Sam_acw
- Vacilo
- Kuldon
- AP3 10
- Brooksadice
The Nationstates United Nations, An Introduction (A03) –
Teacher: carlottaguidicelli
- Sam_acw
- Vacilo
- Kuldon
- AP3 10
- Brooksadice
Introduction to Defending/Invading (A04) –
Teacher: Scardino
- Vacilo
- Kuldon
- AP3 10
- Monte Ozarka
- Korinna
- Brooksadice
Issues, what are they? (A06) -
Teacher: Emperor Matthuis
- Brooksadice
- Vacilo
Communication I (A07 -
Teacher: Ator People
- Brooksadice
- AP3 10
- Vacilo
Writing NSUN Resolutions I (B01) -
Teacher: Ator People
- El Castillo
TNP Constitution (B02) –
Teachers: Grosseschnauzer & Eluvatar
- Southwest Asia
- Upper Kirby
Defending I (B03) –
Teacher: Ator People & Joshua
- AP3 10
Invading I (B04) –
Teacher: Scardino
- North Harmoneia
- Ator People
Diplomacy I (B05) –
Teacher: Joshua
- Korinna
- Haor Chall
- Imperfectia
NS World History I (B08) -
Teacher: Fulhead Land
- Ator People
- Imperfectia
- Southwest Asia
- El Castillo
- Upper Kirby
- Monte Ozarka
Pacific Politics (E01) –
Teacher: Vitrionia
- Korinna
- Haor Chall
- Monte Ozarka
- Imperfectia
- El Castillo
- Upper Kirby
Forums and their Importance in NS (E07) –
Teacher: Monte Ozarka
- AP3 10
Independent Study (E09 & E10) -
Teacher: Soigacas
- Upper Kirby