Hey, everyone!

Hey, this is General BenjaminA, or Comrade Benjamin as I am known in my home region, I was wondering if I could seek membership in this region. Is there anything special I must do to be able to seek membership in this region while I am still a member of the NSCP. My UN nation is the elected delegate of the NSCP, as I am General Secretary, its like Vice-President. I am hoping to spread my wings on NS, I have done this before however I find that sticking to more regions can take too much time. However I need a region as active as yours, the NSCP is also active however it lacks the amount of members online a day as this region.

Your comrade,
Hello, welcome to TNP. I just sent you a massive TG in response to your RMB introduction - look through that, it'll give you an idea of what there is to do here.

Let me know if you need anything!
I actually only filled up a little less than half of the space I could have used. However, for your benifit, I did not use all of it. :lol:

Also, you guys got a bar around here?
Hi! :hello: Welcome to TNP! We used to have a bar, but the owner went AFK. I think we could use a new hot spot. Meanwhile, cheers! :toast:
Welcome to The North, comrade.

Just for clarification, if you are "semi-communist", why the soviet hammer and sickel? There were few dictators who took communism to such extremes as the soviets.

And Che was a true hero of the people, though my ideals may differ from his.
Ya, I am a socialist really, and fyi, the USSR was not actually communist, it was barely even a socialist country. If you look at the definition of socialism or communism you will find that the USSR's style of government and such was not communist and just a tad socialist. However, the hammer and sycle represented the USSR, it also represents the working class in general. So most socialists and communists still use it.

And I was Yahweh, those days are over now, I have settled down...lol.

Also, I sent my application for membership for the RA, and I havn't gotten the results, is there some problem? I am going to post it this time, maybe it will go faster, lol. :lol:

Your comrade,
Oh, and FYI, Che Guevara is my hero, almost as much as Jesus, however Jesus prevails because he is God and well, I gotta give him credit for creatin me and so on.

Sorry for double posting.
Oh, and FYI, Che Guevara is my hero, almost as much as Jesus, however Jesus prevails because he is God and well, I gotta give him credit for creatin me and so on.
He isn't Marxist but, yea, I still love the irony in that. To put a guerilla warrior right beneath Jesus in your list of role models must lead to an interesting life style.

Besides, Salvatore Giuliano(avatar) was much better, in my opinion.
Salvatore had testicular fortitude.

A true people's hero. Not that Che wasn't. I personally find it disgusting that Che's being capitalistically marketed.
Well, Che fought for political communism which isn't something I agree with. Communism should be voluntary.

Salvatore fought to take money from the government and elitist capitalists and then turned around and gave it all to the poor. The only exception is weapons. He kept those.

Sal fed a lot of hungry mouths. Che put a tyrant into Cuba* and didn't accomplish much in South/Central America though his cause was just.

*In his defense, I think he was very upset with Castro after he took power.