Joshua's Office


Here is my office and any messages you wish to leave please do so here. They maybe be serious, delusional, off the wall or whatever is on your mind at the time. :w00t:

I am back for the weekend. I had to cancel my backpacking trip due to a freak case of vertigo. :no: It sucks pretty bad. But, anyways so I will be active till Monday or Tuesday and will be away until June 6th or 7th. And I shall resume normal activity again then.

Also, I am trying to garner feedback and ideas on how to make the Peace Festival a sucess here in TNP. It has been a wonderful event that I have put together and hosted in my old home region The Exodus. And I would very much like to bring here to TNP. :w00t: Any and all feedback is welcome, and I also want to put together a committee to help run/manage the festival relatively soon.
Do you believe that the ideals expressed through the peace festival are compatable with Anarcho-Fascism?