Office of the Minister

Please post any questions, requests etc in this thread. I will be posting what I have acheived so far as Minister in this thread very soon.
Can I justsay, for the record, I'm reckoning that on a 1-14 Fulhead Scale for the greatness of a ministre, your probably going to score quite highly?

Need any help old amigo?
Algerianbania has expressed his interest to become my deputy.
Any objections, questions, other candidates?

I'll wait some more days, but when no-one else shows up, I'll have him have the post.
Just so everyone of you (I mean especially the ambassadors) knows, we now upgraded every consulate to an embassy, they will be from now on our principal means of communication. If any region wishes to maintain their status as a consulate, we will of course grant this status, and take it as a sign that the concerned region does not want to have...well, as deep a linkage to TNP as the other regions.
As I only start to get a small idea of what happened, I can't complain yet, because I don't know why it was done to me.

I really just came back 30 minutes ago.
Wtf.....why am I not masked as MoEA? I suppose I did miss something (no miracle, as I was a bit absent the last two weeks).
Well considering you have an account on the new forums, and are in the High Council group; surely it would be obvious even to you.
Damfn, you beat me to that one!

But seriously, the Crimson Kriminal of the Breaking Wind's forum is agonizingly dull and the people there are utter boars. Or is that bores or perhaps Boers? Oh, I forget. It's just a metaphorical point anyway.

All the real people are here.
We're whispering because "I am the keeper of the cheese, and you are the lemon merchant and they know it and that's why they are going to kill us!

(I'll give your $5 if you can tell me where that's from).

All right, I am painfully aware that our Diplomatic Corps is in a shambles. It is my fault for letting this slide during L&C's delegacy. I would like interested parties with good organizational and team-building skills to PM me. I expect to make the ministry appointment this week.
My expeirence with FA is limited as being bossed around by Naivetry (Not that I don't like it or anything :P), but I'm willing to help if needed.
I applied for an embassy almost 6 days ago and i still havnt been approved or denied