Bizarre news from around the world

Today's bizarre news is brought to you by the BBC from Colombia:

Colombia Clowns Killed on Stage

So, uh, the circus must be a front for a mob or drug cartel. Alternatively, serial clown killers may exist in this world.

What a strange and wacky (although arguably now slightly less wacky) world we live in. :blink:
My favourite news item this week was the pictures I believe the mail printed of a pshycotic german clown attacking a 12 year old for throwing confetti
Haha, poor clowns!

Here's something that just popped up on Fark.

Scuffle over strudel ends in stabbing
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 02/20/2007 12:18:42 PM MST

Posted: 12:20 PM- A man was stabbed Monday after a fight over a pastry in West Valley City.
    Roommates at a residence near 7200 West and 2680 South began arguing over who ate someone else's toaster strudel, said police Capt. Tom McLachlan.
    One roommate left the residence and returned about 11 p.m. with three friends. The four began assaulting two roommates, McLachlan said.
    During the melee, one of the roommates under attack grabbed a knife and stabbed one of his attackers in the side, McLachlan said.
    The stabbed man was flown to University Hospital in serious condition.
    McLachlan said the roommates were all in their 20s.
    -- Nate Carlisle

Toaster strudel--serious business.

edit for crappy formatting
Haha, poor clowns!

Here's something that just popped up on Fark.

Scuffle over strudel ends in stabbing
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 02/20/2007 12:18:42 PM MST

Posted: 12:20 PM- A man was stabbed Monday after a fight over a pastry in West Valley City.
    Roommates at a residence near 7200 West and 2680 South began arguing over who ate someone else's toaster strudel, said police Capt. Tom McLachlan.
    One roommate left the residence and returned about 11 p.m. with three friends. The four began assaulting two roommates, McLachlan said.
    During the melee, one of the roommates under attack grabbed a knife and stabbed one of his attackers in the side, McLachlan said.
    The stabbed man was flown to University Hospital in serious condition.
    McLachlan said the roommates were all in their 20s.
    -- Nate Carlisle

Toaster strudel--serious business.

edit for crappy formatting
Heh. Those stupid UofU students. That NEVER happens at BYU. :eyeroll:

I know right where that is, too. That's right people, us Utahns, since we don't do drugs or drink or smoke or anything, man, we get downright territorial about our sugar.

Here's something that just popped up on FARK.


Something Awful FTW
Meh. I'm too ADD to explore SA. Besides, I use Fark primarily as a source for weird/wacky news (as well as a side of actual, societally-important news) and not so much in the humor department outside of the individual headlines. Basically, it's a glorified RSS feed to me! :D
Teens Accused of Making Ostrich Impotent

BERLIN - Three teenagers may be on the hook for a hefty fine if a court decides that their festive firecrackers outside an eastern German farm scared the libido right out of an ostrich named Gustav.

Rico Gabel, a farmer in Lohsa, northeast of Dresden, is claiming $6,450 in damages for the alleged antics of the three youths, ages 17-18, between Dec. 27 and 29, 2005.

According to his lawsuit, the farmer claims that fireworks set off by the boys made the previously lustful Gustav both apathetic and depressed, and thus unable to perform for a half-a-year with his two female breeding partners.

Before Gustav regained his sex drive in the second half of the year, the farmer estimates he lost out on 14 ostrich offspring — worth $460 apiece.

The suit is due to be heard next Monday in a regional court in nearby Bautzen, the court said Monday. The teenagers' names were not released.
I have this image I can't get out of my head. An ostrich with his head dangling around his feet, because - well, you know.

I'm not an Ostrich ExpertTM or anything, but it seems to me that if male ostrichs were that skittish, then the ostrich would have become extinct long ago.

Lion scared the ostrich by the river? Impotent.
Thunderstorm? Impotent.
Herd of some four legged creature tramples by? Impotent.

Of course, it would suck to be a female ostrich...
Woman Reports Stolen Cannabis to Police

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A middle-aged New Zealand woman rang police to report a theft of cannabis plants she had been growing at her North Island home, local media reported.

The crying woman told a constable at the police station in the city of Napier the plant theft was the fourth from her property in as many years. The 45-year-old woman, who was not named, lamented someone had again sneaked on to her property at night to steal her three carefully nurtured marijuana plants.

"I am a good person. I am sick of these low-lifes stealing my things," the woman told a police communications officer.

Senior Sergeant Mal Lochrie told local media Friday that the officer found it hard to stop smiling as the women gave details of the theft over the phone.

A community constable who visited her to take details of the theft had also warned her that her horticultural pursuits could have legal consequences, Lochrie said.

Police decided no action would be taken against the gardener, he said.
Soccer fan punishes child's foul with karate

BERLIN (Reuters) - A 42-year-old German man was so enraged by a foul during a boys' soccer match that he invaded the pitch and felled the 8-year-old culprit with a karate kick, then jumped on him, police said on Wednesday.

"It seems likely the man was related to the player who was fouled, but it's not entirely clear at this point," said a spokesman for police in the southwestern town of Hassloch.

Other spectators, mostly parents of the children playing in the indoor match, piled in behind the angry spectator to restrain him and prevent any serious injuries to the boy.

The boy suffered bruising and grazes but was otherwise unharmed, police said. It was unclear if the man would be charged over the incident, the spokesman said.
German Man Chainsaws House In Two In Divorce Split

BERLIN (Reuters Life!) - A 43-year-old German decided to settle his imminent divorce by chainsawing a family home in two and making off with his half in a forklift truck.

Police in the eastern town of Sonneberg said on Friday the trained mason measured the single-storey summer house -- which was some 8 meters (26 feet) long and 6 meters wide -- before chainsawing through the wooden roof and walls.

"The man said he was just taking his due," said a police spokesman. "But I don't think his wife was too pleased."

After finishing the job, the man picked up his half with the forklift truck and drove to his brother's house where he has since been staying.
Finnish MP Seeks Votes In Klingon

HELSINKI (Reuters) - A Finnish member of parliament is aiming for re-election by campaigning with a translation of his Web site into Klingon, used in the TV series Star Trek.

"Some have thought it is blasphemy to mix politics and Klingon," said Jyrki Kasvi, an ardent Trekkie. "Others say it is good if politicians can laugh at themselves."

He said his politics posed some translation difficulties, since Klingon does not have words for matters such as tolerance, or for many colours, including green -- the party under whose banner he is running in the national elections on March 18.

Non-warriors can also access the site,, in English, Swedish and Finnish.
A new one shamefully stolen from Fark:

Maternity staff find big, drunk, smoking baby

Drunken German Heinrich Mueller, 28, has been arrested after climbing into one of the emergency post boxes for unwanted babies.

As Mueller slid down the chute he ended up in an emergency incubator, triggering alarms among medical staff that another unwanted baby had been deposited.

But instead of a newborn they found Mueller, who had started smoking a cigarette - then fell asleep as staff worked out how to get him out of the incubator at the hospital in Dortmund, Germany.

Hundreds of babies have been deposited in the boxes, set up across Germany and Austria, since the scheme started five years ago.

It came into effect after more and more young mothers, unable to cope with their newborns and afraid of dealing with officials, had been abandoning them on the street. The baby boxes offered a no-questions-asked alternative.