

I can never think of a good way to start these. So... I'm leaving. Not coming back. :hello:

My reasons are many, but it all boils down to CyberNations. Not just because it is (IMO) a better game, but it's also helped me realize a few things about this region. Kind of a long story, and I know this will be a wall of text, so get your climbing gear on.

Over in CN, my alliance, the New Pacific Order is currently engaged in a war against the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. They're a beauracracy-choked example of democracy at it's worst. I've spent time discussing the state of their alliance with current and ex-members and also reflecting on the time I spent as a member of GATO and I realized... This region is a near-parallel, and almost exact carbon copy of that now-dead, once-great alliance. This region is a prime example of an oligarch-based democracy in a game where no one has the means to uphold any authority they may have, save one. That one is the delegate, and our Constitution has effectively neutered that position. Simply put, this game of words no longer has any appeal to me, and as such, I am leaving.

While reading other's goodbye threads, I've often thought "why leave? Why not stay and help change it and make it better?" I do not know the answers of others, but mine is simple. Our regional system is broken and it cannot be fixed. The first step that is neccessary for any significant change to occur is the complete and total abolition of the Constitution as we know it, and I know that this will not happen, especially while the author of that bloated and useless document is active in this region.

Now for the Hailstorm.

Blackshear: It warms my heart to know that you really did have that much fun in the early days. I'm glad I helped make that happen for you. NPVA for life, mate. You owe me an Oilers game.

Nastic: Will not read this (probably), but if you knew him, you kinow why I include him. If you didn't know him... You're missing out.

DragonofDarkness: The first Flemingovian adversary. Good game.

Flemingovia: :clap: You're a better man than I, and I still hate you for convincing me to try Marmite. I'll see you on AIM, I'm sure.

the twoslit experiment: You were cool, then you turned into a prick. The rise and fall of a regional hero. Thanks for Old Blue, though.

hamka: You did the right thing, and you deserved that mod spot. Hope you're doing well.

Magicality: Oh, Pam, my Pam. "Three times what thou givest or takest returns to thee." If that's true, you've got a hell of a lot.

Sydia: Shine on.

UK_Underdog: :w00t:

Virtual Boy: :lol: Clive. :lol: Way to beat up on Bear in the Big Blue House.

Rocketman: The Leisure Team sucked. That's why we annexed you.

Poe: You were cool until I found out you weren't real. You became less cool when I found out that you were destroying my friend. I'm glad you're gone. I hope you never come back.

Democratic Donkeys: My jury is in, and the verdict is that you're an OK kinda guy. Hope you don't view this too begrudgingly. And don't get your hopes up for an "I'm Back!" thread. :)

Monte Ozarka: We make sexy time, yes?

Fulhead, IP, Cathyy, Wilks, et al: I truly apologize for being so blinded by propaganda that I couldn't see the good points in your argument for what they were: genuinely good ideas that would have improved a terminal region. Special for Fulhead: HAIL!

Ivan Kalinski Stromholde Moldavi I: Truly the last hero of The North Pacific.

Francos Spain: Godspeed. I wish I'd come around sooner.

The rest of the (NS) NPO: Hail. Just... Hail.

Hersfold: You did great things for this region.

Tresville: You tried to do great things for this region. It's a shame that most of them are seekrit.

Nem: Good luck.

Grosse: tl;dr

Haor Chall: You perplex me.

Byardkuria: You're fucking brilliant. And from Kansas. Coincidence? Nay.

IndieGirl: You're OK, I guess.

Sybertronia: See above.

Blue Wolf II: I wish you'd been elected PM.

Fedele: I miss you.

Dalimbar: You're a cool cat. I like you; I like sex.

Chapstickisfun: I hate your guts. I kid.

James2Spooky: Fuck you. I hope you stay gone.

Mr. Sniffles: An enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in occaisional profanity.

Monumental Proportions: You rock. I can't really write my praise for you in mere words. Nor are there pictures that can convey your magnitude.

So I'm done. My hands hurt. I'm too much of a egotist to let my almost 7 billion population nation die, so I'm handing it over to Amber. She'll take good care fo it, I'm sure. I'll see you kids over on irc. I had a good time.

(CW)OP out.
[size=-1]m i doin it rite?[/size]
Haha, I think you're an ok kinda guy too. Hit me up on AIM if you ever want to talk. (I won't ever, because I never initiate AIM conversations any more). Good luck with CyberNations, Kumiko tried to get me into it but by that point I was too bored with computer games, especially with all the cool people I know IRL. Don't ever come back because you will lose my respect, our generation needs to learn to have some conviction! :yes:

I would say "Fuck no. You can't leave." but I know that once you put your mind to something not much can change it. No mere words can describe you well enough, it would have to be acted out in some form of interpretive dance, involving sausages and the odd cup of vinegar.

I fucking love you man. Best wishes to you, Tycho.

Hail, man, hail!

Thank you mate. For everything. :bye:

See you in CN, sir!

And how many leavers threads telling people what i've been syasing for months will it take for the rest of you?? The systems fecked!