America: Freedom to Fascism

Oh boy.

Good thing I have a large supply of aluminum foil.
LOL! Correct! *Roman hands joe a cigar*

Actually, anyone with the least bit of political savvy knows that the US is heading for (or actually has slid into) socialism of the worst kind.

Ironically, Mussolini was a fascist; Hitler and Stalin were socialists, economically speaking and pragmatically speaking.

Economic Function Traditional Capitalism Fascism Socialism

1. How Much to Tradition Market State/Market State/Market

2. What to Tradition Market State/Market State/Market

3. How to Produce? Tradition Market Market State/Market

4. Who Consumes? Tradition Market State/Market State/Market

5. Adaptability? None Yes Some Little

Economic Function Communism

1. How Much to State

2. What to State

3. How to Produce? State

4. Who Consumes? State

5. Adaptability? None

It's all a matter of patterns of property ownership. In Socialism (which is essentially luke-warm Communism) and Fascism, a large amount of 'social engineering' is needed to 'mold' human nature to conform to the ecomonic and governmental structure, communism and socialism being the most extreme in that aspect.

While the fascists permit private ownership of property, fascists martial all private property for the advancement of the state when needs be while socialists and communists want to re-distribute wealth for the dual purposes of social engineering and to concentrate wealth into the hands of the state.

Essentially, communism is the most extreme form of capitalism because everything and everyone are property of the state, body and soul.

Capitalism in the extreme is anarchy.

So, all things considered, the US is heading willy-nilly down the road to politically correct, bed-wetting, Kum-By-Yah singing, group-hugging, socialism/communism where fascism would look like paradise in comparison. :yes:
I don't know about that either, Roman. They said the same thing when FDR was president.

People throw words like fascism, communism, liberalism and conservatism around so much it is becoming impossible to understand what the hell they are talking about.

*grumbles off into corner while puffing on Roman's cigar*
All things considered, The US isn't heading to fascism - mainly because GW is a screaming internations socialist and the Demo-Commies are, well, socialists too. Come to think of it, the Repubicans are socialists too. :o

obviously ^ has not done any research on said situation concerning amendment 16 and as to who really Owns the Federal Reserve bank. Don't be surprised if it is a mystery.
We really need a "yawning" emoticon on these forums!!

Anyway, against my better judgement, can some give me a condensed version what this is about so I don't have to trawl through an activist website and blog and lose the few IQ points I have left?!
All things considered, The US isn't heading to fascism - mainly because GW is a screaming internations socialist and the Demo-Commies are, well, socialists too. Come to think of it, the Repubicans are socialists too. :o



Considering the Democrats are out to the right of our Conservative party, I'd hate to think where that leaves us...
All things considered, The US isn't heading to fascism - mainly because GW is a screaming internations socialist and the Demo-Commies are, well, socialists too. Come to think of it, the Repubicans are socialists too.  :o



Considering the Democrats are out to the right of our Conservative party, I'd hate to think where that leaves us...
A future caliphate from what I can tell!! ;)
All things considered, The US isn't heading to fascism - mainly because GW is a screaming internations socialist and the Demo-Commies are, well, socialists too. Come to think of it, the Repubicans are socialists too.  :o



Considering the Democrats are out to the right of our Conservative party, I'd hate to think where that leaves us...
Funny you should comment on that particular comparison. Many years ago I was asked to consult and help compose a college level textbook on Canadian History for a Canadian university. I had to evaluate the relative positions (economic and social) of the various political parties in Canada with those in the US and the UK. This was a fairly easy job, albeit somewhat subjective in determination.


The difficulty in creating a scale of reference between US, Canadian and UK political parties resulted in what could best be described as a sweeping generality in which certian aspects of accuracy had to be sacrificed. But for the most part, here is what I concluded (with a slight tweaking for recent politics):

The Canadian 'Conservative' party center is somewhat left of the center of the US Democrat Party, and the UK "Conservative" appears to be further left than the Canadian 'Conservative'. The 'Liberals' of the Canada and the UN are totally off the left edge of the planet...

"Labour", as a party, is oddly somewhat to the right of the US Republicans and US Conservatives are right on the knock in comparison to the defunct Canadian 'Reform Pary' (late 1980's) types.

Funny thing is that in the US the terms 'labor', 'liberal' and 'socialist' are somewhat derogatory and often used as unpleasant epithets, which in the US context of those terms is beink nice about it. The negative context is largely due to the aspect of US politics that tends to ignore the economic aspects in favor of the the social engineering aspects.

US 'liberals' (the political philosphy and not a political party, as it were) are responsible for all kinds of nasty evils like the 'welfare state', 'political correctness' and destructive elements like tree-hugging enviro-nazis who want to kill humans in favor of saving fuzzy little critters yet promote abortion as a sacrament of the liberal 'religion'. Commonly called 'bleeding heart liberals', this ilk has now been coined as 'commu-nazis' because they are so arrogant and their theories are so decadent that they think their theories cannot possibly be wrong - and thus human nature is in error and therefore must be 'modified' to fit the theories. They are essentially neo-Stalinists in sheeps' clothing who can think of nothing else but redistribution of wealth and class warfare with the end goal of making everyone poor (except the party bosses, that is) and to distribute misery equally, punnish the prosperous and reward the lazy bum class of society. 'Liberals' in the US coddle criminals and 'Liberals' have no concept of personal responsibility nor do they have any idea that their own actions have consequences and if negative consequences result the 'liberals' always blame someone else. US Liberals would all have us with our butts in the air, bowing to Mecca and speaking Arabic if only the terrorist will leave us alone if we do. :lol:

I'm tired of "left" vs "right". The only difference I've seen is which direction they want to screw us!

They are both for expanding the government into a bloated beast, they both are quite willing to start wars, and neither of them give a damn about the average person. We need new blood in politics. The two major parties are both hopelessly corrupt! Just my :2c: