Interview with Mental Imagination.

An Interview with Mental Imagination, our newly elected Minister of Arts and Entertainment!

Dont Pick It Up- To get things kickin', why did you run for Minister of Arts and Entertainment?

Mental Imagination -To keep the art of Entertainment alive and healthy.

DPIU- What do you plan to do to promote the Arts?

MI- To bring more people into the theater of laughs.

DPIU- What programs do you plan to do to promote Entertainment?

MI-Open a few more new threads that keep the people coming back to post in and review responses left by others or, offer free drinks on the house.

DPIU- Do you have any plans to combine Art and Entertainment more?

MI-Yes as soon as I get a bigger blender.

DPIU- Why should I keep the sentence rolling?

MI- If you don't the period takes over. Then someone else like me or MP starts up another sentence.

DPIU- Do you have a favorite forum game?

MI-Yes; do you?

DPIU- Of Course :), can you tell me how awesome of a job you will do as MoAE the most entertaining way possible?

MI- I could but it would spoil everything.

DPIU- Any last words to say to your adoring fans who voted for you?

MI-Thank you all for voting for the fool. Drinks are on DPIU.
You saw what I heard! Most definitely!